

Have you ever met that someone who could be sassy like anything else and rude beyond imagination? Well if no, then meet Summer Hales, a young promiscuous girl who dropped out of school just for part-time jobs in order to pay her brother's hospital bills She is the perfect definition of "Rudeness ain't only for the rich" When she loves, she makes a devotion to that one next to her heart but when she hates, she's devious. She's courageous and fearless, strong and fierce, but all those qualities were a facade she put on so as not to be hurt ever again "Never fall and keep tall" was her daily adage, not untill she met him... Lucian Stuart, the most powerful man, not just a man but a bachelor in Los Angeles Cold hearted and aloof was the perfect definition for him A detester of the word called "Love" and a devil to those who betrays or messes with him Situation calls for Lucian Stuart to have a wife but that was totally impossible for someone like him who has issues for love and women But then, Fate played it's card and Summer Hales had to make a deal with Lucian Stuart, a contract to become his wife, a temporary wife. With these two soulless souls and heartless hearts, one rude and sassy and the other, Cold and aloof, would there be a kindled fire? Is love possible for the both of them? (EXTRACT ).... "You need money and I need a wife, so deal or no deal? Lucian lazily asked ignoring the woman who was glaring at him as if wishing for him to drop dead at the moment "Just know it's a contract and nothing more!! Summer boomed "It is what it is, if not so urgent, I wouldn't consider a flat woman like you" Summer almost puked blood hearing him Flat woman? did he just say I'm flat?! She subconsciously looked down at her boobs and understood "What a spoilt unscrupulous man! She mumbled and Lucian's gaze darkened as he gripped her arm tight "What did you say? He demanded, his face gloomy....

Daisy_Ava · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs


"Good morning boss"

Assistant Michael greeted once Lucian walked out of the mansion towards the car, Gabriel was already waiting but quickly came down to open the rear seat's door

Boss really slept here

Michael thought inwardly

With a nod, Lucian got in

Gabriel closed the door and went over to the driver's seat while Michael sat beside him(Gabriel)

"Boss, you'll be having a meeting with the production team, designing team and the financial team this morning, 9AM

ummm lunch with the Japanese investors by 1:30PM

Some files to check out for printing, the IT's wants to put our newest services on billboards

Those are the three major schedules, but if you want me to fill in more, I'll do that"

Michael quickly read out the schedule summary

All these time, Lucian didn't even make a sound as if he was being addressed

His right leg was crossed over to his left leg, his forehead supported by his palm and fingers

His eyes closed as if in a deep sleep but Gabriel and Michael could tell he wasn't sleeping

That has always been his position in the car, except when working with his laptop or going through some files

Either ways, his legs must be crossed

Minutes later, the phantom pulled into the company to a halt

Lucian got out even before Gabriel could highlight

Michael followed behind Lucian as they walked into the corporation


"Oiiii!!! do you need to get your eyes embalmed! What is this? I'm going to get eye paralysis if I continue looking at this photo! oiiii someone! anybody, save me from this photo hazard!!!

Timothy ranted at the production section of the company

They had finished producing the new dresses he designed and so the photographer had began taking pictures which would be uploaded in magazines and book covers

Timothy had entered to inspect the already taken photos only to shout on the photographer's head

Everyone saw nothing wrong with the photos taken, after all Vincent had always been the photographer of the Stuart Corporation and he delivers well

That was his profession specialization

Timothy just loves to over react!

"But Mr Timothy, there's nothing wrong with the photos"

Someone tried to calm him down

"Shush!!! And who is this immature skinny butt to tell me what is wrong or right? Aiiii! Don't you know I'm the eyes of this company? I decide how I want this to go, that is why my office is the most adorable, hehehe, now get lost! pest!

"What is happening here?

Everybody turned to the direction of the voice


"Hey Nicklaus!!!

They all called out with smiles on their faces

It's been nearly three months he travelled and they've undoubtedly missed him so much

He doesn't nag like Timothy

"Hey people, how's it going?

Nicklaus waved at them with smiles on his face

He walked forward and stopped in front of Timothy

"Hey partner"

He acknowledged, ignoring Timothy who stood rooted looking him up and down as if he was an alien

"Vincent! are you still standing there, shoooo away, go retake the photos, oii I'm just like a father to all of you, having to take care of the bad habits you brought with you to this place, ooii....I think I should be awarded a Guinness record holder, the fame is too much for me to bear"

Nicklaus laughed hard as he shook his head, he had really missed Timothy's funny and overbearing attitude

"Dude what happened? Who upset you? tell me"

He asked

Timothy made a crying face and as if he realized something, he assessed Nicklaus with a surprised expression

"ah ah.... when did you get here? Oiiii I've missed your presence, I felt like I was constantly drowning in an everlasting bucket of ice cream but now that you are here, I'm saved"

Timothy rejoiced and made to hug Nicklaus

That was the scene Lucian, Michael and Susanne witnessed immediately they walked in

Everyone was shocked

Has Timothy not always fought with Nicklaus and banter all the time?

How come he missed Nicklaus so much to even hug him

Susanne who arrived was also surprised, herself and Lucian exchanged glances while Lucian shrugged

"Hello everyone, Ah uh...Cupcake?

Susanne greeted while she referred to Timothy as cup cake

"Oiiiii!!! Darling!!!! you're back!!! finally a sane person! Aaiii..... get lost sparrow!!

Timothy pushed Nicklaus away from him with a glare

Everyone laughed

wasn't he just hugging Nicklaus like he was his long time lost love?

Now Susanne is back, he's treating him like trash

Nicklaus wasn't offended, rather he chuckled

Timothy behaving like that wasn't a new thing to him

"Cupcake, did you miss me?

Susanne asked Timothy as they blew each other an imaginary kiss on both cheeks

"Aaiii how can you ask that? of course I missed you My darling! I almost died and Lucian almost buried me when you left, I felt like I was constantly drowning in a french dip, you know gurl... everyone here became grapes to me as you weren't around but now you're here, we would rule the world together! hehehe"

Susanne laughed

"Exactly cupcake, we would rule the world together"

Lucian wasn't ready for their big big impossible discussion, so he cleared his throat

"Everyone to the meeting hall in five minutes, I expect everyone that has a role to play in the new design to come alright, Michael let's go"

Lucian uttered and left immediately while Michael followed

Timothy discreetly glared at Lucian

"Oooii! He's always like a tsunami! a cold iceberg, of course icebergs are meant to be cold, aaaaaii, yaahhh!!! Vincent I'm not done with you yet, after the meeting, you'll explain yourself to me, My darling? come let's go together"

"Of course cupcake"

Susanne smiled and they left together

Vincent sighed as he looked wronged

"You'll survive"

Someone gave him a pat on the shoulder

Five minutes later, everyone was gathered in the meeting hall


"Oh Summer I can't make it to the hospital with you, I've got lots of work on my desk, you know it'll be new year's Eve very soon and saloons are busy, can't miss work today"

Lily explained to her best friend as she munched on the sandwich Summer made for them both as breakfast

Summer pouted but then shrugged

"No worries, you'll see Jay at home when you come back anyways"

Summer's phone rang and she picked it up without hesitation seeing the caller ID


"Summer, hello, how are you?

"I'm good Diva, and you?

"Great, umm I have a little Favour to ask, can you help me out please?

Mia asked

Summer was a little taken aback, what could she possibly help Diva Mia with?


"Tell me and I'll help if it's within my reach"

"Actually, I read your profile and you're good at baking and you can also identify quality and good baked cakes, so can you help me get one at Richie Bites?

Mia spoke

"Richie Bites?!

Subconsciously, Summer said out loud

Can someone like her really go to a place like that?

Richie Bites isn't a place for people like her, only list A celebrities and wealthy socialites could

Lilian raised her brows at the mention of Richie Bites, her attention completely on Summer and the phonecall

"Yes Summer, I kinda need you to do that for me"

Mia pleaded and Summer found it ironic that she was being pleaded to do a while Diva a favour.

"I can do that Diva but how can I get access to a place like that? I-you know I'm not actually very much qualified"

Summer said softly

Mia waved off

"You needn't worry about that dear, as long as you're willing to do it for me, I'll arrange everything, so can you come over to my Villa this morning, if it wouldn't be a hassle to you, if it would I'll understand?

"Oh no no, I'm pretty much free this morning so I can add that, but I don't know the address"

"Oh thank you thank you so much Summer, you're really a breathe of fresh air, I'll text you the address ASAP, thanks again"

Mia was filled with gratitude and she hung up the call

Summer was getting more and more in love with her female idol

Diva was such a kind and humble lady, unlike other famous actresses that would trample on you like some kind of trash and would feel that you are the one to feel honoured if they asked you a favour

But Diva instead was the one counting it as an honour to herself

Such a lady still existed?


Summer thought

"Hey gurl, what's with you, Diva and Richie Bites? tell me tell me!

Lilian loves gists and this one wouldn't pass her by

Summer smiled

"Well, Diva wants me to help her out in choosing out a very good quality cake at Richie Bites, given my knowledge in baked things"

"For real!!!

Lilian couldn't believe it.

"Wow girl!!!!! your good luck has started its work, I told ya!

Summer rolled her eyes at Lilian's exaggeration

"Alright good luck girl, you're getting late for work, don't blame me if you receive a warning notice from your boss"

Summer teased

"Whatever, so you agreed?

"Of course, I did, it's my opportunity to go there"

Summer replied

"I know right, put on your best show darling, haaaaa! it's 7:50 already! I'm off bye!!!!

Lily exclaimed and rushed out of the apartment with a bite of sandwich in her mouth

Summer laughed,

What a foodie



"And nothing"

Nicklaus chuckled

"What do you mean nothing? Come on bro Cian, just admit it already!

Timothy whined

After his designs were topnotch, approved and ready to go into the stock market for launching, everyone congratulated him

Even Nicklaus, now Lucian is just saying good.

For mother Teresa's sake! Just good?!

He might have as well jump into a tub filled with ice cream and die!

"You mean.....

"Timothy? seriously I do not have that time for your banter"

Lucian growled lightly

Timothy started crying out loud with his imaginary fake tears gushing out of his eyes

"Ohhh brother Cian! you've ruined my life, I'm your best friend, how could you do this to me, we've fought long too many times with the world when they try to bring us to nought, we've stood by each other and yet you betray me now?

You scolded me just now? aaaaaii someone kill me already! I'm tired of living in this world filled with injustice!...sob...sob

Michael rolled his eyes

"I'll be in my office guys, if you need me"

Nicklaus informed and left the meeting hall

The meeting was long over and it was just Lucian, Timothy, Susanne, Michael and of course Nicklaus who just got out

"Cupcake, you're the best, do not mind Lucian at all, okay?

Susanne consoled Timothy

"Aaaii my darling, I'm out Brother Cian, you know where to find me".

Timothy announced and strode out

Michael too left as he had things to take care of so he left after giving Lucian a heads-up

Lucian sighed heavily and massaged his temples, that action made Susanne laugh

"Tim is one of a kind"

She said and Lucian couldn't agree less

"Where did I find him?

Lucian asked rhetorically

His phone rang and he picked it up


"Lucian, what have I done to deserve a grandson who never calls to check up on me, and when are you getting a wife?

Oscar asked his grandson

"Pa, you called cause of the marriage issue not about me not calling you, right?

Lucian rolled his eyes

"Of course! am I not supposed to be worried about that? remember what I told the board members about you getting engaged"

Oscar reminded

"Yeah yeah remembered, it's done, I've got one already, I have a woman"

"Really?! ohhhh that's good news, bring her to the ancestral home tonight!

Oscar couldn't restrain the joy he felt at the moment

Even though he knew it wasn't real love between Lucian and the woman, at least he has a woman involved in his life finally

They could blossom into loving each other as time goes by

Ruffling his hair, Lucian sighed

"Pa, not tonight, maybe some other day, please"

How was he supposed to tell pa that he didn't even have the woman's phone number and they haven't contacted each other

Oscar was silent for a while

"Okay, I'll be lenient with you for now, but not for too long, you're gonna bring her home someday"

He hung up

Susanne got curious

"Lucian? what's happening in your life lately? what woman?

"Susanne, it's really a long story and I have not the time to start explaining"

Lucian waved it off

Susanne shrugged

"Okay.... but come on Cian, I got back and you owe me a bite remember?

"Oh so you still wanna have your burger?

Lucian asked with raised brows

"Oh hell yeah! let's go now, at least the new design my cupcake made is topnotch and the launching is gonna be a success, so you have time to hang out this morning"

Susanne dragged on

"Just this morning, I'll be having lunch with the chief investors of this design, so I'll grant you that"

Lucian uttered and stood up at once, grabbing his coat while Susanne squeeled happily

She was finally gonna get her burger that was long over due.

Together, Gabriel drove them to their destination.



Summer together with Mia's Manager, highlighted from the blue BMW and walked into the arena

After she had gone to Mia's place using the address she was being sent, her first time actually coming to Diva's house and Summer only had one word for the mansion..... Fairyland.

Mia had thanked her again whilst asking her manager to accompany Summer to the place.

"I wanna ask"

The manager asked Summer as they were both ushered into the richly decorated hall

"Go on"

Summer replied subconsciously, her eyes couldn't help but wander all over the place. All her life she had dreamt of coming to this place but that had been a long forgotten dream

Now she's here, finally.

"Are you and Mia friends? I mean, long time friends?

Summer chuckled, looking puzzled wondering why he asked

"No, not at all"

"So you're just her double and nothing more?

Manager asked to be sure

"Double it is"

Summer concluded, at the same time they reached the counter were different kinds of mouth watering pastries and cakes were being lined up in a show glass with their different price tags that got Summer widening her eyes

The manager laughed softly at her expression

She didn't even bother to hide her excitement

other girls would have pretended as if they've been around here many times but this lady beside him looked like an excited four year old kid that had just seen a disney Land

The entrance of Richie Bites was opened by securities as they ushered Lucian together with Susanne, in.

"Good morning Mr Stuart, good morning lady, you're welcome, please how can we be at your service?

The managing director quickly rushed up to them

"Assist her to choose your best burger"

Lucian ordered and Susanne frowned

"You're not coming?

She asked with a pout

"I'll wait, go on"

Lucian said with finality, Susanne knew better than to persist, or else she didn't want any burger at all

Anyways, Lucian bringing her here was enough already

She nodded slightly and allowed herself to be led by the managing director and few waitresses

Lucian took a step towards a table to sit down when his eyes met a certain someone, making him squint his eyes