
Caught UP

Some say, True love is an unwavering, unbreakable and unparalleled fondness and devotion for someone or something. An emotional as well as physical connection with someone or something that runs immeasurably deep, and life without your significant other or that one thing would be practically unthinkable. Others say, True love is the act of caring and giving to someone else; having someone's best interest and wellbeing as a priority in your life. I say, True love is unpredictable and unreal. Basic infatuation. So, what is TRUE LOVE, when dark secrets wash up on shore? Mark 4:22 “For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.” A little lie wouldn’t hurt anyone right? As they say, LOVE can vary in intensity and can change over time. Is it going to be the outcome for both parties or will their so called love stand tall?

The_Novice · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
4 Chs

Chapter Two

Caught Up

Jamel stared at Luwi as she acted like a mentally deranged person but was interrupted when his phone beeped. He took it out to check who the message was from and immediately got a call from Mark.


"Jamel, where the hell are you?!" Mark squalled as he pressed the phone against his lips, walking to a corner in the club, away from the noise.

"Sorry, something urgent came up. I Uh had to take someone home" Jamel said and scratched his forehead.

"Someone? Who? Who the hell does he-who the hell do you know in this city?" Mark scoffed. "My guy, you just moved here mehn." Mark searched and found the bouncers. "I am the one you should be taking home man. How could you ditch me?" Mark whimpered.

"Dude, I am sorry. It was urgent." Jamel apologized. "And I didn't ditch"

"Dude, what is your pin? These bouncers are not looking friendly" Mark said shakily.

"Give the phone to the bartender" Jamel instructed. Mark sighed and confidently walked to the bartender and handed the phone to him.

"Yeah hello..."

"Uh. Sorry I left. You are with the card? The pin is..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah"

"That's it. Uhh barten-"

"-It's Jeff. Jeffrey"

"Oh. Sorry, Jeff. Please, help my friend get home" Jamel pleaded. Jeffrey nodded.


"Your boyfriend?" She asked. He paused.

"NO!" He returned without hesitating.

"Pff no? why no? i had a boyfriend just like you. God! he was the deal" Luwi spat, looking at him. He looked confused, so did the driver.

"Oh, you did? What was he like?" Jamel asked and glanced over at the driver who sharply turned away because he knew he had been caught. "I see. So what happened next?" Jamel asked, looking out the window.

"He was a DICK!" Luwi screamed and laughed. Jamel glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

"That means I am a dick" Jamel said beneath his breath. Luwi laughed and leaned in. She rested her head on Jamel's lap, causing him to cringe and readjust. She snuggled deeper and Jamel grinned.

A ticket had been bought in no time to dream land. She was fast asleep. Jamel stared at her. She was beautiful and clean. The driver watched them from the rearview mirror and wore a gentle soft smile on his face as he shook his head lightly. He slowed down, stretched his arm forward and turned on the radio. 'Natural by Zayn Malik' was already playing. It was quite low. He slowly increased the volume enough to not draw attention and it worked. He didn't notice.

Jamel brought the strands of hair to the back of her ear to figure her out properly. She was so gentle and different. Just then, she started acting funny and in no time, began to gag. The driver sharply looked back at them and immediately gave Jamel a wicked stare.

"Oh no no no no no! STOP! STOP! IT'S HAPPENING! QUICK!!" Jamel screamed, putting the driver under pressure. "PULL THE FUCK OVER!" Jamel yelled. The driver swiftly pulled over.

"NOTHING SHOULD FUCKING HAPPEN TO MY LEATHER!" He yelled as he came down from the car. He opened the back door and paused. He placed his hand across his forehead, with his other free hand on his hip.

"I think I made a mess. I am sor-" Luwi fell back on the chair. Jamel sighed.

"Sir, I am so sorry. I tried preventing it. I promise. Guess the body has a mind of its own" Jamel apologized, wearing an unnatural smile.

"Get OUT!" The driver yelled.

"Sir, please, we are like almost close to the house. Just like a few blocks" Jamel pleaded.

"I said GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY TAXI or I call the POLICE!" The driver yelled. His head began to swell with anger popping inside like popcorn in a microwave. His veins growing like tree branches.

Jamel came down, brought Luwi out of the car, taking out her bag and shoes. Assisted her to the side walk.

"I can pay for this. How much do I need to pay sir?" Jamel asked.

"Just avoid me" The driver said, shut the back door, got into the driver's seat and drove off, leaving behind a cloud of smoke, causing Jamel and Luwi to cough. Hopefully to death.

Jamel looked at the street and sighed. It was lonely. Very lonely. Dogs kept barking and cats kept hissing. It had to be this crazy on his first day of moving into the city. He didn't look like he was regretting anything though. He kept smiling as they walked down the colorful street.

Luwi stopped walking. She told Jamel she couldn't walk any longer because her feet were hurting and felt like throwing up. Jamel ran to a mini-mart and bought a bottle of water and a pair of Flip flops.

"Thank you" Jamel nodded at the attendant and left.

Luwi was seated on the floor when he came back. He opened the bottle of water and handed it to her. She had thrown up already. She collected the bottle and drank out of it. Jamel used the remaining left in the bottle to wash her hair, face and hands. He gave the flip flops to her and she put them on. They sat there for a while till Luwi could get herself. Even if a little bit normal.

"I am hungry. I need something to eat" She wailed. Jamel helped her stand and they walked for a while until they came across a Tea parlor. Jamel had little money on him but hoped it was going to be enough. He was also hungry.

They went in and sat down. After they were seated, a waiter came around to take their order. It was also a breakfast eatery so he ordered for waffles and a cup of tea. Luwi ordered for a bowl of cereal and cheesecake and at the side, pie. Also a glass of orange juice. The waiter wrote everything and took it to the kitchen. After a while, they had their different meals in front of their faces and they began to dig in like wild pigs.

"Thank you" Luwi said.

"For what?" Jamel asked scratching the back of his head.

"Thank you" Luwi said and smiled. He turned pink.

"You are welcome" Jamel took another bite from his waffle.

"Where are you from?" Luwi asked. Jamel looked at her.

"Other part of the city" Jamel said, not looking at her.

"What? That doesn't even make sense" Luwi said with confusion in her voice. Jamel chuckled

"We should skip" Jamel said and she agreed. Although she didn't want to, she had to. It was the polite thing to do, even though she suspected it felt off. The walk home became awkwardly silent.

"Where do you stay?" Luwi asked.

"I really don't know though" Jamel said. Luwi scoffed

"I am not going to send robbers to your house. Really" Luwi said

"No. I am serious" Jamel replied.

"Okay" Luwi said "I live close by. We are like almost there" Luwi searched further "Oh we are here" She said. Jamel paused.

"This is your house?" Jamel asked her.

"Yes. My apartment, not my house per say...I mean, look at me, do I look like one to actually own a building?" Luwi chuckled, Jamel looked confused. Her laughter began to fade. She cleared her throat. "Managing with my friend" Luwi replied. "Why?" She asked.

"Just that...my house is also over there. ACROSS!" He pointed. "I uh really don't know how this street works, I came in through-"He paused and looked around. "-Uhm, I think the other end of the street...maybe. I don't know but I know. All I know is, I came through an opening, probably why I didn't recognize it earlier." Jamel said and bit his finger. Luwi stared at him.

"Shocker" Luwi said dryly and pushed her hand into her bag. She kept grunting, hissing and cussing. Jamel looked at her.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked her. She looked over at him, worried.

"I am, uhm looking for my uh key? I think it dropped somewhere!" Luwi yelled and emptied her bag on the floor. "Fuck" She cussed.

"She's the only one who has a spare key. Guess I'll just wait for her to come then" She muttered.

"Do you want to stay here or chill a little at mine while you wait for her?" Jamel asked her and sucked on his lower lip. She bit her lower lip and nodded before throwing the items back into her bag.

"Sure, why not?" Luwi agreed and crossed the street. She sat at the door step and Jamel joined her.

"Not coming in?" Jamel asked her. She shook her head.

"I am good here. It'll make it easier for me to catch her at the door step." She replied with a faint smile. "Besides, I am sure it is like a hundred and thirty-four degrees inside there." She added. Jamel chuckled.

"There's an air conditioner" Jamel shook his head and sat down beside her, keeping his distance. She coughed a little and adjusted. He slowly moved away.

"Why are you moving away, do I stink? I might stink because I have been throwing up like someone with explosive diarrhea of the mouth." Luwi spat. Jamel chuckled. He shook his head, indicating she didn't stink. Luwi drew him closer to her. Jamel swallowed.

"Sorry" He apologized. Luwi rolled her eyes. It became quiet, awkwardly silent being that the conversation ended in a really weird way. The crickets began to have a meeting, making the annoying sounds they always made.

Jamel cleared his throat. "So..." Jamel cleared the air while staring at the ground. Luwi looked over at him, expecting more.

"So what?" She asked him. Jamel scratched his eyebrow.

"Uh, It's like really silent...You know? I just wanted to kill the silence. The crickets were already becoming more interesting than the both of us" Jamel said and looked the other way. Luwi smiled.

"I have nothing to say. I asked a question and you turned me down so..." Luwi softly replied.

"Oh." He scratched his head "That. I am sorry" He added.

"No. It's fine. Private and Personal" Luwi said. "I get it" She added.

Silence walked back in to rest. In no time, Eunice was seen walking towards their apartment gate.

"This is so going to be embarrassing." Luwi said and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"What's wrong?" Jamel asked her.

"See that chick over there?" She asked him, pointing at Eunice. He nodded." That's my roommate" She added. Jamel stared at her.

"She's pretty" He said in awe. He looked at her again, this time, very carefully." Wait, she looks familiar."

"She does?" Luwi asked confused. "When did you get here or did you guys meet like somewhere else? Maybe where you resided before now?" Luwi asked.

Jamel snapped his fingers. "Yes! She was at the bar earlier this evening. Where I met you" He said in a low pitched tone. "She was alone and sad. Almost concluded she got ditched or was going through a breakup"

Luwi sighed, she soon started remembering little details of what had happened earlier.

"We had an argument. Damn! I am sure I fucked up big time" She stood up.

"Why not apologize? I am sure she'll understand" Jamel suggested. Luwi inhaled and walked up to Eunice. He sat at his doorstep and watched the two girls talk. He couldn't get in the conversation but could guess they were sorting things out. Didn't take a while before the two started laughing and then hugged. Luwi pointed over at Jamel and smiled. Eunice waved at him and he did same before going inside.

Luwi walked over to Jamel who stood up, both wearing their brightest smiles.

"Thank you" Luwi appreciated.

"I didn't do anything though. You thought it and I only pushed you" Jamel said and bowed. Luwi laughed, walked up to him and hugged him. He stiffened as he wasn't expecting it.

"You were of great help today" She whispered whilst hugging him. He turned red.

"Uh y-yeah" He replied, his voice shaky and slowly hugged her back. She snuggled deeper. His heart began to pound in his mouth. She released him and exhaled.

"Been a while" Luwi said and stretched. Jamel grinned.

"Good night..." Luwi held her head, snapping her fingers, trying to remember his name.

"Jamel. Jamel is the name." He smirked. She giggled, nodding slowly.

"Okay bye." She said, sharply turned in the direction of her home and began walking towards his gate.

"Night Luwi!" Jamel yelled waving. Luwi paused instantly.

"How did he-" Luwi muttered. "-How do you know my name?" Luwi asked, turning to look at Jamel. He smirked.

"Your ID" He said. Luwi nodded.

"Bye" She bid her last farewell and hurriedly walked out. "Damn! I looked stupid as hell on that dumb ID" She muttered.

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