
Celestial Voyage

In a world steeped in ancient myth and modern skepticism, the resurfacing of a long-forgotten legend shatters the boundaries between reality and imagination. When the Celestial Voyage, a mystical ship born from the depths of the cosmos, reappears in the skies above, it sets into motion a chain of events that will forever alter the course of history. Caught in the wake of this celestial phenomenon is Ronan, a young man born into poverty and hardship, whose life is forever changed when he is chosen to embark on a journey beyond imagination. Follow Ronan on a tale of adventure, discovery, and redemption, 'Celestial Voyage' is a mesmerizing journey into the heart of the unknown.....a journey where the boundaries between myth and reality blur, and the true power of the human spirit shines brightest amidst the stars.

SparkySparger · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Crafting Skills

Ronan woke up early the next morning, the soft chirping of birds greeting him as the first light of dawn filtered through the canopy of Greenwood Forest. He stretched, wincing slightly at the stiffness in his muscles. The previous day's battle had taken its toll, but the thrill of victory and the promise of new adventures pushed him to his feet.

His first order of business was to find water and food. He knew that without these, his newfound strength would quickly dwindle. Remembering the small stream he had crossed the day before, he headed in that direction, keeping his senses on alert for any signs of danger.

As he walked, he took a look at the beauty of the forest. The tall trees, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze, the vibrant flowers that dotted the forest floor, and the occasional glimpse of wildlife made him feel both awed and wary. Every step he took was measured, his spear ready to fend off any threats.

Reaching the stream, Ronan knelt down and cupped his hands to drink. The water was cool and refreshing, revitalizing him. He then filled a self-made pouch that he had made from his shirt with water for later.

As he straightened up, he noticed something peculiar: a small plant with glowing blue berries growing by the water's edge.

[Item: Glowing Berries

Properties: Minor Healing, Slight Energy Boost]

Ronan's curiosity was piqued. He carefully picked a handful of berries and tasted one. The sweet, tangy flavor burst in his mouth, and he immediately felt a slight surge of energy and he felt that soreness of muscles after yesterday's battles was washing away.

"Now this is some good stuff .." he happily gathered more berries, storing them for later use.

With his immediate needs for water and food addressed, Ronan decided it was time to explore more of the system's functionalities. He opened the system interface and navigated through its options, then he came across sections for skills, inventory, and crafting. The crafting section particularly caught his interest.


[Crafting Menu:

Basic Tools


Healing Items



He selected 'Basic Tools' and found a list of items he could craft with the materials he had gathered: a rudimentary axe, a fishing rod, and a simple trap. He decided to start with the axe, as it would help him gather more resources.


[Crafting: Rudimentary Axe

Materials Required:

Sturdy Stick: x1

Sharp Stone: x1

Vine: x2

Crafting Time: 10 minutes]


Ronan quickly assembled the materials, using his spear to sharpen a stone and some vines he had collected to bind it to a sturdy stick. The process was straightforward, and soon he held a rudimentary axe in his hands. He tested its weight and balance, quite satisfied with his handiwork.

With the axe, he began to gather more resources. He chopped down small trees and collected wood, vines, and other useful materials. As he worked, he encountered various creatures: harmless critters that scurried away at his approach, and more menacing beasts that watched him warily from the shadows.

He encountered a fox-like creature with sharp claws and a cunning look in its eyes. Ronan readied his spear, but the creature did not attack. Instead, it watched him with a keen interest, as if assessing whether he was friend or foe. Deciding not to provoke it, Ronan continued his work, keeping a cautious eye on the creature until it eventually lost interest and disappeared into the forest.

As the day wore on, Ronan felt a growing sense of confidence. He had food, water, and tools. He had faced and defeated a monster. And he was beginning to understand the system.

He spent the afternoon practicing with his new tools and setting simple traps around his camp. The traps were crude but effective, designed to catch small animals for food. He also crafted a basic camp using branches and leaves, providing some protection from the small creatures and rain.

As evening fell, Ronan sat by his campfire, eating the berries he had gathered and reflecting on his day. He felt a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. Every moment in Astravia was a learning experience, a chance to grow stronger and wiser.

Just as he was about to close his eyes and sleep, the system interface appeared again with a soft ding.

[New Skill Unlocked: Basic Crafting

Description: Allows the creation of basic tools, weapons, and traps.

Level: 1 (0/100)].

Ronan smiled at the notification. It was a small but significant step forward. He knew that he had a long journey ahead, filled with challenges so this may be useful in future.

But for now, he just want to lay and rest and prepare for whatever the next day would bring.

As the fire crackled and the stars twinkled overhead, Ronan drifted into a deep sleep.