
Celestial Voyage

In a world steeped in ancient myth and modern skepticism, the resurfacing of a long-forgotten legend shatters the boundaries between reality and imagination. When the Celestial Voyage, a mystical ship born from the depths of the cosmos, reappears in the skies above, it sets into motion a chain of events that will forever alter the course of history. Caught in the wake of this celestial phenomenon is Ronan, a young man born into poverty and hardship, whose life is forever changed when he is chosen to embark on a journey beyond imagination. Follow Ronan on a tale of adventure, discovery, and redemption, 'Celestial Voyage' is a mesmerizing journey into the heart of the unknown.....a journey where the boundaries between myth and reality blur, and the true power of the human spirit shines brightest amidst the stars.

SparkySparger · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


The dawn light filtered through the canopy of Greenwood Forest, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. Ronan, now more confident and skilled, decided to venture further than he ever had before. His newfound strength at level 5 and his growing arsenal of tools and weapons spurred him on. As he wandered deeper into the forest, the trees grew denser, their branches intertwining to form a natural roof that blocked out the sun. The air was cooler here, and the sounds of wildlife were distant, muffled by the thick foliage.

Ronan moved cautiously, every sense on high alert. After hours of walking, Ronan noticed something unusual: a strange stone structure partially hidden by vines and moss. Intrigued, he approached it, brushing aside the greenery to reveal some carvings on the stone. The markings were unfamiliar, but they exuded an aura of mystery and power.

"This must be some sort of ruin," Ronan murmured to himself, excitement bubbling up inside him.

He pushed through the dense underbrush and found himself standing before what looked like the entrance to a temple. The doorway was framed by two massive pillars, each intricately carved with scenes of battles, mythical creatures, and arcane symbols. The air around the ruins felt charged with energy, a stark contrast to the serene forest outside.

Ronan took a deep breath and stepped inside. The temperature dropped noticeably, and the light from outside barely penetrated the gloom. He lit a makeshift torch and held it high, its flickering light casting eerie shadows on the walls. As he moved deeper into the temple, the air grew thicker, and a faint, musty smell filled his nostrils.

The first chamber he entered was vast, with high ceilings and walls adorned with more carvings and faded murals. In the center of the room stood a stone pedestal, and upon it rested a gleaming sword. Ronan approached it cautiously, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of traps or danger.

[Item: Silver Alloy Sword

Properties: +10 Attack, +5 Speed]

Ronan's eyes widened. The sword was a significant upgrade from his crude spear. He reached out and grasped the hilt, feeling a surge of power as he lifted it. The sword was surprisingly light, its blade sharp and well-balanced. He swung it experimentally, marveling at how effortlessly it cut through the air.

With his new weapon in hand, Ronan continued to explore the ruins. He moved through narrow corridors and climbed crumbling staircases, each step echoing in the silence. The deeper he went, the more he felt like he was stepping back in time, into a world of ancient magic and forgotten lore.

In one chamber, he discovered a set of ornate armor. The breastplate, greaves, and gauntlets were made of a strange, silvery metal that shimmered in the torchlight.

[Item: Enchanted Armor Set

Properties: +20 Defense, +10 Resistance]

Ronan donned the armor, feeling its protective embrace. It was a perfect fit, as if it had been made for him. The enchantments in the armor made him feel invulnerable, and he knew it would greatly enhance his chances of survival when he will fight monsters in the forest.

As he moved deeper into the ruins, Ronan stumbled upon a hidden chamber behind a large tapestry. Inside, he found a treasure trove of gold coins, gemstones, and other valuables. The sight of such wealth took his breath away.

"These will be useful when I find my way out of this forest" he thought, imagining the possibilities.

[Item: Gold coins

Properties: Tradeable Currency]

Ronan collected as much treasure as he could carry, knowing it would be invaluable for future trades and upgrades. He then noticed a small chest tucked away in a corner. Opening it, he found several strange fruits, each glowing with a soft, otherworldly light.

[Item: Blood Qi Fruits

Properties: Temporary stat boosts, healing properties]

Ronan took a bite of one of the fruits, feeling a rush of energy and vitality course through him. The taste was sweet and refreshing, unlike anything he had ever experienced. He stored the remaining fruits carefully, knowing they could be lifesavers in critical moments.

After he made sure that there's nothing left to collect, he left the chamber and made his way further into the ruins. As he explored further, Ronan encountered some traps designed to protect the treasures.

Now Ronan was standing in front of a stone door, and his face looks goolmy. "Now what the heck is this thing ?" On the stone wall one could see a strange red crystal and around that crystal seven other small white crystals rotating in a strange pattern.

"Hmm.. is it some of puzzle?" Ronan murmured to himself , racking his brain. After founding nothing he starts fiddlling with the crystals but nothing happened.

"F*ck" frustrated he simply punched the red crystal , and suddenly with a creak sound the door opened.

"Huh.. that works too ?.. well whatever.." Ronan not caring how the puzzle solved, simply entered the door. When he entered the door it revealed a hidden passageway.

The passageway led to a small, dimly lit chamber.