

Have you ever met that someone who could be sassy like anything else and rude beyond imagination? Well if no, then meet Summer Hales, a young promiscuous girl who dropped out of school just for part-time jobs in order to pay her brother's hospital bills She is the perfect definition of "Rudeness ain't only for the rich" When she loves, she makes a devotion to that one next to her heart but when she hates, she's devious. She's courageous and fearless, strong and fierce, but all those qualities were a facade she put on so as not to be hurt ever again "Never fall and keep tall" was her daily adage, not untill she met him... Lucian Stuart, the most powerful man, not just a man but a bachelor in Los Angeles Cold hearted and aloof was the perfect definition for him A detester of the word called "Love" and a devil to those who betrays or messes with him Situation calls for Lucian Stuart to have a wife but that was totally impossible for someone like him who has issues for love and women But then, Fate played it's card and Summer Hales had to make a deal with Lucian Stuart, a contract to become his wife, a temporary wife. With these two soulless souls and heartless hearts, one rude and sassy and the other, Cold and aloof, would there be a kindled fire? Is love possible for the both of them? (EXTRACT ).... "You need money and I need a wife, so deal or no deal? Lucian lazily asked ignoring the woman who was glaring at him as if wishing for him to drop dead at the moment "Just know it's a contract and nothing more!! Summer boomed "It is what it is, if not so urgent, I wouldn't consider a flat woman like you" Summer almost puked blood hearing him Flat woman? did he just say I'm flat?! She subconsciously looked down at her boobs and understood "What a spoilt unscrupulous man! She mumbled and Lucian's gaze darkened as he gripped her arm tight "What did you say? He demanded, his face gloomy....

Daisy_Ava · Fantaisie
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17 Chs


Summer immediately stood up and dashed out of the restroom and with the help of someone, she left through the back door and went on her to the hospital immediately.


"Doctor are you really gonna do this? I promised to pay at the end of this month"

Summer anxiously clutched her backpack

"We're stopping this treatment, I wouldn't have but you have a lot of outstanding bills lately, don't get me wrong, we do feel pity for you and your brother but that's what it is"

Summer fought hard to contain her anger at the moment

She hated pity

"Who told you to do this? be honest with me, you had given me time to pay it off but now you're not?! How could you be so cruel? 

The doctor was shocked at the girl's rudeness, 

She would have been begging for more time instead of yelling at him for wanting to stop the treatment

"Listen young lady, I have the say on what and what not to do, so do not order me around or speak to me that way, for the sake of pity, I would give you just two days to clear everything off or else, his treatment would be on hold and you know it isn't very good for him at this stage"

Summer glared at the doctor and she felt like punching him in the face but she curbed her anger

She shouldn't get violent or else her brother would be at the receiving side of her actions

His betterment is her priority now

Finally able to calm down, she pulled her gaze from the doctor who stared at her as if gauging her reaction

With a deep breath, Summer simmered down

But one thought kept bothering her

Two days?

Just two days to pay a bill that she couldn't even afford to get in a year even if she did some menial jobs

After the agreement with the doctor, Summer left his office to go visit her brother

He was awake, currently watching the news on the television hung at the upper part of the ward

At first, he didn't notice her but when she came in sight, he pulled his eyes from the TV and looked at her with smiles

"Hey Bro"

Summer sat beside him returning the smile, trying to look bright and not dull

"What's wrong?

Jacob asked

Summer furrowed her brows in puzzlement

"What's wrong where? Nothing is wrong"

She lied, why did he think something is wrong or rather, how did he know something is wrong?

Jacob shook his head

"I'm your brother and you're my kid sister, I can read your emotions, despite trying to hide it from me, so tell me what's wrong?

Summer sighed but didn't know how to say it

If she tells him, he's going to get more moody and that wouldn't be good for him


Jacob's voice brought her out of her reverie

She shook her head with a smile on her face

"Nothing is wrong Jacob, it's just stress, I've been stressing lately but I'm fine as long as you are and will be"

Jacob smiled slightly but it didn't reach his eyes

"What's wrong Jay?

Summer asked, seeing his sour face

"It's all ironic Summer, it's supposed to be big brother protecting lil sis but with us, it's the reverse, you're the one doing the protecting while I'm stuck in this depressing ward, in this bed"

The last words were said with much difficulty

Summer held his hands, careful not to hurt his hand with strings

"Yeah sure you should be the one protecting me so hurry up and recover so you can do that, hmmm? You know, people are bullying me lately so you should come throw a punch at them just like you always do"

Jacob's eyes widened

"People are bullying you?! I'll make sure to make them pay"

Summer laughed and Jacob smiled too, 

The pair of siblings were very much inseparable and always find a way to laugh even when the whole world were against them

"I'll bring dinner this evening okay, also Lily hadn't make out time to come visit, she's wondering if you'll be mad at her"

Summer laughed seeing Jacob's face change as he made an ugly scowl at the mention of Lilian's name 

Jacob shivered at the name

His sister's best friend is a hooligan and a badass lady

Infact Jacob appreciates her no visitation cause he wasn't ready for her fights and all

"Actually tell her she doesn't need to worry about a thing, she should focus on working on her self rather than paying me a visit"

Jacob said and Summer couldn't hold in her laughter

"Does Lily even know you're scared of her presence?

Summer asked bewildered

"Who's scared of who?

Jacob scowled and Summer rolled her eyes



Michael debated on the idea of knocking on his boss's office door for the umpteenth time 

This was one of the many times he wished that he wasn't the assistant and didn't have to report directly to Lucian

After much consideration and analysis, Michael knocked on the door and opened thereafter getting permission

As usual, Lucian was seated on his black leathered office seat and his raven eyes focused on the screen of his computer

His demeanor stoic and expressionless

Lucian raised his head to settle his gaze on Michael when the man didn't say anything after entering his office for few seconds

Michael Cleared his throat uneasily

"Umm Boss, there is something you must see"

"What's that?

Lucian asked with narrowed eyes

He wondered what made his assistant so nervous

Okay Michael..... it's now or never, actually it isn't your fault or doing, so why fidget?

Michael encouraged himself and handed his cell phone over to Lucian

"Here boss, I saw this, this morning and I think it's all over the internet"

Lucian said nothing but just fixated his eyes on the screen as he read the write-ups and his face darkened in each passing second that made Michael more and more nervous


He called out, more likely to be a whisper

When Lucian didn't respond, Michael continued

"I tried looking into the initiator but it was anonymous and that made it difficult, but I'll engage the IT workers in this and we'll get the person as soon as possible"

Lucian scoffed and handed the phone over to Michael

He relaxed back on his chair and began massaging the space between his brows

What he normally does when he's tired or in deep thoughts

"No need, I know who's behind the trash already"

Lucian finally spoke

"You do?

Michael asked

"It seems my dear uncle misses his nephew and so wants to play with me"

Lucian laid out with a smirk

Michael got the meaning immediately and he narrowed his eyes

"So you mean....Mr Stuart, Craig, is responsible?

He asked his boss in shock

Lucian nodded

Michael couldn't believe that a man would initiate something of a sort to the internet regarding his own nephew

That was absurd!!!

"What are we going to do now, boss?


That wasn't the reply Michael expected

"Nothing? but....

"Anything else Michael? 

Lucian interrupted

Michael swallowed his words and shook his head

"Alright, you can leave now, I'll let you know when I need you"

"Will do boss"

Michael bowed slightly and left the office

After his assistant left, Lucian further narrowed down his eyes and he looked very dangerous at the moment, like a predator

"Craig Craig .....what a smart move"

Luther uttered, his lips had a slight lopsided smile on it

Craig and Darwin Stuart were the only sons of Oscar Stuart

Craig being the older one was far from filial but rather promiscuous and wayward

He never cared about his family nor the family's business but rather would squander the family's wealth on women

While, Darwin, the younger son and the father to Lucian, was an obedient and smart son, as long as he was around, the family's business wouldn't go down the lane

He goes with his father to business meetings and gatherings, therefore, was always at the receiving end of people's favour and blessings

When Oscar Stuart was depreciating in health and could no longer handle the hassle of business stuff and ideals, he handed the major businesses of the family, including the Stuart Corporation, to his younger son, Darwin.

The society were not against his decision but rather concurred to the choice of replacement because they knew that the corporation would be in a very safe hands with Darwin rather than Craig 

Ever since then, Craig had made his brother a long lasting enemy, blaming him for taking what rightfully belongs to him

Many years later, after the birth of Lucian, a tragedy that broke the Stuarts happened

Darwin and his son, Lucian, were involved in a ghastly car accident which claimed Darwin's life but luckily as fate may have it, Lucian survived it

The rulership was then handed over to Lucian as he was very much and even more capable of handling the Stuart Corporation than his late father.

Craig then also, made Lucian his new enemy and did everything within his power to take Lucian down and it seems this time, his plan was working.

Lucian's phone rang, and seeing the caller identity, He sighed heavily


He picked up the call

"Hey Mom, the weather is nice, isn't it?

He said immediately

"Oh God Lucian! How dare you say the weather is nice? Tell me what is so nice about this weather, I can't even believe you're sounding so nonchalant after what's going on all over the net!!

Lucian had to distance the phone from his ear, he didn't want to loose an eardrum

"Mom calm down, it's nothing at all, but I just hope you don't believe that?

Lucian asked just to be sure

Rosanna rolled her eyes

"Had it been it was before, then I would have but after what happened few nights ago, then I don't believe it ..... but everyone would believe that right now"

His mom sounded nervous and anxious, Lucian understood

Who wouldn't actually

The whole internet buzzing about him being a gay which was quite believable given the way he related with the opposite sex

His PA is a male

His Secretary, a male

Coupled with the fact that he had not been seen with a woman before, even in social gatherings, he would go with Michael

So it was quite understandable if they believed the net

Moreover, the news was capable of threatening his position as the CEO in the corporation

After all, nobody would want a gay to lead them as it would tarnish the company's name

His uncle made a smart move this time.

"Don't worry mom, I'll fix this, actually I know who's responsible for this bullshit"

Lucian said lazily

"Who? Who would do such a thing?

Rosanna asked in shock

"Your brother-in-law of course, mom, we'll talk later okay, I need to hang up now.....

"Don't you dare hang up, I called you remember, Gosh can't believe Craig would stoop so low, anyways, it's been done and I don't actually see how you'll be able to fix this problem when you don't even have a girlfriend, nobody's gonna believe you even if you take down the news...you need to find a wife not even a girlfriend, I don't know how you do it but do it ...

"Mom what are you even saying, a wife?!! come on"

Lucian's couldn't believe what he heard

A wife....


"You need to do it, do you want to risk everything? Then do it!

Rosanna yelled

"This is absurd, mom you...

Tu Tu Tu Tu Tu....

Rosanna already hung up 

Lucian made an unbelievable expression

Was his mom serious or what?

Not long after, a beep came and when Lucian checked, it was a message from his grandfather

"Lucian you're thirty five already, when are you getting a wife?! Have you seen the news lately, I just hope it isn't true because I would mar your face with my cane if it is!

Lucian laughed angrily at the message

His grandfather was even threatening him with his walking cane

Ah... Great just Great!


"Summer are you alright? I didn't see you come out again after you left for the restroom, what happened?

Mia asked Summer over the phone and Summer was still not used to being called by a celebrity to ask about her well being

Actually, shouldn't she be mad at her or something?

Infact, when Summer saw the phone ring and also the ID, she got a little nervous about being fired but didn't expect the worried voice of Mia

So there were still nice famous people in the world?

She thought

"I'm so sorry Diva, I actually had a family issue which was an emergency, I'm very sorry about that, I hope I didn't cause damage by leaving so abruptly?

Summer asked apologetically

"No dear everything's fine, we just had a photo shoot nothing else, I just hope everything's alright with your family? Do you need something?

Mia asked

"No, no thank you, it's alright now"

Summer denied

She couldn't ask Mia for help at all

Even though she appeared to be a nice lady, she was still a stranger to Summer and so she couldn't possibly ask her for help

What if she sees it the wrong way?

After the phone call, Summer logged into her weibo page and what she saw made her eyes bulge out from its sockets

Now summer understood that not everything on net about someone are actually facts.....some are lies and if you believe everything on net, then you'll have issues, really

How can they say Lucian Stuart is a gay?


Oh please, that man is a beast!!

From everything that happened that night, Summer needn't anyone to tell her that Lucian Stuart was nowhere near the 'G' of Gay.


Jacob had just finished his medication for the evening 

He was in a very good mood cause Summer promised him dinner and so he couldn't wait to eat with her

Just then, the door opened revealing a woman, his aunt precisely, Making him narrow his eyes

"My dear nephew, how are you?

"And what could my lovely Aunt be doing here in this particular time and day?

Jacob asked with sarcasm

"Ohhh to check on my nephew of course, still surprised to see you taking medications"

Elizabeth said with surprise, 

Jacob frowned

"What do you mean?

Elizabeth made a shocked expression

"You don't know? oh my dear summer must have hidden it from you, after all she didn't want to see you sad"

"Go straight to the point, what are you talking about?

Just as Elizabeth opened her mouth to talk, the door opened and Summer walked in with a bag clutched in her hand

She was smiling before she entered but her smile froze on seeing her Aunt

"What are you doing here?