
Celestial Chronicles: Crimson Ascension

Akira was abandoned at a small church in the woods and was raised by a nun. He was taken to a temple when he was 5 to awaken his mana and there he met Jake and Naomi and the three of them were trained by David. When they reached he age of 10 Akira, Jake and Naomi awakened their mana property. Soon after, they were attacked by five assassins and where able to take down four of the assassins but were badly injured during the process. The last assassin left was Dexter, Who was stronger than all of them and his main purpose was to kill David and the nun Sesilia. Akira tries to fight, but he is outmatched and got pierced through the chest, leaving behind a huge hole. Without hope and on the brink of death, a mysterious power overflows in him when he sees sesilia and David impaled. Unleashing the mysterious power, Akira reaches a new level of power which helps him defeat Dexter. They all escaped through a portal made by David and find themselves in a strange building surrounded by people.

Void_Fox_ · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
31 Chs

Survival II

[Every hour, the top three candidates with the most tags, the number of tags they have, and the total number of candidates will be announced.] A woman over the P.A. system said.

[Candidate 001, Nathan, has the most tags, with a total of 10, followed by candidate 295, Jake, who has 7, and candidate 493, Akira, who has 6. There are now 215 candidates left.]

"It seems Akira and Jake have already gotten three, I have to get mine" Mitsuya said.

He was running across the forest searching for candidates, he spotted two candidates who were fighting.


A metal sword clashed with a pair of daggers. The two candidates were fighting and didn't notice Mitsuya sneaking behind them.

"PETRIFICATION ARROW" Mitsuya said as he activated his petrification property. Suddenly two arrows formed and flew towards the two candidates who were fighting. The attack caught the two of them off guard, being unable to block the attack, they were hit. They both turned to stone.

Mitsuya went and picked up the tags from their petrified body. He suddenly turned back, sensing powerful mana, someone was standing behind him wielding a broad sword.

"Hand over the tag, and I'll spare you" The boy said.

"From the weapon you're wielding, and how you talk, I assume you are Nathan right?" Mitsuya asked.

"So, you know me?" Nathan said.

"I know everyone who is participating in this test, and I also know that you have Magma property"

"If you know all that, then you must know how strong I am" Nathan said.

"I do know that, and that's why I have a backup plan" Mitsuya said.

"MEDUSA'S VENOM" Mitsuya opened both his hands. Then a purple smoke started coming out of them, covering the whole place.

"What's this?" Nathan asked.

"Why don't you come closer and find out" Mitsuya said.

Nathan approached the smoke and stretched his hand into the smoke. His hands started to petrify little by little, he jumped back and squeezed his hand, stopping the petrification. Suddenly, petrification arrows flew towards Nathan from the smoke, but he dodged them easily.

"Stop hiding behind the smoke" Nathan said as he activated his aura and swung his sword with great force at the mist, causing the mist to dissipate.

Mitsuya was no where to be seen, only a petrified bird was seen on the floor.

~Where is he, I can't sense his mana~ Nathan thought.

~Petrification huh?~

_ _ _ _ _ _

Mitsuya is leaning on a tree.

"That was close, it would have gotten bad if I fought against Nathan head on" Mitsuya said.

"It was a good idea to place that petrified bird here as a safety precaution"

Mitsuya brought out the aura dagger that Akira gave him, and he broke it, releasing the aura in it. Mitsuya follows where the aura leads him.

[Two hours have passed since the start of the test. Candidate 383, Elisabeth, has the most tags, with a total of 17, followed by candidate 001, Nathan, with a total of 15, and candidate 500, Abigal, with a total of 10. There are now 180 candidates left.] A woman over the P.A. system said.

_ _ _ _ _ _

In the forest, Naomi can be seen.

"I have 2 tags. Just need 1 more and I'm done" Naomi said.

She was running through the forest while wielding a staff, and spotted a black-haired girl. She leaps into the air, preparing to land an attack, but the girl sense's the incoming danger and blocked the attack.

"You blocked it? Impressive" Naomi said.

The girl stepped back and took up a defensive stance. Naomi rushed at her and attacked her, but she blocked all.

"GRAVITYx10" Naomi said as she activated her Gravity property and swung her staff at the girl.

The girl blocked the attack, but the attack was heavier than the last attack, causing the ground underneath the girl to crack. Naomi transferred the gravity from her staff to her legs and kicked her, sending her flying back into a tree, spitting a mouth full of blood as she hits the tree. Naomi walked towards her.

~Her HP should be down considerably after that last attack~ Naomi thought as she stretched out her hand to get the tag.

Suddenly the girl grabbed her hand.

"MANA SEAL" The girl said as she activated her Sealing property. Chains suddenly formed around Naomi and then it disappeared.

Naomi jumped back and was unable to use her mana.

"I sealed your mana, so you can't use it for an hour" The girl said.

"Without it, you have no chance of beating me"

"Is that what you really think?" Naomi said.

*Sigh* Naomi sighs.

Naomi activated her aura, infusing all of it into her staff.

"What are you doing?" The girl asked.

"Well, it won't be as strong as normal, but it will be enough to deal with you" Naomi said.

"You do know that if you knock me out, I will teleport with all my tags with me" The girl said.

"Yeah, I know that is why I collected your tag before hand" Naomi said with a smile.

"GRAVITYx5" Naomi's weapon got heavier, she threw it at the girl.

The girl got knocked out from the impact, causing her teleportation mark to activate, and she vanished. Naomi suddenly felt a rush of power course through her.

"I can feel my mana" Naomi said.

"I have enough tags now, I wonder how the others are doing"

She took out the aura dagger and broke it, following the aura released from it.

[Three hours have passed since the start of the test. Candidate 383, Elisabeth, has the most tags, with a total of 20, followed by candidate 493, Akira, with a total of 19, and candidate 001, and 500, Nathan, and Abigal, who are tied and have a total of 10. There are now 150 candidates left.] A woman over the P.A. system said.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Jake can be seen sitting down in the forest, and behind him, a number of unconscious candidates. They soon start disappearing one after another.

"I already have 10 tags, I think I should stop here, there is no need to take more tags" Jake said.

"I better get going"

Jake took out the aura dagger and broke it, following the aura released from it.

_ _ _ _ _ _

In a room where six people can be seen monitoring the progress of the test.

"Elisabeth is at the top" A blue-eyed elf with long golden hair said.

"Having the most tags doesn't mean you will be the best freshman" Jack said.

"Instructor Vivian, do you have any plans to make Elisabeth your disciple?"

"Yes, I do" Instructor Vivian replied.

"What of you instructor Merlin? Who do you plan to take as your disciple?" Jack asked.

"I think Lydia" A black-haired woman with a pair of wings said.

"Instructor Ben, what about you?" Jack asked.

"I think I'll choose Akira or Abigal" A red-haired man said.

"And you instructor James?" Jack asked.

"I think I'll be taking three disciples this year" A blonde long-haired man said.

"Okay, and would you care to enlighten us about who they are?" Jack asked.

"I'm taking Jake, Naomi and Nathan" Instructor James said.

"What about you instructor Collins?" Jack asked.

"I don't have any intension of taking anyone in" A black long-haired man said.