
Celestial Deity: The Ancient FiendCelestial

This novel portrait a reincarnated teenager, born to shouldered the responsibility of saving the world that was now plunged with chaos and peril from total annihilation by higher terrifying beings.

DaoistHolySwitch · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Cultivating the Heavenly Techniques

The atmosphere was one that had two masters at loss of words, as this disciples of theirs truly was fellow with deep love for each other as their thought. If there had known that, this was their first meeting with each other, probably there would had vomited a mouthful of blood by this scene.

"Were there really over thinking things or there were a close blood kin to each other? " A thought suddenly struck their mind, as their both seem to come into a realization of something.

The eerie silence sound could not be taken by Divine lord any longer, as he broke the ice.

"Siang Tian, do you mind having her follow us to celebrate your coronation as my disciple." He asked with a teasing smile of his face, looking at this disciple in other to decipher the unknown relationship between them, but was disappointed as Siang Tian looked at him with a blank expression showing that he did not understand his question.

Devilish Priestess, Duanmu Qinshalin almost flared up in rage hearing this, did their really thought she was a pushover if not for the special connection she had felt with Bali Xintong, she would not be here talk more of being subject to humiliation like this as she felt like vomiting a mouthful of blood.

Bali Xintong was stunned, as she stare at the Divine lord Autumn Spring who were now looking at her with a mysterious smile, she blushed at the sight of this before turning to her master with her finger still interlocked with each other.

Duanmu Qinshalin looked at her disciple who also stares at her with a complicated expression before nodding difficult at this disciple of hers.

Bali Xintong wore a excited look, as she gave a 'thank you' gesture with a voice transmission to her master without wasting any time, heading straight towards where Siang Tian and his master was.

Divine lord looked Devilish priestess, Duanmu Qinshalin with a pity expression on his face sighing.

Why was the role reversed here, he received a disciple willing to follow him, while she received a one that was ready to tail after her lover. This world really is not balanced.

Siang Tian expression was a dead one, was the girl the one that had insulted and despised him at first sight only to turn to a well-behaved one, was he seeing the fake one? He thought.

He quickly conjured a spell technique, flicking his left index finger into the thin air.

"Spatial Shift!"

A burst of extremely powerful spatial fluctuations swept forth.

Siang Tian and the rest were struck by a terrifying rush of dizziness.

In the next instant, he found himself and the rest in an extremely unfamiliar environment.

Before him lay a vast expanse of beautiful scenery.

Lush, green grass and vibrant flowers grew on the ground, alongside spirit stress yielding immortal graded fruit.

An extremely beautiful set of mountains ranges greeted his sight, as he turned to stare at the blue sky with sparse white cloud, when suddenly a stunned look plastered his face.

High-up in the sky, an island of over ten million square kilometers in area hanged midair, brimming with origin energy and Qi that was extremely rich and abundant. Snowflake was seen falling from the sky, as the sky had an iridescent light appearing on regular interval, and countless species of rare pet and mystical beasts roaming around the island. This was the small world, Divine lord autumn and his disciples created for themselves.

A heaven on earth for them.

Bali Xintong had her gaze on Siang Tian, when eyes meet suddenly, she quickly avert her gaze before turning to the small world.

Divine made a forlorn sigh, extending his hands and clapped them, instantly the seemly distant island appeared at their sight with an opening amidst the enchantment barrier creating a path for them.

Building of different sizes intricate with the rare materials of any kind, spirit trees and rare beast of various types flocked the whole island, white cranes were seen flying up in the sky. A pristine white palace greeted their sight, as men and women who were also cultivator with terrifying base roamed around it carrying out different tasks efficiently.

A large hall was seeing emanating terrifying might that seems wanting shredding a person's soul into nothingness appeared at their sight, a golden door of light opened at its own accord, granting access to it.

Inside the hall, a set of three young men with exquisite features, donning a robe emanating different powerful aura without being in hostility with an aged man brimming with vitality sat on a sofa chair, as their chatted harmoniously with another. This was something all cultivators yearned for, seeing as their walked in; the three young men stood up, clasping their hand, as their greeted in unison towards Divine lord Autumn Spring.

He nodded at them, before speaking with an expression of neither being happy nor sad.

"This is young new junior brother do well to treat him nicely." As he walked straight into a corner, the aged man who had chatting before also followed him without any hesitation of whatsoever.

The three young maintained a facade of indifference, seeing as their left them. It has being always being norms to them.