

Have you ever met that someone who could be sassy like anything else and rude beyond imagination? Well if no, then meet Summer Hales, a young promiscuous girl who dropped out of school just for part-time jobs in order to pay her brother's hospital bills She is the perfect definition of "Rudeness ain't only for the rich" When she loves, she makes a devotion to that one next to her heart but when she hates, she's devious. She's courageous and fearless, strong and fierce, but all those qualities were a facade she put on so as not to be hurt ever again "Never fall and keep tall" was her daily adage, not untill she met him... Lucian Stuart, the most powerful man, not just a man but a bachelor in Los Angeles Cold hearted and aloof was the perfect definition for him A detester of the word called "Love" and a devil to those who betrays or messes with him Situation calls for Lucian Stuart to have a wife but that was totally impossible for someone like him who has issues for love and women But then, Fate played it's card and Summer Hales had to make a deal with Lucian Stuart, a contract to become his wife, a temporary wife. With these two soulless souls and heartless hearts, one rude and sassy and the other, Cold and aloof, would there be a kindled fire? Is love possible for the both of them? (EXTRACT ).... "You need money and I need a wife, so deal or no deal? Lucian lazily asked ignoring the woman who was glaring at him as if wishing for him to drop dead at the moment "Just know it's a contract and nothing more!! Summer boomed "It is what it is, if not so urgent, I wouldn't consider a flat woman like you" Summer almost puked blood hearing him Flat woman? did he just say I'm flat?! She subconsciously looked down at her boobs and understood "What a spoilt unscrupulous man! She mumbled and Lucian's gaze darkened as he gripped her arm tight "What did you say? He demanded, his face gloomy....

Daisy_Ava · Fantaisie
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17 Chs


Her thought then and there was to flee

Just when she turned around to open the door, her arm was gripped hard and sourness around

"And where do you think you're going to?

Uh uh....


Summer's breathe hitched and she slowly turned around to peek at the man

Now that she was seeing him up so close, he looked harmless yet dangerous, his eyes had a dark glint in it as if screaming horror and his brows were rumpled

She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat and glared at him

"I'm going, I don't want to pry in your privacy"

She said with all boldness 

Lucian scoffed,

Didn't want to pry, she says...


Who was the one who kissed him just now?

He glared down at her with an outrageous gaze which summer understood

"Look I had to escape from someone okay, th-those men earlier, you saw them right? They were looking for me and I had to distract them, that's why I-I kissed you"

She explained, somewhat feeling embarrassed of kissing a total stranger

"You have a quite impressive record in hotels I hope"

Lucian spoke

Summer looked up at him,

she knew what he could be thinking, after all their first meeting was in a hotel where she spilled coffee on him, and now here again, in a hotel

Before she could say something, Lucian moved away from her

"You can leave now, if you're thinking of who to seduce next, then you're out of luck, by the way, as a young girl, ain't you supposed to be in school rather than selling yourself out and sleeping with men? 

He asked pure disdain on his face

Ain't you supposed to be in school rather than selling yourself out and sleeping with men?

Those words pricked her heart and she felt suffocated

Her face changed as if it was gonna crack soon

"Never fall and keep tall"

She muttered in her heart 

She quickly picked wore her clothes 

All the while Lucian's eyes kept following her every move like a hawk watching a chick to grab

"You know, you might be the most wanted man on earth by women, of course you're Mr Stuart, but you can never be wanted by me, kissing you is the worst experience I've ever had in life and of course..... you're not the type of man I'd want to have sex with, I prefer other men"

Summer tsked and ignored the darkening gaze of the most powerful man in LA

After saying those words to her heart content, she turned around, after all she was close to the door so it's just so easy to escape, as she had started hearing warning bells 

But.....why didn't the internet indicate that Mr Stuart apart from being rich, powerful and devilishly handsome, also had superspeed?!!!

Because the next moment Stuart quickly rushed to her and harshly carried her up, throwing her on the bed while hovering over her

"What are you doing?!!! Get off me!!!

Oh God, Summer you're really done for

Your mouth had finally gotten you into main trouble

She cried within

She had just escaped from being raped a while ago and would soon be raped again?!

"Why shouting? Ain't you a whore who sleeps with men for money? Then you're doing the same now.....just enjoy it and get what you want"

Lucian smirked

Summer shook her head rapidly while struggling but she was shocked by his strength, she couldn't even shake him off

"I'm not! I'm not a whore okay!

She told him with gritted teeth

But Lucian didn't believe any word she said

who would though? A young girl boldly removing her clothes in front of a stranger and kissing him right on the mouth too

If not a whore, then what?

With these thoughts, Lucian immediately tore Summer's shirt, leaving her chest bare for him in a bra

"This is rape! I'm gonna sue you for this!

She fought but started squirming the next moment as she was becoming hot, too hot to be bearable and at that moment Lucian's bare chest against her body was tempting and cooling 

She puckered her lips and kissed his nipples biting it

Lucian felt goosebumps raid his body and his eyes darkened the more

"Finally, you've dropped the pretense, showing your real self are you?

He mocked but summer was long consumed by the lust in her as an effect of the drink at Mr Patrick's suite

She turned restless and mistakenly, her knee came in contact with his groin and Lucian lost it

He tore her pants and parted her legs, without waiting for her to adjust, he entered her immediately

Summer screamed in pain and tears came out of her eyes 

He was so big and thick and hardly fit in

Seeing her in pain, he stopped for a moment and let her adjust to him before going on and on

As the heat burning inside of her was getting quenched, Summer's pain graduated to pleasure and she opened up to him the more

They kept on doing the deed for the entire night till they got tired and drifted into a long sleep.


The brightness of post-dawn shone brightly, making Summer squint her eyes

The first thing that came in sight was the hard gaze of Lucian peering down at her

She was first in a haze, and her thoughts irregular

What was she doing here in a room with this man?!

She thought hard and that was when it came in, pieces and pieces of what happened last night and rage filled her eyes

Still seated on the bed cause she wasn't bold to stand as she was naked under the sheets, she glared at Lucian who stood beside the bed

"You beast!!!! I told you, I'm not a whore but you still raped me!! You're a heartless man!!!

She yelled, tears had begun to form in her eyes

Her Innocence has been taken by this cold looking and heartless devil!!

Lucian scoffed like he had heard the biggest joke 

"Raped you? Are you really stupid or just stupid? You clearly responded, kept calling my name and asking for more and...you know what, I'll let this slide because I'm in a good mood ..... but"

He paused and leaned down towards her with a dangerous look that got Summer so terrified, she moved back on the bed and nearly laid back down untill he stopped then continued

"If you ever cross paths with me again, I'll make sure your body never gets discovered ever again"

Seeing the amount of fear he instilled in her main looking at her eyes, he moved back, opened the side drawer beside the bed and pulled out a ward of few thousand bucks

"Here's for last night"

Throwing it on her, he turned around to leave for the bathroom but halted 

"Be gone before I'm done, don't wanna see you here"

He spat and entered the bathroom

Summer kept staring into space and jolted when she felt something down her cheeks

Raising her finger, she felt it and discovered it was her tears

Unknowingly, she had cried

She cried?

When last did she cry?

That was two years ago, when her parents died and her brother admitted

Looking down on her laps, she saw the cash, quietly she took the cash and stood up, her whole body felt like she was being crushed by a car

Painstakingly, she put on her clothes and left the room

Few minutes later, Lucian came out of the bathroom, wiping his hair also

His gaze went to the bed and he smirked when he didn't see the cash

"She's a whore after all"

He scowled then proceeded to the side table to retrieve the dryer but froze entirely

Right on the table was the same ward of few thousand dollars that he gave her, untouched.

She didn't take the money?

Didn't she need it or was it a pretence?

As if something hit him, he quickly went to the bed, removing the blanket from the sheets, his eyes widened 



The Rolls Royce Phantom pulled to a halt in the big magnificent compound and Lucian highlighted from the car

The maids who saw him when he entered the house were shocked to see him looking angry, well not that they had ever seen him smile

What they did not know was that, the master of the Stuart's always keeps a poker face as they were new to the mansion

"Welcome Mr Stuart, would you want us to make coffee or tea?

One came forward and asked with a bow

Stuart didn't respond to her offer but rather looked around the place and asked

"Where's my mother?

"Oh, she is having her morning tea in the garden"

She answered and Stuart strode to the direction of the garden

Rosanna, Lucian's mother sat just in her garden, enjoying her favorite brewed tea and basking in the early sunlight and the soft breeze that brought about the heavenly scent of the fresh daisies and forgetmenots around her.

Her eyes lit up the more at the sight of her son and she smiled brightly

Though Rosanna was in her early fifties, she still looked refreshing and glowy with the way she takes care of her health and the type of nutrition she keeps, she looked just like those in their late thirties 

"Good morning mom"

"Good morning my stardom"

Giving a peck on his mom's cheek, Lucian sat down at the empty seat 

"I'll tell the maid to get you tea as well"

Rosanna said and turned to the maid standing beside her to instruct her on what to do

"Don't bother mom, I'll leave shortly"

Lucian stopped her

"Okay, is anything wrong?

She asked and Lucian gave the maid a give-us-privacy look, which she adhered to and left them alone 

"Lucian..... is that a hickey I see on your neck?

Rosanna's surprised voice came with a tinge of excitement

"You should be the happiest person, after all, your plan worked out, bravo mom....bravo"

He drawled 

Rosanna furrowed her brows in confusion

"I don't understand son, what plan?

She blinked and Lucian almost rolled his eyes at his mom's bad acting 

"Mom you clearly did something to my room in Springhill Suites right? Something didn't seem right when I got there last night, and I ain't the one to loose control over a woman's body but last night was-was exceptional, I couldn't control the urge"

Lucian mumbled as if talking to himself alone but Rosanna who leaned over a little bit, heard it and she relaxed back on her chair with a shocked and happy expression

"Yes, you slept with a woman last night didn't you?

She asked with smiles and Lucian's eyes darkened

"So you did something?!! mom!!! Have I not told you not to get involved in my personal and sexual life?

Lucian wasn't happy that because of the aphrodisiac plant his mom hid in the room that gives out a scent which causes arousal, he had slept with the girl

"Mom I had to sleep with a stranger cause of your so called plan!

Lucian half yelled

"Perfect! what do you think was the essence of my plan? I had to find out if a truth if I had raised a gay or if your sexual orientation is normal and it is, so now that it is, you need ti quickly get married Lucian!!! You're thirty five!!!

Rosanna scolded 

"I don't have time for this!

Lucian said, stood up and left.


Lilian sat outside the apartment constantly tapping her foot and biting her nails

Something she normally does if there was anxiety or terror in her

She looked at her phone's screen and didn't know what to do with the number she had been dialing for more than thirty times now

Last night she arrived home, expecting to see Summer and then give her an earful about loosing her job again but Summer wasn't home

Thinking she had just stepped out of the house to get something and would be back in a short time, Lilian had waited but then, more than three hours had passed and it was getting real late but her friend hadn't returned

She called and called but it didn't go through and so she became scared and tried to file a missing case but because she was a grown adult and hadn't been reported missing for twenty four hours, the case filed was declined

It can only be legible if the person had gone missing for or more than twenty four hours.

It was now morning and Lilian sat outside waiting since that was all she could do.

A taxi pulled over and Lilian jumped up and ran to the car when she saw Summer highlight 



"Mom!!!! Mom I've been cancelled entirely from the applicants for VGB spokesperson!!!!

Flora cried to her mom, they were watching a movie in the sitting room when the message was emailed to her phone 

Mr Patrick aslo called her, yelling and cursing her and promised to remove her

She couldn't believe what she heard, she asked for the reason only to be told about the incident last night

"That girl would've killed me!!! You're out of the deal for bringing such a wild woman to me!!!

Those were Mr Patrick's words

Elizabeth gritted her teeth on seeing her daughter's tears

She knew that Summer must have messed things up last night when she called her but didn't know it would cause such damage

At least, her daughter was amongst the waiting list of applicants and so could get lucky but now, her name had been cancelled entirely

she wasn't even among the list anymore!

Oh Summer, you really asked for it this time

Elizabeth thought and immediately dialled a number 

After the second ring, it got connected

"Doctor Dan....yes.....good day.....of course I am... I would like to file a report of a relative...yes a patient.... Jacob Hales..... they went bankrupt and can't pay the outstanding bills and even more.....of course I'm sure, I'll send evidence.....

The call got disconnected

Flora smiled 

"mom what are they gonna do?

She asked 

Elizabeth smirked

"Their gonna pressure her and threaten to stop Jacob's treatment of the balance isn't paid, she's owing a lot and with the pressure, she'll be forced to obey me and be at my Beck and call once again"

Flora couldn't believe that her mom could come up with such brilliant idea

The thought of seeing Summer suffer in their hands brought back her lost joy