

Have you ever met that someone who could be sassy like anything else and rude beyond imagination? Well if no, then meet Summer Hales, a young promiscuous girl who dropped out of school just for part-time jobs in order to pay her brother's hospital bills She is the perfect definition of "Rudeness ain't only for the rich" When she loves, she makes a devotion to that one next to her heart but when she hates, she's devious. She's courageous and fearless, strong and fierce, but all those qualities were a facade she put on so as not to be hurt ever again "Never fall and keep tall" was her daily adage, not untill she met him... Lucian Stuart, the most powerful man, not just a man but a bachelor in Los Angeles Cold hearted and aloof was the perfect definition for him A detester of the word called "Love" and a devil to those who betrays or messes with him Situation calls for Lucian Stuart to have a wife but that was totally impossible for someone like him who has issues for love and women But then, Fate played it's card and Summer Hales had to make a deal with Lucian Stuart, a contract to become his wife, a temporary wife. With these two soulless souls and heartless hearts, one rude and sassy and the other, Cold and aloof, would there be a kindled fire? Is love possible for the both of them? (EXTRACT ).... "You need money and I need a wife, so deal or no deal? Lucian lazily asked ignoring the woman who was glaring at him as if wishing for him to drop dead at the moment "Just know it's a contract and nothing more!! Summer boomed "It is what it is, if not so urgent, I wouldn't consider a flat woman like you" Summer almost puked blood hearing him Flat woman? did he just say I'm flat?! She subconsciously looked down at her boobs and understood "What a spoilt unscrupulous man! She mumbled and Lucian's gaze darkened as he gripped her arm tight "What did you say? He demanded, his face gloomy....

Daisy_Ava · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs


With clenched fist she stared blankly at space



Highlighting from the cab, Summer took a deep breathe to calm herself down 

After two years of not stepping feet here, she had finally come here.... again.

She had strived for months, trying to make money, the main purpose being her brother's hospital bills, she even had to drop out of school for that

Their both parents died in a car accident and her brother barely made it out alive as he was present in the car when the accident happened

Her aunt then took her into her home with the promise of taking care of her and helping her brother but it was all deception

Instead of continuing school, she ended up being a dropout and used as a maid

Her cousin Flora was a typical example of a spoilt, not just spoilt, but devious and manipulative

She was a young actress, pursuing fame and popularity.

What Summer couldn't understand was, why she was needed to escort her cousin for her endorsement

Getting herself out of the thoughts and bracing herself, she moved into the house

"Oh she finally came over"

An unusual sweet voice that sounded sickening to Summer rang out and she almost rolled her eyes

"Where's the infamous Flora? Can't see her ready yet or am I to bathe and dress her up as well?

Summer asked back with a mocking smile

Elizabeth smiled back at Summer, she knows the girl was trying to get her angry and frustrate her, but she wasn't gonna give her the satisfaction of seeing her worked up

Just then, the sound of heels came down the stairs, Flora in her milky and shiny designer short flare gown, walked down looking like a porcelain, all dolled up

She was an upcoming and fast rising actress in Los Angeles after all

"If it isn't my runaway cousin"

Flora acknowledged disdainfully

Summer smiled back and stated

"If it isn't my annoying cousin who lacks some manners"

"You..... Mom did you hear that?!

Flora flared up

Rolling her eyes, Summer inspected her nails and tapped her feet impatiently

"Can we go now or do we really have to act a family reunion drama here?

She said with questioning gaze

Flora became puzzled and glared at Summer

"Go where? she asked confused

"Your momma didn't tell you about this?

Summer asked surprised too

Elizabeth cleared he throat to get the girls attention

She turned to her daughter

"Umm Flora, the endorsement you're gonna sign today, Summer would be assisting you, she'll be like your escort"

Flora was still looking confused even after the explanation

"But mom, what endorsement?

Summer furrowed her brows

What are the mother and daughter duo up to?

Elizabeth facepalmed

"The endorsement you'll be signing with Mr Patrick this evening, about the spokesperson for VGB"

Flora then widened her eyes, not in remembrance but in surprise

She knows she wasn't signing any endorsement with VGB, infact she applied for it but had not yet been accepted

Mr Patrick had asked for her body in return which she wasn't ready to give him, he was so not her type and wouldn't afford to sleep with such a man

But she really wanted the position, her status in the entertainment industry would soar high if she got picked 

She had cried to her mom and had told her about it and her mom had given her the assurance that she would get it

With these guys, Flora came to an understanding

It seems, her cousin would be the scape goat, after all Summer got the body and shape that seems to hard for men to resist, which was one of the many reasons she hated her

Knowing Mr Patrick's record for getting under the legs of anything on skirt, a beautiful one at that, he would surely give her the contract in exchange of her cousin

What a plan

"Ah yes yes mom, I kinda forgot about it, it's today right?

She asked in pretence

"Of course, now you get going so you won't be late"

Elizabeth played along, knowing fully well that her daughter had already gotten the hidden meaning

Summer immediately head out first to the packed car Flora was going to use, the driver was already waiting

"How did you get her to come?

Flora asked in a whisper after Summer went outside

Elizabeth smiled

"I have my ways child, you send Mr Patrick a message about the exchange and go do your thing"

Flora squeeled slightly, feeling happy.

The endorsement was finally going to hers



"Babe you know I had to do what I did okay? No offence but she's sassy and I can't risk loosing the hotel's most important clients just for her"

Andrew tried explaining 

His girlfriend, Lilian, Summer's bestie called to interrogate him and Judge him too about relieving her best friend from her job

"Oh really? Really Andrew? I was the one who brought her to you and you couldn't even consider your sweetheart before sacking her? I feel betrayed!

Lilian half yelled

Andrew facepalmed and wiped off sweat on his forehead

"Baby, you know I ain't the owner of this hotel, I'm just a manager here and I would end up loosing my job if it continues, please understand, please baby"

Andrew pleaded, with all the innocent sweet voice he could muster

There was silence for a while that, He checked if it had been disconnected but it wasn't

Why wasn't she saying anything?

He thought

"Baby I..."

The call was immediately disconnected


Andrew cursed in his office!

She didn't even let him finish what he wanted to say

His baby is mad at him now that it would take a living sacrifice to end it


You're such a disaster

Michael shook her head with a smile



Summer sat and watched as Flora and the man made small talks and laughed

Made her wonder when she was gonna sign the contract and get everything done with

Few minutes later, the man, called Mr Patrick, poured them a drink which they all drank 

Summer readily drank it seeing it wasn't alcohol but a fruit wine

He poured more for them and they didn't refuse it.

Summer began wondering, why was she getting dizzy all of a sudden?

It was as if everything around her was on air and she couldn't grasp a thing

From her hazy vision, she saw Flora stand up to leave and she did too but she felt more dizzier and almost fell but was held back by the Mr Patrick

Panic kicked into her when she saw Flora give her a strange look then left her in the room alone with the man.

"You're so beautiful young lady"

The man said, holding her shoulders while she squirmed and in the process of her struggle, her shirt's sleeve slipped down her shoulders exposing her milky smooth skin

Mr Patrick's eyes darkened in total lust

That Flora actually made a good deal

This lady in front of him was so ripe and innocent unlike other ladies in the entertainment industry he had seen and he couldn't wait to have her under him

Luckily, the moment of him being distracted, Summer grabbed the remaining bottle of the wine and smashed it down on his head, the impact was so much that he was forced to let her go

Mr Patrick doubled over in pain and cursed

"You bitch!!! Just wait there or else you're dead meat!!!

He shouted after Summer who had ran out of the room sluggishly

His two men rushed into the room and their eyes widened seeing their boss bleeding and in an embarrassed position

They had been standing outside all these while but because the door was proofed, they couldn't hear a thing

The actress who had been escorted walked out first and they were quite puzzled she didn't come out with the other pretty lady as they were two who went in initially

Only for them to stand a few minutes, then saw the pretty lady in a haggard state rushing out sluggishly and swaying from side, then came the angry growl of their boss, making the rush inside the room

"B-Boss are you alright?

One asked 

"What are you still here asking for?! Go catch that lady!!! Don't let her go away!!!! Fuck!!!

They all dispersed immediately in search of the lady

As Mr Patrick was a wealthy man in the society, he had many guards at his Beck and call, following him around and so in no time, they were all set to capture Summer Hales

"She couldn't have gone too far and must be still in the hotel premises"


Summer swayed and fell few times but forced braced herself



That's what they are!!

Her aunt and cousin had played her once again

No wonder she had a bad foreboding feeling inside her back at Bervey Mansion

They had tried to use her as a play card to get the endorsement!!!

Her hatred for them increased times two 

If she hadn't fought relentlessly, she would have been violated and nobody would care or find out about it

Fumbling her bag, she brought out her phone and dialled the first number on her call history

At the fourth ring, the phone got connected


Elizabeth surprised voice came 

"Summer is that you?

"Who else Aunt, of course it's Summer"


"How? Surprised ain't you? you are the worst human being I've ever come across in my whole life!!!!!! And I swear I'll make you pay for it!!!!

Summer shouted angrily but hastily cut the call when she heard footsteps around the area she was in

She knows they must surely be looking all over for her

That man didn't look like a normal man at all

If he could determine who gets an endorsement for VGB, then he must be likewise powerful .

Summer braced herself as her body was becoming hot

Fuck!! who knows what that man put in her drink!


Summer yelped when the door she rested on opened suddenly, resulting in her falling inside the room and on someone's chest!!

Shocked beyond human imagination, she spurn around immediately and saw the most coldest face she had ever seen in her life

Her adrenaline rush kicked in and she rushed to leave the room immediately but the man was faster than she was and shut the door closed trapping her between himself and the door

Lucian looked down at the flushed lady in front of him and his eyes so dark that you wouldn't dictate any emotion in them

He had just taken a shower and had got out of the bathroom to hear shouts coming from outside

As his side of room was a VIP section and wouldn't harbour such noise, he had to go check the angry fowl outside, only for a petite looking girl to fall into his room and on his chest

Now she wants to run

Inspecting her closely without a word, his eyes had the first emotion 


Before he could say anything, the girl glared at him

"You? Again?!

Summer said dizzily

"Is this your way of throwing yourself on wealthy men?

Lucian asked

His eyes fixed on a particular place on her chest

Summer narrowed her eyes and followed his gaze


With gritted teeth, She adjusted the straps of her sleeves to the normal position

"You're so disrespectful, don't you know how to be a gentleman?Tsk I bet you do not even know what that word is"

She mumbled

A resounding knock was heard,

Summer already had an idea who they were and Lucian was narrowed his eyes when the girl removed her dress, leaving her on a pant and singlet

The knock came again repeatedly and because the door was not locked, it was pushed open 

Immediately, Summer stood on her tiptoes and slammed her lips on Lucian's

The men seeing the scene widened their eyes to see couples making out

The most shocking part of it was that, they just interrupted Mr Stuart!!!!

Immediately they slammed the door close without another glance

If they had gotten recognized, they would surely be done for in this city!!!

Summer seeing her plan work, removed her lips from Lucian's and immediately regretted her actions because he looked dark and gloomy like the devil

She could even see imaginary horns on his head

Her thought then and there was to flee

Just when she turned around to open the door, her arm was gripped hard and sourness around

"And where do you think you're going to?

Uh uh....