
Chapter one:His back

OMG,dad am so happy to hear this news thanks daddy.

I was about stepping into the house when I heard a voice and I could tell it was Elsa.

Elsa happened to be my step-sister,dad got married to her mother after the death of mom since then it's been a real struggle for me dad stopped caring about me and focused on Elsa,it really doesn't affect me anymore but seeing her so happy dad must have done something to please her again.

'Well as long as she does not get in my way'.I thought to my self

'Hey Muriel come over here,Dad said waving his hand at me.

I slowly approached Elsa and dad I had to keep a distance between them.What are you doing standing there have a sit,dad said pointing at the space near him and i sat down.

'Listen very carefully dad said pulling at his hear.I wonder what he wants to tell me that required me sitting next to him.The Marquis son's are back so they are throwing a dinner party for there return so I want you and your sister to be their since the brothers will be there too who knows they might take a liking to you too and we might end up with a marriage alliance do you understand.

'So this is the reason for Elsa's happiness,it wasn't a surprise after all.

" You can go and rest for now,I will have your outfit delivered to you.I stood up to leave "okay dad I"ll be on my way now,looking at Elsa I could tell she didn't want me to join them

"Dad why did you invite her,I mean look at her skin she's going to ruin our family dad.Elsa muttered she didn't want her to attend.

I was trying to relax when my phone rang out

It was Mill calling.

Hey girlfriend are you busy if not am at the kings high coffee shop hurry am waiting for you she said and ended the call.

It's that it she just got home and now she has to go out again,well it was better than staying at home,I walked to the wardrobe picked out a pair of shirts and trousers dropping them on my bed and went to freshen up,I put on my clothes and added a little lipstick to my already pink lip then tied my long black hair in a ponytail picked up my bag and phone before leaving I checked my self to make sure I was presentable to people and yea I was looking great if their was one thing I could say my dad never stopped providing me with material things but emotionally we had grown apart I picked up my car key and headed out.

"Muriel wait Elsa yelled from behind me.What is it this time Elsa I turned back looking impatient.

I want you to tell dad that you can't go for the dinner party at the Marquis house tomorrow.Looking at how serious she looked I couldn't help but smirk

Elsa looked at me obviously annoyed at me"why should I do that,if you have a problem with me going settle it with dad okay I said giving her a pat on the head,by the way I'm heading out so be good okay little sister.I felt good about making her feel annoyed her milky skin had turned red it was really satisfying to see ,with that I got into my car leaving the Everest household in few minutes I had arrived at the kings high coffee shop,sporting Mill I walked up to her and sat down.

"Why did you call me out Mill',well I wanted to have coffee with you is that so bad.

"No no don't get me wrong what I mean is we didn't make plan for this I explained to her.

"Never mind so you must have heard of the news right'asked Mill

"Of course I was aware but I wouldn't tell her so I feigned ignorant "what news I asked back'.

"So you haven't heard the news yet,well I'll just tell you then it's Trevor his back with his brother josh and their hosting a dinner party tomorrow so are you going.

"I won't be going,Mill

"Hey girl are you crazy don't you want to see him again it's been seven years Muriel don't you miss him I thought you loved him.

"I did have a crush on him during high school but that's in the past now like you said it's been seven years and we are all adults now.

"So you are telling me you moved on and no longer have feelings for him".

"Yes Mill I no longer have feelings for him I have moved on and I know he…,I couldn't complete my statement as two young men entered the coffee shop she couldn't resist and just stared at the guy with silver hair that cascaded down his shoulders with striking blue eyes like the ocean that is capable off drawing you into the world of no return oh no it can't be him why was he here she tried to take her eyes of him but she was late those beautiful golden eyes was staring back at her.

Josh had dragged Trevor to have coffee against his will and he was obviously in a bad mood when he noticed that someone was staring at him intensely turning his head to see who it was,he was so shocked to see those beautiful set of purple eyes that gave him sleepless nights her eyes he could never forget her , but she withdrew her gaze and a feeling of disappointment laced his heart he quickly left the coffee shop.

Seeing he had left the table she looked at Mil apologetically am sorry Mill I can't stay here any longer let's hang out some other time I picked up my bag and headed to my car my when I heard my name.

"Muriel "

I tried escaping but he held my hand bringing me close to himself,we were so close his lips just an inch away from mine taking his scent which really calmed my heart the smell the soil after rain how she missed this scent that only belonged to him.

"What are you doing let go of me,I tried to escape his hold."If u keep moving I have no choice but to kiss you,he said staring at me as if waiting for me to struggle,judging from his expression I knew he would definitely do it so I stayed still.

"What do you want from me"

" Why are you avoiding me,I just want to talk to you",he looked at me expectantly "I don't think we have anything to talk about so please let me go',she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Seeing tears in her heart pulled at his heart he felt indescribable pain he couldn't take it anymore he leaned forward pressing his thin lips with her pink heart shaped lips.

I tried to hold the tears that were in my eyes from falling when I felt his lips on mine,ohh this lips she missed it no I can't this happen again mustering up courage she pushed him away.