

Community discord: discord.gg/TSvY9zJaWz Fair warning this is an EXTREMELY lewd story. Centaur and various humanoid girls. -Big titty futa Centaur adventurer accidentally absorbs an entire civilizations worth of Virility and goes on a journey of Self Discovery, Epic Cumflation, and Growth.-

StratothraxAD · Fantaisie
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330 Chs

Chapter 3 pt4

"That's your own fault Vivi. Honestly, what were you thinking? What if a monster attacked us?"

"Pah, I can take any little forest monster even like this. Hell, I could probably crush a few to death with my belly this size."

Ellaria gave her a sour look but turned as from the front door of the inn a small otterkin woman appeared. The otterkin was nearly a foot shorter than Flora at a little over two and a half feet tall. A small red dust cloth was on top of her human-like head between two small round ears sticking up from her brown hair. A tiny pink flower was tucked behind one ear. Her petite breasts were hidden by a breast wrap and her lower body by a unique pair of cuffed short shorts, unique because of the massive otter tail sticking out the back that was as thick as her already very thick thighs, a cuffed opening in the shorts allowing for it. She was properly bottom-heavy with flared broad hips.

"Oh! Hi there! Welcome back to the Slippery Otter!" said the otterkin with a big welcoming smile.

"Heya, sorry I didn't catch your name last time, we arrived late and left early."

"No worries, my names Hope, and we are always happy to have you. Lord knows we can't get enough custom around here."

'You are quite far off the beaten path, not much cause for traffic no?"

"True enough. With that new dungeon being found we're hoping for more adventurers, your band would be the first we've had through."

"Ah, about that, well maybe I'll speak inside, it's been a long walk."

"Oh certainly! Where are my manners, a cold beer for a weary adventure is an inn's first priorit- ty tee, prio-" the otterkin stuttered to a stop at the end of her sentence as her eyes came to rest on Vivi's pregnant stomach. The otterkin stared at the fox girl. "Uh, did you become pregnant during the trip to the dungeon because you certainly weren't pregnant last time I saw you."

The band turned to see Vivi's reply. The vulpine laughed and waved her paw dismissively. "Oh, that. No I was pregnant then, I own a magical Artefact that hides my pregnancy, it's not a big deal. I mean, it's not like I could have gotten this pregnant in a couple of days right?" said the vulpine, casually lying through her teeth.

The otterkin blinked. "Oh, I guess that makes much more sense. Well, er, congratulations on the pregnancy! You're uh, a brave one to go into a dungeon while preggers."

"Nah, I'm just tough as nails. Pregnancy doesn't slow me down in the slightest," she grinned.

"I was more worried about the uhm baby, but uhm I guess that's uh fine." The otterkin shook her head. "Nevermind, I'm not focusing, come come, come inside, let me find you a drink and a seat to get you off your feet."

The otterkin trotted through the door beckoning behind her.

Fey let out a breath. She had lined herself up behind Ellaria very carefully so that the otterkin's view of her new cock was obscured by Ellaria's body. She had seemingly succeeded.

Vivi let out a huff and adjusted her belly. "Nosy otter. Just serve a drink already." She started waddling toward the door.

"Why'd you tell her that lie," hissed Ellaria as she followed.

"What did you expect me to say? Oh, my bellies so full of cum that it's the size of a beach ball, oh and the one responsible is the no longer entirely female centaur over there?"

Ellaria put her hand to her forehead. "Dammit. Alright fine, but if this somehow blows up in your face you're taking the flak."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," said the vulpine waving a paw over her shoulder as she crossed the threshold.

Ellaria swiftly followed and then Flora who drifted through the air yawning lazily. Fey stepped up to the door but stopped before entering, instead adjusting her horse half to one side so it could not be seen from inside and poking her front half under the door header.

The interior of the inn was welcoming and smelled faintly of fresh lemons. Little wonder as the place was receiving a thorough cleaning. A pair of otterkins rushed past, leant down and pushing a rag each across the floorboards. On the other side of the room was a bar which three male otterkin sat atop. The three males were not cleaning but drinking whiskey from tumblers.

Hope, the otterkin who had led them in with a dust cloth atop her head waved at the cleaning otterkins. "Kayla, Lily!" The pair cleaning the floor stopped and came over upon hearing their names. As they approached Fey realised that they were identical, identical twins. Each of them had a yellow daisy tucked next to an ear and similar clothing to Hope.

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