

Community discord: discord.gg/TSvY9zJaWz Fair warning this is an EXTREMELY lewd story. Centaur and various humanoid girls. -Big titty futa Centaur adventurer accidentally absorbs an entire civilizations worth of Virility and goes on a journey of Self Discovery, Epic Cumflation, and Growth.-

StratothraxAD · Fantaisie
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330 Chs

15.8 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

Fey's hand came down and grasped one of Flora's uplifted wrists. Flora opened her eyes and blinked, staring at the large hand wrapped around her and then down to the damp milky mess she had made of her front.


"You're lactating Flora, like a broodmother. Like my broodmare, my mate to breed. You're mine, all of you, every single little part of your body belongs to me, all of it, to fill and fill and breed and breed with more and more and more."

"Wha-what?" repeated Flora, her voice now higher in pitch. She was almost fearful as she looked at the hand holding her in an iron immovable grip.

Fey blinked and seemed to come back to herself. She snatched her hand from Flora's wrist as though she had been burned by a hot iron. The pair stared at each other wide eyed, suddenly awkwardly conscious of their relationship.

Flora swallowed, her mouth almost painfully dry. She glanced at Fey's back end, her throbbing vascular erection bobbed there, eager and hungry to be sleeved in a tight wet pussy.

What Fey had said, it was very out of character, but then hadn't she said similarly possessive things recently, with the goblins for instance? Flora wasn't sure what to make of it and her thoughts were made all the more scrambled by hormonal instincts screaming in the background of her mind, telling her that this is what all animals were born for, their primary directive in life: To mate and reproduce. She had found something that fulfilled that deep deep animal desire more than anything else in history, a sense of fulfillment unlike anything else was hers for the taking. What Fey had said, about being hers, belonging to the centaur, her permanent sloppy cocksleeve, her breeding post used to empty the centaur's turgid balls over and over. Flora realised with a little buzz of pleasure that sounded fucking amazing to her, which was a shock as she was the one who was supposed to be on top, the one in control, the dominant one. But then the centaur, the centaur was different, her lower part was more than any male she had ever come across, a dominating overpowering masculinity that made Flora's feminine side weak at the knees and eager to spread her legs for the centaur as her thighs trembled in anticipation.

"S-still counts as fulfilling my promise!" Fey managed to get out, feeling a little uncomfortable under the gnome's ravenous analytical gaze.

Flora blinked. "Huh? Wait no! That doesn't count! You can't do this to me! Not after what you just said!"

"F-forget that happened! It was a mistake!" said Fey, backing away from the gnome.

"NUUUUU!" said the gnome as she shook herself atop her belly sending ripples across her skin. Her hands reached out for the centaur. "P-please! Please Fey!"

Fey was disturbed, seeing the normally rude and self-serving gnome openly beg for her was… it felt wrong. She backed away further and further until she disappeared around the side of a caravan. Then she turned and ran away.

"You're lactating like a cow Flo, do you want me to fetch a bucket and start milking you?" said Vivi as she fondly rubbed a paw over the tshirt tightly stretched across her stomach.

"No you dimwit! I'm not pregnant! I'm not!" snarled Flora turning on the fox girl.

Vivi grinned foxishly, "I never said anything about you being preggers, that just then was all you."

Flora let out a groan of frustration and buried her face in her milky breasts which let out another sputtering spurt of white that sprinkled across the grass as the weight of her head came down on them.

Vivi snorted out a laugh and turned to Kayla. "You know she's going to be completely useless for the rest of the day and maybe some of tomorrow right?"

"Uhm, yes?" said Kayla not sure what the vulpine was getting at.

"Your sister, she's still full of Fey's cum. Flora is barely able to lift herself let alone Lily. That's a problem as we are moving today no?"

"Oh no! What do we do!" said Kayla suddenly deathly afraid her sister was going to be left behind.

Vivi rolled her eyes. "We empty her, duh. Come on, follow me."

The vulpine stepped away from the sulking gnome, who was glaring angrily at anything and anyone who came near, and strode through the camp, her new shirt proudly on display. The confused double takes the shirt constantly attracted just seemed to swell the fox girl's pride in her handiwork all the more.

It wasn't long before they found Lily. She was stuck at the edge of the camp, a warm blanket wrapped around her body, or at least the part that wasn't the drooping spherical tummy that she was trapped on top of.

"Kayla!" exclaimed Lily. Apart from her belly just her head was visible beneath the blanket, a hood of fabric covering her hair and ears, framing her small face. Kayla had to admit she looked adorable.

Community discord if you want to hang and see lewd art I make of this story ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (I'm pretty good at art)


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