
Celestial Deity: The Ancient FiendCelestial

This novel portrait a reincarnated teenager, born to shouldered the responsibility of saving the world that was now plunged with chaos and peril from total annihilation by higher terrifying beings.

DaoistHolySwitch · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Dream World

Silence engulfed the whole room.

A boy lay on a bed with bandages over his head.

"Ouch! It hurt", was the voice of the woken Siang Tian, holding unto his head he spoke; "Where I am?"

He tried to raise his hurt head and survey the place he was. A cringed sound resounded through the whole room following the opening of the door, a good-looking woman with poi-tail hair and a perfect curvy shape at her late prime. Siang Tian was confused about who this woman was. She quickly made her way towards him, a surprised look lingered on her delicate face; "you are awake", she spoke. Siang Tian look at her totally void off what to say, as he spitted-out three heavy words "WHO ARE YOU?"

The woman being joyful prior to her son's regain of consciousness could not hear the question thrown at her. Siang Tian turns to look at this excited woman approaching near him without a reply to his question was skeptical of trusting her. Mother Qinxin was more concerned about his recovery than anything else was. She could lately sleep at night due to preparation of medicines and checking his pulse to see if he was showing any signs of recovery, as that have being formed a nut in her heart. Her next line of sentence proves that correctly.

"You are awake?" a tense and disturbed expression reflected from her earnest facial look, as her eyelash tremble, realizing that she has being asked a sensitive question. Siang Tian rampaged through his brain to recall who she was. A sense of familiarity and safety struck his mind, within him something told him she was a kin to him. He suddenly felt biting sensation swept through his whole body, trembling and gripping unto his head. A slight moan of pain escapes his mouth while still gripping his head, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Child, Mother is here for you". A soft jade-like hand took hold of his body with utmost care placing him on his bed. Do not worry you will be fine. She said laying him back on his bed

"Oi, this woman was my mother, no wonder I felt a familiar feeling of kinship from her," he thought. As he was made to lay on his bed, his head Started spinning ferociously without any control alongside force drawing his soul and consciousness away. Prior to this happenings, a golden vortex suddenly appeared over his glabella in his sea of vitality (consciousness), as it revolves round his sea of consciousness emanating with a power from the Ancient. Mother looked at him; unknowingly that 'kiddo Siang Tian' was experience the cruelest torture one could imagine.

The golden vortex kept spinning continuously, that he could no longer keep up the pace of resistance against it. Siang Tian body continue to suffer as it was deprived of life-essence as their have being sucked dried by the vortex in his vitality sea.

A streak of light glowing with sliver like color materializes out of the golden world. It made a straight travel from the golden vortex having the power to crumble space and blasts dimension into oblivion making ahead way at alarming rate faster than that of the speed of sound into his sea of vitality. Seeing this, a chill ran down his spine as he jerked violently in fear causing beads of sweat to drip from his bodies profusely.

Mother Qinxin, whom had left his room to prepare the next pill; suddenly felt a premonition of danger from her sub consciousness when a thought flash through her mind as she remember something that her sub causing her to tremble in fear. At this moment, with the concern to check her son's condition as it was something that required serious attention to and as a parent she is responsible for his well-being expected as child from parent.

Thinking about this, caused tears and panicked to welled up in her eyes and heart spontaneously as that was the only child she and her husband had have before his painful exit to be recurred in the future.

A feeling of depression and sorrow surged within her heart, reminiscing through her past life and its experience prior to her son birth sighing heavy with grief.

Mother Qinxin: "why can't life be fair to me; after my husband felled to the cold hands of death it still keen on taking my only child away?" she said with a grieved expression, sobbing profusely with no one to console her.

Siang Tian was stupefied by what he saw next, as the streak of golden light, which has being making headway like a bolt of lightning proclaiming divine judgment with an unstoppable momentum as it crashed towards his sea of vitality slowly came to a halt. The golden light started to expand sporadically in a rhythmic pattern and a humming sound like a heartbeat of a primordial beast, busted into thin speck of golden light sparkling with power imbued with a extreme that of indescribable words as it glow and dispersed without a trace.

Siang Tian: "…."

Siang Tian delicate and snowy-like face showed a bewildered expression. "Has this nightmare finally left him!" he thought, as an indescribable feeling of joy washed-over his tender heart. He was not able to finish his lines of thought, only for him to be having his hope crushed totally.

A dumbstruck and enrage expression were written all-over his face, as he roared and cursed in his heart, "what is this for, just come kill me why torture me like this you a*shole?" as he felt like his heart has being stampeded by ten thousand mythological beast just by seeing the reemergence of the golden light, which has vanished without any trace, appearing instantaneously (within a blink of an eye) as it converged at certain position covering a large radius of his sea of consciousness.

It start to glows with a devastating power and might capable of tearing space like tofu and reversing the flow of heavenly laws of the universal shining like the cloudy starry night and focusing itself solely on a particular direction in his sea of consciousness (vitality).

As it appeared, it quickly spun to action, condensing and gathering together to form a gargantuan suction of a sealing formation glowing and eye-catching sight of golden rays shining like the sun as it converged to a particular location pointing spinning and madly absorbing unknown source of energy creating a synergy with his sea of consciousness. A dumbstruck Siang Tian, stared wildly at it like a retard that has just drop low in his IQ [1] level.

It appears so harmless fusing with his with his sea of vitality.

A pure boundless light shot forth out of it carrying along with it a vast power, shimmering in and out of his sea of vitality. The divine light enshrouded everything in his totality with a suffocating might that seemed to be coming from a primordial beast.

A golden energy fluctuation instantly rippled out and swept through. All of a suddenly, a massive black-hole protruded out of the void around the golden energy with no end.

The atmosphere seemed to have congealed for an instant. A supreme law was in effect, the supreme law of space was seen evident in it, as spatial ripples dance around threatening to shred to piece any approaching matter.

A passage slowly begins to take shape out appearing out of the gargantuan black-hole like it was preparing to create a pathway for a being to come out. Siang Tian which has being left as a spectator has witnessed the whole process. "Is it a god who wants to come out of there?" a subconscious thought struck his innocent and pure mind. His expression has already as he saw this; it was far beyond what a boy of his age could decipher.

The passage which was now in existence, dazzle with divine luster around as it protruded out with a path flicking with a peerless and hypnotic rays of white lights , as it expanded so rapidly at a naked speed of time.

Siang Tian, seeing this; became alarm as this has triggered an unknown phobia of the past.

But fortunately, it wasn't what he was expecting as the pathway became as clear as crystal ball, ever shining with bright seeming to blind the eyes of the it viewer.

Siang Tian: "…."

A wore confused expression appeared all over his delicate face as he opened his mouth wide with not to come out which was completely out of the script he had never this expected to play out. This has completely engulfed his thought for a moment as he couldn't realize when a majestic pure-jade stone gate made purely from divine rank material coated around the edges with heavenly precious stones.

Siang Tian which has being half-absent, wore a disgruntled expression as he still linger on that thought, but his pupils contracted abruptly the next moment at what he saw. A gargantuan gate greeted his sight shimmering out of the void at the mouth of the black hole, at this moment no word was capable of describing the mixed emotions that flooded his heart, turning to stared at this new development a blank expression was seen on his little face

The gate appearance completely exceeded his expectation. The seeming dead gate started to glow with an infinite amount of light and when a ball of light shot forth from the massive gate and enshrouded his entire being. As soon he was covered by the light, he felt his soul being pulled out by a mysteriously source of power from the light around him sucking his soul in without even a little resistance to muster

As soon as his soul came out in out of his body and drawn in totally by the pulling force, Siang Tian could see his body lying on the bed, still breathing without any obvious sign that something was amiss. To anyone, it looked like he was sleeping peacefully. Finally, everything turned blank.

In a chaotic world, spatial turbulence rocked the void with a devastating might

A soul was seen drifting aimlessly around the void; spatial turbulence threatens to shred the soul into tiniest particles. As the soul approaches the chaotic void; an overwhelming power capable of twisting space and time descended on this unguided soul, engulfing it totally before vanishing without a trace. This was Siang Tian's soul.

(1) IQ: Intelligent Quotient