

Have you ever met that someone who could be sassy like anything else and rude beyond imagination? Well if no, then meet Summer Hales, a young promiscuous girl who dropped out of school just for part-time jobs in order to pay her brother's hospital bills She is the perfect definition of "Rudeness ain't only for the rich" When she loves, she makes a devotion to that one next to her heart but when she hates, she's devious. She's courageous and fearless, strong and fierce, but all those qualities were a facade she put on so as not to be hurt ever again "Never fall and keep tall" was her daily adage, not untill she met him... Lucian Stuart, the most powerful man, not just a man but a bachelor in Los Angeles Cold hearted and aloof was the perfect definition for him A detester of the word called "Love" and a devil to those who betrays or messes with him Situation calls for Lucian Stuart to have a wife but that was totally impossible for someone like him who has issues for love and women But then, Fate played it's card and Summer Hales had to make a deal with Lucian Stuart, a contract to become his wife, a temporary wife. With these two soulless souls and heartless hearts, one rude and sassy and the other, Cold and aloof, would there be a kindled fire? Is love possible for the both of them? (EXTRACT ).... "You need money and I need a wife, so deal or no deal? Lucian lazily asked ignoring the woman who was glaring at him as if wishing for him to drop dead at the moment "Just know it's a contract and nothing more!! Summer boomed "It is what it is, if not so urgent, I wouldn't consider a flat woman like you" Summer almost puked blood hearing him Flat woman? did he just say I'm flat?! She subconsciously looked down at her boobs and understood "What a spoilt unscrupulous man! She mumbled and Lucian's gaze darkened as he gripped her arm tight "What did you say? He demanded, his face gloomy....

Daisy_Ava · Fantaisie
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17 Chs



"Come in"

Assistant Michael walked in after the curt permission from Lucian

"Here is what you asked for boss" He handed over a white file

Lucian suspended his current work, he immediately flipped open the file, not only were thwre written reports, there were also pictures as well.

Michael was a very capable assistant and so in less than twenty four hours, he was able to do a thorough background check on Summer Hales.

Lucian frowned upon viewing a photo of Summer and a man posing intimately, the man's hands were circled around her waist and she was smiling widely with her head placed on his chest. Clearly she looked so happy in it.

"That is Chris Beaufort, Miss Hales ex-boyfriend, they broke up two years ago"

Assistant Michael chipped in upon seeing his boss stare so hard at the picture

Lucian settled his gaze on Michael for while before going back to the file at hand.

Lucian almost chuckled when he found out she had been sacked many times in her previous jobs

'is she trouble?

Then his expression changed when he came across a family photo of four

"She's an orphan?

He asked

Michael nodded

"Yes boss, she lost them two years ago in a terrific car accident but her brother managed to survive and had just been discharged from the hospital"

He explained in details

Lucian said nothing, his facial expression didn't change either making it hell for anyone to decipher what he was thinking at the moment

"Um, one more thing boss?

Michael piped

"Go on"

"Miss Hales is currently in Skylar as we speak"

"What could she possible be doing there?

Lucian asked doubtfully. Skylar isn't just any industry, it's only meant for top celebrities

Michael too found it difficult to believe but his findings had never been a mistake, it was from a good and reliable source. Besides Lucian invested a huge sum of money in the production of the current movie being produced automatically making him the biggest investor

"She's a stunt double to the female lead of the movie"

Michael replied

Lucian was shocked

'a stunt double?

He shook his head in both disbelief and surprise

"Well what do you expect from a girl who jumps a window to the next balcony?

Lucian mumbled

"Are you sure? He asked

"100 percent boss"

Came the reply for Lucian to nod

"What do I do now?

Assistant Michael asked, knowing his boss, there must be an awaiting instruction

Lucian kept silent for few seconds before coolly saying "prepare the car, we're going to Skylar "

Michael widened his eyes, if he had correctly, his boss just said they were going to Skylar! For what exactly? By this time?

Assistant Michael checked his wrist watch, Mr Stuart was supposed to be in a meeting in ten minutes time, so....

"B-Boss did you say Skylar?

He asked just to be sure

"Right away boss! He exclaimed once he got an are-you-deaf look from Lucian


"What are you still doing here?

Andrew irritatedly asked the lady.

He just stirred awajw only to find her still in bed under the duvet

'is she nuts? What if Lilian comes and sees them like this?

Still surprised she didn't come last night, not even a phone call from her. That was so unlike Lilian.

"What's wrong with me being here? Didn't you enjoy last night with me?

The lady pouted then caressed his arms

"Tell me, should we go again?

She asked coyly, trying to kiss him

"You know what? Get lost! Have you forgotten your status already?

Andrew hissed

For God's sake, she's just a call girl. Why is she now acting like his girlfriend?

Madonna rolled her eyes and reluctantly left the bed, wlaked into the bathroom with her naked self and gathered dress and in less than ten minutes came out dressed

Looking at her choice of dressing, you'd guess who she was.

"In reward, I'll bring more rich sides your way, just make sure you keep to the deal"

Andrew said authoritatively

Madonna rolled her eyes but anyways nodded and left the room

As she got to the main door of the house, she pulled it open to see a handsome man standing

He looked angry...

Surprisingly, he smiled at her

"So you're the lady who serviced that son of a bitch?

Jacob asked

Madonna was surprised, this handsome, hot dude just addressed Andrew as a bastard

Why tho?

Well, that's none of her bizz...

She shrugged

"I am, do you want the same service? She asked, you could see her breast fully from the net like dress

"Get lost!

Jacob hissed

Madonna shrugged again and went on her way

Walking further into the apartment, Jacob found Andrew just beside the wine cellar

Andrew almost spat out the drink in his mouth at the sight of Jacob. It was as if he saw a vampire

"Jacob? How? What?

He asked incoherently, unable to form a complete sentence

"Surprised aren't you? Jacob asked as he got to the cellar

He smiled at Andrew, already visioning his dead body

Andrew shifted uncomfortably in his chair

Why is he getting a creepy vibe from Jacob at the moment?

"Of course, of course! You're finally back, that's good news. Come, I'll pour you a drink to celebrate your re.....



Andrew yelled out in pain as Jacob's unexpected punch landed on his jaw making him fall out of the chair at the impact

"What the fuck man! Why....

Without letting him recover, Jacob went down on him again, again and again untill Andrew's face became a bloody mess.

Andrew wirthled in pain on the floor, palming his bleeding face and broken nose

He felt he would die anytime soonest

"Why are you doing this man?

He mumbled in pain

Jacob chuckled, to Andrew, he looked like a devil with horns right now

"Why am I doing this?

Jacob asked and at the same time, squatted beside Andrew with a bottle of unfinished alcohol in his hand

"Fucking cunt! That is what you are, you know that right?

Jacob boomed "You asshole! You messed with the wrong girl, I see you near Lilian, I kill you next and you bet I will! Get that into your thick skull!

With that being said, Jacob emptied the remaining alcohol on Andrew's face

"Arrghhhhhhh!! Fuck!!!!!!

Andrew moaned and groaned in intensive pain from the burning sensation but Jacob didn't care, he stood up and just like how he came, he left the apartment.



"Mr Stuart is here!

Someone shouted making everyone's eyes widen in shock

Director Marvel stood up immediately

"Are you sure about that?

"I'm sure, he's only a block away from here and he's with his assistant".

The informant spoke

Marvel felt like spanking the informant

'has Mr Stuart ever gone anywhere without his assistant?

"Okay, I'll go welcome him then"

From Marvel's voice, you could tell he was nervous.

'why would Mr Stuart come unannounced?

'does he have a problem with the production?

Now of all times when Hennessy keeps messing up with her lines!!

What if he wants to watch a scene?!

Girls present became conscious of their appearance.

If they could be able to capture Mr Stuart's attention, then they would be untouchable

Admist the reactions and shocking expressions, Summer's thoughts were a mess.

Only one thing came to hwe mind

'i need to leave here! But how?!

Today's shoot wasn't over yet and leaving would be disrespectful.

What exactly is he here to do?

Summer screamed in her head

"Are you alright?

Mia asked her when she noticed her troubles look

"She isn't, no lady in here is. It's Mr Stuart they're worriedly thinking of how to get him"

Kai replied instead while Mia shook her head at him

"You're too much! She told him

And then he walked in with his full charisma

His brown coloured tuxedo and trousers clinged deliciously to his body

His face cold and aloof yet very handsome like a divine sculpture, jaw well chiseled, lips thin, eyes like a dark pool that could suck you in.

Summer for a moment was awed and frozen.

Subconsciously, her mind went back to that night where he ravished her whole body savagely.

"Mr Stuart, it's an honour for you to come visit, please sit. Assistant Michael "

Director Marvel acknowledged. Michael nodded while Lucian sat down on director Marvel's chair, not that Marvel minded, he offered it himself.

Michael also sat beside Lucian, some ladies had already began fawning over Michael too. After all he looked handsome with his packed hair.

"To what do we owe this visit Mr Stuart?

Director Marvel asked

Summer found this as an opportunity to go to the restroom and stay there untill he leaves. Surely he wasn't going to stay till the end of the shoot right? He's a business tycoon after all, he has meetings to attend to rather than watch a show.

Summer concluded then turned to Mia

"I'll go to the restroom, be right back"


Mia nodded

Fortunately, their seat was farther away from where Lucian sat so it wouldn't be difficult for her to leave unnoticed

Unfortunately, Lucian was there not for director Marvel, not for the movie shoot but for Summer Hales.

He had already sighted her the moment he came in and her little attempts to avoid eye contact were fruitless.

Summer immediately stood up and headed backways

Almost, almost did she make it to the backdoor untill a voice rang out

"A cast walking out while Mr Stuart is here, isn't that looking down on him?

The voice belonged to Assistant Michael

Seeing Summer leave and being the one they were here for, he couldn't let that happen

Summer halted

All eyes were on her now, she calmly turned around to face them

Director Marvel immediately interceded

"Assistant Michael, please don't take it to heart, you see Miss Hales is still new here and didn't know the protocol, miss Hales please come over and apologize to Mr Stuart "

Summer clenched and unclenched her fists.

If she could have her way, Mr Stuart and his PA would both loose three teeth!

Under everyone's scrutinizing gazes, Summer walked towards Lucian, oh and how she wished to wipe off that smug look on his face!

Is he enjoying this? She thought

"Pardon me but I don't see anything wrong with using the restroom while Mr Stuart is present or should I rather do it here in his presence?

Gasps erupted, everyone had an awestruck look on their faces

'did this newbie just speak to Mr Stuart like that

Director Marvel almost collapsed

'is this girl nuts or blind? Does she not know who Mr Stuart is?

He's the biggest investor in this movie and if he pulls out because of Summer's cockiness, then it's good riddance to 'SHAKIRA'

Lucian stared at the daredevil in front of him with a relaxed expression

Nobody knew what was going on in his mind at the moment

The costume she was putting on was stunning with her hair packed up in an ancient style, she wasn't wearing much makeup but still looked radiant.

Those rosy lips paused tight and he could tell she would have rolled those hazel eyes at him if it weren't for others present

He could tell now why she had lost her previous jobs, she's rude and hadn't put her temper in check.

"Mr Stuart, deeply apologies, miss Hales here is feeling sick and so isn't in her right frame of mind, right miss Hales?

Marvel said while discreetly signalling Summer to behave.

Summer just stood there saying nothing

Lucian chuckled darkly, the type that would bring chills down one's spine

"This newbie seems to have a lot of potential, director I would love to watch a scene with her in it"

Summer's eyes narrowed

'what is he playing at now?

Even Marcel was momentarily dumbstruck

Mr Stuart isn't mad at Summer, he only wants to watch a scene of her?

Timothy was yet again in a dilemma, why was he getting a feeling that Mr Stuart and Miss Hales know each other personally?

The other day at Richie bites, Mr Stuart had dragged her out of his side and outside, now this...

Other's present thought that was a way to punish Summer

If Mr Stuart gets dissatisfied with her acting skills then he would replace her

"I must say, your double have a death wish"

Kai whispered to Mia

Mia didn't know what to say, she just kept on watching

She trusts Summer's acting skills so she knows nothing would go wrong. She hopes.

"Mr Stuart pardon the interruption but I don't think that's a good idea"

Hennessy spoke unexpectedly as she made her way to stand beside Lucian

'Exactly that's not a good idea '

Summer uttered inwardly, outwardly she had a bored expression.

The last thing she wants to do is act in his presence.

"Sorry who are you?

Lucian asked coldly

Henessy got a little embarrassed to be asked that question but didn't let it show. What she didn't understand was why Mr Stuart would be interested in a newbie's scene. What if he gets entranced by her acting and wants her to feature in other movies of director Marvel?

She could outshine her in this industry and she isn't about to let that happen

She cleared her throat and spike sweetly

"Mr Stuart, she's a newbie like you said and moreover a mere double, so why waste your precious time on her?

Lucian kept staring at Summer to gauge her reaction but the girl didn't even budge nor did she feel hurt about what was being said about her

"Director can you get it done now?

He asked Marvel, completely ignoring Hennessy and her suggestion

Henessy felt like a fool and could do nothing more than to glare at Summer discreetly

"That girl is a vixen!

Mia said as she glares hard at Henessy

"Whoa whoa whoa, easy tigress" Kai teased

Director Marvel decided they reshoot the scene of summer and Kai

The scene was about Dimitri (Kai) teaching Shakira (Summer) stunts and fighting antics

Aside stunt teaching, another motive of the scene was to relay some romantic gestures between the two, so at some point, Shakira was about to fall from the rooftop as she lost her balance but Dimitri's reflexes was fast enough to grab her waist resulting to Shakira embracing Dimitri

Her hair sprawled on his chest and some strands covered his face which he uses his fingers to tuck them back behind her ears

They stared at each other untill the director cried "Cut!

The acting was so smooth and too romantic that spectators felt their heart melt

Lucian's gaze darkened at the scene before his eyes

The scene was nothing but an eyesore to him

Why did he feel hile chopping those fingers off as he looked at Kai?