
Celestial Deity: The Ancient FiendCelestial

This novel portrait a reincarnated teenager, born to shouldered the responsibility of saving the world that was now plunged with chaos and peril from total annihilation by higher terrifying beings.

DaoistHolySwitch · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Siang Tian Cultivation: Heavenly Techniques

A Portal opened to reveal two exquisite pair of male and female with a slight nauseating feeling rummage through them.

Siang Tian was transfixed; as he arrived so quickly at this place what kind of power could transverse space like this. The young girl cast a glance at him with a disdainful look; placing a delicate hand on her slender cheek as she fell in a dazzle as she thought, "Was this guy from a backwater sect; or he probably was a bunch of trash brought through the backdoor via mysterious background.

She hasn't finished her train of thought; when she was cutoff absurdly by a tender voice.

"Young miss, please can I know your name?" he said with a serious expression; as he looks portrayed an earnest expectation stealing a glance at her. The young lady faltered and turns towards at him with a cold expression and then suddenly smiled mischievously. This suddenly 3600 degree turns of expression sent a chill down his spine. "Why her smile did seems to him as if a demon queen just stared at him with a smirk on her face".

"Ooi…, Sorry I forgot to tell you my name, I am Bali Xintong, from one of the eight families clan in the Western Perfectorate of the Tian Yu Immortal world, the BAI family from the west. Is that a nice name?" she said with a proud look on her face, showing that she really from a top-notch world with extreme strong background and not like a nutjob like him.

Bali Xinton turned to take a look at Siang Tian, expecting a surprise and flabbergasted expression; unfortunately for her to be dumbstruck as a grin and nonchalant expression plastered his face. She felt like her heart has just being pierced by thousand needles. The feeling was a painful one, as she felt that downtrodden.

Siang Tian, who wasn't aware of the fact that his confused look has just caused a misunderstanding, continues walking together towards a certain direction.

The heavenly immortal sect was a heaven on earth. A sight of towering trees appeared in their view range with divine flower glowing with divine light as there spread all-over the place. Massive structures that have being erected greeted their sight. An abundant amount of origin vitality and Qi was present; granting cultivator a suitable place to cultivate peacefully.

It really was an ideal place for cultivation, as it was a dream off many to be a student at the academics but the procedures and rules was stringent, as it involves lots of thing to watch out for; one background but is important to be talented or else the name of the sect, clan and family will be brought to the mould, two exceptional talent, three recommendation and four luck. The environment itself was serene.

Siang Tian who looked at this building without a clear understanding, tugged to fellow daoist sister Xinton with a pleading look for explanation. "Had he suddenly realize he was Noob, who needs elder sister Xinton for guidance" smirks appear on her delicate chin, smiling mischievously.

Bali Xinton: "little brother, Ooi... I don't think you told me your name too!" she said puffing her chest to stand uprightly with a poise of a Immortal master ready to impact a high graded techniques method of cultivation from his garners years of experiences pursing the supreme Dao.

Siangtian: "i assume you were not interested in knowing my name but carried away by mine facial looks, like one of those stupid c*nt whose brain has being eaten by pigs.

Bali Xinton almost flare-up in rage as vein bulged at her forehead, her blood churned violently as she did her best to suppress her anger. She has just being insulted by this male by her side. A feeling of being taunted surged in her heart; she has just tastes the brunt of her own medicines by being blunt to him [1]. Siangtian stole a glance at her, as a mischievous smile.

Siangtian: "Hehe... It is just a tease don't take it to heart Big sister Xintong" he said stroking his chin with a smug expression as looked at her as if trying to say "why are you angry, were you not blasting me without a care for my emotions before now".

This has completely enraged her as her mouth twitched and face became ugly but only to subsidy like a mood-swindler for some unknown reasons.

(1) Receiving back what one's self had done. Karmic law