
CEO's Revenge Game

Two years ago, she was a well-behaved and lovely young lady, but she had an irresponsible and worthless fiancé. She simply broke off this ridiculous engagement, but it led to a catastrophic disaster, turning her into a captive maid to a bloodthirsty man. He hated her, kidnapped her, imprisoned her, degraded her in the cruelest ways. And then... he fell in love with her. When he wanted to heal her with true love, she fell victim to a treacherous plot and disappeared along with their unborn baby. Two years later, they meet again, and she is on the verge of death, with no recollection of him...

nikolineblack · Urbain
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20 Chs

His Care

After staying in Maxwell's bedroom for a while, Flora eventually turned and walked out, heading towards Oliver's room. Despite not being as brutal as Maxwell, she still felt somewhat nervous and uncomfortable in the presence of a man she had only met twice.

Flora stood at the door, took a deep breath, and gently knocked on the door a couple of times. 

Oliver's deep voice came from inside, "Come in."

Flora pushed the door and entered. When her eyes met Oliver's bare upper body, she was taken aback. Her fair face, which was initially pale, instantly turned a deep shade of red. At that moment, he was wearing only casual shorts, and his well-built upper body had a healthy and sun-kissed tan.

His face displayed a mocking expression, with a hint of amusement. Flora's face turned even redder, and she quickly lowered her head, saying, "Second Young Master, these are your clothes."

"Thank you," Oliver replied with a soft laugh. After casting a glance at her adorable red face, he turned and walked toward the floor-to-ceiling window.

At the very moment he turned, a gasp escaped from Flora's lips, and she almost dropped the neatly folded clothes in her hands. Her eyes widened as she stared at a vivid blue dragon tattoo that had suddenly appeared on Oliver's back.

It was the same fierce and bloodthirsty dragon that was always seen on Maxwell's back. Incredibly, she was now seeing it on Oliver's back.

For a moment, she couldn't help but think that Maxwell and Oliver were, in fact, the same person!

"Is there something wrong, Miss White?" Oliver turned around and looked at Flora, who had her mouth half open, with a gentle smile.

"N-nothing," Flora quickly closed her half-open mouth, shook her head, and walked towards the wardrobe, placing the clothes inside. She scolded herself internally for her surprise. There was nothing to be astonished about. Maxwell and Oliver were twins, and they looked identical. What was strange about them liking the same jigsaw puzzles or having identical tattoos?

It was she who had reacted excessively, making herself look foolish as if she had never seen anything before.

While standing in front of the wardrobe, arranging the clothes, Flora suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back. The pain was so intense that it caused her to clench her teeth, and cold sweat broke out on her skin. Indeed, Oliver's embrace had brought her this kind of feeling—pain!

However, when she realized what was happening, her whole body stiffened, and she stared in astonishment at the steel-like arms wrapped around her. At that moment, she even forgot about the pain. Oliver had embraced her?!

"Second Young Master, please behave appropriately," Flora's face darkened, and she said coldly without turning back. She didn't dare to move recklessly due to fear of aggravating her wounds.

Oliver, being considerate, released her and stepped in front of her, carefully inspecting her trembling body. 

He asked softly, "Is your injury still very painful?" His right hand was halfway up, as if he wanted to touch her shoulder but was concerned about causing her pain, so it hung hesitantly in the air.

Flora hesitated and stared at him. How could he ask her this question? Did he know about the abuse she suffered from Maxwell? Furthermore, why did he show a seemingly caring expression? According to Maxwell, she was supposed to be an enemy of the Smith Family!

Oliver seemed to understand her confusion, and he chuckled softly, saying, "I've heard about your situation from others."

"In that case, Second Young Master, why don't you hate me like Big Young Master does?" 

Weren't they brothers? Weren't they supposed to be united? She was so confused about many things.

Oliver just smiled and then turned to find a tube of ointment in the cabinet, placing it in her hand. He said, "If you don't want ugly scars on your skin, go back to your room and apply the ointment."

Flora was taken aback once more, looking at him with surprise. She couldn't decipher his enigmatic expressions. She didn't know if she could trust his words or the ointment he had given her.

Lowering her head, she looked at the ointment in her palm. It had been a long time since she had experienced someone's care. Her eyes suddenly welled up with tears. To prevent Oliver from noticing her teary eyes, she kept her head down, staring intently at the ointment in her hand. After a moment, she lowered her head slightly and said, "Thank you, Second Young Master."

After expressing her gratitude, she turned and walked out. Oliver watched her retreating figure, and a subtle, enigmatic smile appeared on his firm lips. Nobody knew what he was thinking or planning.

Flora lay on the bed, feeling the coolness the ointment brought to her back. Her wound no longer hurt as much. The ointment that Oliver had given her worked remarkably well, and Flora couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards him.

Over these past few days, her body had endured immense suffering, and she had almost reached the point of not being able to bear it any longer. Oliver's small act of kindness had moved her.

Regardless of his intentions or whether he was associated with the Smith Family, Flora only knew that she was in less pain at this moment, thanks to the ointment he had provided.

As for Oliver's intentions... 

Flora recalled their first two meetings, and on both occasions, Oliver had asked for the platinum necklace that was no longer in her possession.

It was a rather ordinary and perhaps even somewhat outdated necklace. A few months ago, her roommate, Lily, had accidentally stepped on her new laptop and damaged it. Since she couldn't afford a new computer, she had to use the necklace to compensate her. Flora hadn't intended to accept compensation, as she didn't need the money, but Lily insisted. Flora reluctantly accepted it, initially planning to wear it for a couple of days for form's sake. However, on the first day she wore it, she happened to encounter Oliver.

He had even offered to buy the seemingly ordinary necklace from her. Flora found it strange that Oliver attached so much importance to a necklace that, in her eyes, was quite ordinary. She was genuinely curious about why he coveted it so much.