
Celestial Kingdoms: Bonds of Destiny

Tang Wei, a young flower spirit of the Lotus Blossom Monastery, is thrust into a world of mystery and danger when a malevolent force targets her with a newfound power. Alongside her loyal friends, including the steadfast Prince Jin of the Beast realm, Tang Wei embarks on a perilous quest to unravel the secrets that threaten their immortal existence. Guided by destiny, Tang Wei's path converges with that of Prince Chen, heir to the Demon realm and plagued by his father's dark legacy. As they confront ancient prophecies and unearth long-buried truths, Tang Wei and Prince Chen discover a bond that transcends their realms' tumultuous history, grappling with matters of duty and heart while torn between opposing sides. With allies by their side, Tang Wei navigates treacherous landscapes and faces formidable foes in her quest for the truth. Set against a backdrop of political intrigue and cosmic conflict, "Celestial Shadows: Bonds of Destiny" is a tale of love, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of truth. As Tang Wei and Prince Chen confront their deepest fears and grapple between fate and destiny, they must defy the shadows of their pasts to secure a future where light triumphs over darkness.

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14 Chs


Tang Wei jolted awake, her body drenched in cold sweat, a terrible feeling gripping her throat. She struggled to call out for Lin Yi and Xiao Song, who were fast asleep in the next room over. It was as if her mind was awake but her body remained paralyzed, pressed into the mattress by some invisible force, suffocating her under its weight.

Before Tang Wei could even attempt to call for help again, a low rumble echoed through the corridor, causing the ground to tremble beneath them. The torches in her room flickered ominously, casting eerie shadows that danced along the walls. Tang Wei's heart raced with fear as she struggled harder against the invisible force. Just when she felt like giving up hope, Lin Yi and Xiao Song hurriedly burst through the doors, with Prince Jin following closely behind.

The loud rumble from the palace had woken them up, and they immediately rushed to the source of the shaking—Tang Wei's room. Prince Jin's grip tightened on his weapon, his eyes narrowed in determination to protect his friend. "Tang Wei, wake up!" Xiao Song shouted, shaking her friend, who looked catatonic, stricken with fear. Lin Yi swiftly opened a bottle of smelling salts and waved them under Tang Wei's nose. It seemed to do the trick as she started to stir.

Once free from whatever imaginary grip held onto her, Tang Wei sat up with a gasp. With wary glances exchanged between them, Tang Wei, Prince Jin, Lin Yi, and Xiao Song all agreed on one thing. Prince Jin was the first to rise from in front of Tang Wei's bed. "I have to see my father. Wait here and don't move until I come back, okay?" Tang Wei nodded, her heart still pounding with fear. She watched as Prince Jin hurried out of the room, his footsteps echoing down the corridor as he made his way towards the Beast King's chambers.

Lin Yi and Xiao Song remained by Tang Wei's side, their expressions a mix of concern and confusion. "What just happened?" Lin Yi asked, her voice tense. Tang Wei shook her head, her mind still reeling from the experience. "I'm not sure," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "It felt like something was holding me down, suffocating me." Xiao Song shivered, her eyes wide with fear. "It must have been some kind of dark magic," she whispered, her voice trembling. "But who would want to harm you?"

Before Tang Wei could reply, Prince Jin returned, his expression troubled. "My father is sending guards to investigate the cause of the disturbance," he informed them, his voice tense. "We should stay here until my father summons us." Tang Wei nodded, feeling a sense of unease settle over her like a heavy cloak. Whatever had happened, it was clear that danger lurked in the shadows of the realms, and they needed to tread carefully if they were to uncover the truth. Every shadow seemed to hold a hidden threat, and she found herself on edge, her senses heightened as she scanned the room for something she could not see.

Minutes stretched into hours as they waited in tense silence, each passing moment filled with anticipation and dread. Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps broke the stillness, and Tang Wei felt a wave of relief wash over her as the guards entered the room. Prince Jin stepped forward, his expression grim. "Did you find anything?" he asked, his voice tight with tension. The lead guard shook his head, his brow furrowed in confusion. "We searched the entire palace, Your Highness, but we found no trace of any intruders or dark magic," he reported. "It's as if whatever happened was nothing more than a figment of our imagination."

Tang Wei exchanged a wary glance with Lin Yi and Xiao Song, her unease growing with each passing moment. Something was not right, and she couldn't shake the feeling that they were in grave danger. As the guards departed, leaving them alone once more, Tang Wei knew that they needed to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disturbance before it was too late. As the tension lingered in the air, she exchanged a worried glance with Lin Yi and Xiao Song, their expressions mirroring her own sense of unease.

Prince Jin's jaw clenched as he processed the guard's report. "Thank you for your efforts," he said tersely, dismissing them with a wave of his hand. Turning to Tang Wei, Lin Yi, and Xiao Song, he sighed heavily. "It seems we have no choice but to remain vigilant until we have more information." Tang Wei nodded in agreement, her mind racing with unanswered questions. "But why would someone target me?" she mused aloud, her voice tinged with frustration. "And why now, of all times?" Before anyone could offer a response, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted their conversation. Prince Jin tensed, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon as he prepared for the worst.

To their relief, it was not an enemy but Prince Jin's guard, Huo Feng. "Your Highness," his guard gasped, "I have just returned from my mission, and it is urgent." his breathless voice echoing through the corridor. "The Beast King requests your immediate presence in the throne room. All of you."

Prince Jin exchanged another wary glance with Tang Wei. "We must go at once," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. With heavy hearts, Tang Wei, Prince Jin, Lin Yi, and Xiao Song followed Huo Feng to the throne room, their footsteps echoing through the empty corridors of Lóngyù Palace. As they entered the grand chamber, they found the Beast King seated upon his ornate throne, his expression unreadable.

"Your Majesty," Prince Jin greeted him with a respectful bow, his voice tinged with apprehension. The Beast King nodded, his gaze fixed upon Tang Wei with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. "I have been informed of the disturbance in your chambers, Tang Wei," he said, his voice low and grave. "And I believe I know the cause. Or potentially the cause."

Tang Wei's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening with surprise. "You do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. The Beast King nodded, his gaze unwavering. "It is no secret that your mentor, Immortal Lotus, has kept many things hidden from you," he explained, his voice filled with sorrow. Tang Wei tensed, her mind reeling with the implications of the Beast King's words. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

The Beast King sighed heavily, his gaze flickering with regret. "We have received intel that the Demon King, Lord Li, has mobilized his army to lurk in the shadows and attack those he deems his enemy. There have been reports of a new power found within the Demon realm. It is a power of the mind that can attack you from within without ever leaving the shadows. I believe this is what attacked you today, Tang Wei."

Tang Wei was distraught. "Why me, Your Majesty?" The Beast King shook his head, unsure. "Immortal Lotus is always one for order and decorum. I am not surprised by your lack of knowledge about the relationships between our realms. However, I cannot be sure why you were a specific target." Tang Wei sank to the floor, troubled and riddled with fear. How could she fend off an attack on her mind?

The Beast King spoke again. "What I do know is this. Your destiny is intertwined with that of the realms," he revealed, his words echoing through the throne room like a solemn decree. "And Immortal Lotus has been keeping the details of your origins from you for far too long. Unfortunately, it is not my duty to reveal them to you."

Tang Wei felt her world shatter around her as the weight of the Beast King's words settled over her like an anchor to the floor. Everything she thought she knew was called into question, and she couldn't help but wonder what other secrets Immortal Lotus had been hiding from her.

Before she could dwell on the revelation any further, Prince Jin stepped forward, his expression determined. "What must we do?" he asked, his voice steady despite the uncertainty that hung in the air. The Beast King's gaze softened as he regarded Prince Jin with a mixture of patrichal love and respect. "We must uncover the truth," he declared, his voice echoing with conviction. "And we must do whatever it takes to protect what we need to."