
Celestial Dragon King, Harem Emperor

Celestial Fire Dragons are the most tyrannical beast in all of existence. Whatever they want, not a single person will dare stop them from succeeding. Okano Kansuke becomes a Celestial Fire Dragon in human form. Not only does every women he want fall for him. If he runs into any adversaries, you can be sure they will be thoroughly humiliated by his overwhelming power. In a world of genetic elementalists, people like Kansuke who possess the blood of a Celestial Fire Dragon are few and far between. In fact, he is the first person to truly possess the body of a young celestial fire dragon due to a horrific accident. Now, as he seeks to become the strongest genetic elementalist on the planet, he also must succeed in quenching his primative desires as a king of dragons and men! *warning* *contains gratuitious sex scenes, gore, and reasonably good story telling.* *Requires votes for more chapters*

DragonTreasures · Oriental
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Deranged Eggplant

The doorman with white hair and bronzed skin laughed and pointed Kansuke towards the bed where Chise and Michi were brutally tied up. There were four ropes holding their unfortunate appendages to the surrounding bedposts, causing Kansuke's lips to twitch underneath the mask.

Of course, the girls were in bad company, and he couldn't act without a plan. Five men sat on chairs, two on one side, and three on the other, waiting their turn for the maiden's delectable forms.

Having just told them Kansuke was dead, those five figures got up and began provocatively walking towards the beauties, motioning around them like sharks waiting to attack.

However, Kansuke had heard the one to kill himself got to feed his precious meat scepter to the two widows of the deceased. Hence, he shoved past the five troglodytes and pulled out his dick before slapping his two lovely doves in the cheeks.

Immediately, their blindfolded eyes gasped in shock, screaming as if their lives were over. However, Michi and Chise soon noticed the prodigious size of the shaft, laughing together like two deranged sluts as Kansuke dipped his wide dragon into their cherry lips.

Switching between their two mouths, the onlooking crowd laughed and walked closer and closer to the trap Kansuke had playfully laid out sporadically before entering the Storage Room of Ancestral West Hall.

Unfortunately, even Kansuke had no assurances against the top members of Ancestral West Hall. They were wearing level 40 robes from the Gene Association, and the man with golden hair remained cautiously defensive about a foot of the bed.

Luckily, while Kansuke got his dick sucked, the normal defense of King's Grade Elementalists had been overrun by the blood rushing to their cocks. At level 40, your genes would be considered to have reached the 6th level, and your ability to control elements would reach a new peak!

Unconsciously, your body pores would open up and begin to circulate the elements into your meridians. Strengthening your bodies foundation while at the same time managing a minor defense against foreign invaders.

This included defense against the common cold, and a bolster against surprise attacks. However, this appeared to completely shut down as Kansuke's dick completely ravished Chise's mouth.

Seeing her skin blush like she was enjoying it, the men laughed uproariously and completely dropped their defensive natures. Ulitmately, this gave Kansuke's scorch seeds a prime opportunity to make a regal entrance.


Five Scorch Seeds penetrated through the five men's flesh, coming inside from the open windows airing out the dripping wet pussies. Having already been prepared for this battle, Kansuke sighed and quickly cut away the ropes stymieing the movement of his blonde and brunette beauties.

However, the one-man Kansuke worried about the most soon rushed forward, shooting out black vines from the floor. For the first time in a long time, Kansuke felt completely overwhelmed, and could only summon his Fire Plum Pillar and head to a defensive position.

Jumping backwards, he slid against the cold red tiles as Michi and Chise slid out of their shells. With his dick still hanging out of his bloodied overalls, he tossed away his mask and anchored himself against the wall.

In front of him, a level 45 Gene Elementalist named Uno Yoshiiku clapped his hands and lashed out with his level 10 Gene Element Black Plague Whip. Kansuke dodged side to side barely escaping the wrath of those black spiked tongues.

Finally, his blood swollen arms raised to tell Yoshiiku to give him a minute. The man in Ancestral West Hall's blood red clothing nodded and laughed before inviting Kansuke to sit down.

"Sorry, I don't think your friends are breathing. I can't sit down when I'm about to begin mourning your tragic death."

"Oh, you think you can beat me?" Yoshiiku laughed, his skin turning black, "Your nothing but an insect I'm about to squash. Then your wet girlfriends can be banged until they die. Do you know how many men sighed up for the gangbang? A LOT! Their pussies will be black and blue, and they'll be dicked over your corpse!"

"Wow, you talk too much," Kansuke nonchalantly responded, not caring about the level difference. "Now come at me you deranged eggplant. You are going to pay for what you've done!"

"Wait, Kansuke…." Michi interrupted, standing up off the bed "He's too strong… I'll fight him and you leave with Chise. Just let me do it Kansuke. Your arm is already bleeding!"

Kansuke shook his jet black hair before his knees jolted him off the ground. Watching him fight, Chise and Michi stared in disbelief as he went toe to toe with the grotesque monster. The man had even activated a level 11 physical Gene Element known as Night Walker and pugnaciously bashed Kansuke's slim chest.

However, the man had yet to realize the physical defense of a Celestial Fire Dragon! Kansuke mitigated the attack by summoning the Light Blaze Claws in the center of his chest, protecting him enough to send out a fist of fire and ice.

Ultimately, this type of showdown, between trading fists, and taking blows lasted for five minutes. Finally, Yoshiiku spun his foot into Kansuke's craggy jaw, and skipped his body against the floor.

His opponent laughed delightedly before winking at the four shaking orb like eyes on the scantily clad beauties. His sultry demeanor nearly caused them to puke, but similarly they felt ashamed for sticking around to watch the show.

Kansuke had left the door open for them, so to speak, to exit Ancestral West Hall's Storage Room and escape into outskirts of Yellow District. Still, seeing the one who fucked away their v-cards bleeding from his chest, they would either lose everything, or go home to 'temper' his body in bed.

*puchi~~~ puchi~~~*

Two strange sounds spread through the cold atmosphere pervading the room as Kansuke's body began to change. The sheer killing intent from his fiery face flashed, sending chills down the attacker's spine.

Ultimately, for the first time, Kansuke lost his will to the dragon hiding beneath his flesh! Two large wings appeared, claws growing out of his masculine hands, before he dashed forward and sent out a stream of attacks.

Yoshiiku and Kansuke seemed to switch roles. Immediately, blood sprayed into the air as his black metallic skin was torn asunder, leaving him dripping out patches of flesh and blood.

Unfortunately, Kansuke's form now was completely out of his control. He acted like a machine, attacking in predictable patterns, causing his opponent to reply with the black vines spinning out of the earth.

It came to the point when the Black Plague Whip nearly tore Kansuke's body in two. However, because of the sheer focused required between the two participants, Yoshiiku didn't notice a small condom darting towards his face.

Getting hit in the eye by the golden package, he stumbled just enough that Kansuke's draconic form completely split him in two. Falling down to the floor, blood and dust shattered the remaining battle, sentencing Yoshiiku to an audience with the gods above.

"Kansuke? Are… are you still Kansuke?" Chise asked, pressing her busty body against his dick.

"I don't know… I still have a dick right?"

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I need to sleep. *yawn*

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