
Catch you

Moving back home was the plan. Starting fresh was the plan. Fascinating the most stunning guy ever was not. Amelia's life turned upside down when he started pursuing her. He was stubborn, rugged and used to getting what he wanted. From the moment Theo saw the mystery in her eyes, there was something that pulled him in. And he had never been afraid to fight. With her baggage and walls built high, she was adamant on not letting him get what he most wanted, her. But maybe, just maybe, he was the salvation she'd always needed.

Daoisti10DhX · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

12| Overwhelming Feelings

Amelia pov

I was feeling giddy, sort of a mix of happy and nervous and scared and confused. I didn't know what was happening. My feelings were all over the place and I couldn't place them. I was losing my mind. When Uncle Mason called me down for dinner, I wanted nothing more than to wrap myself in the blankets and not leave the very comfortable bed, but my stomach protested. The entire time, I didn't focus on my food. I kept staring in thin air, not knowing what was happening to me. Uncle Mason noticed my unusual behavior and asked me to rest. He thought I was stressed about studies, but that really wasn't the case.

I made my way over to my room when I vaguely heard the sound of a car engine. I closed the windows, shivering in my clothes. 

My phone chimed with a new notification but I didn't pay much attention to it. Running a finger through my hair, I made my way over to the washroom and closed the door behind me. I hummed softly under my breath as I did my business, looking at myself in the mirror, and opening the door.

A hand slapped onto my mouth.

My eyes widened as the attacker made me face the wall so that I couldn't see the face. The hand on my mouth was big, with long and slender fingers, almost pianist. The palm felt rough against my skin, hard and calloused. I struggled, trying to get the hand off my mouth but it wouldn't budge. I tried biting it as well, but it just wouldn't work.

I heard soft chuckles behind me, the sound too familiar. Then I smelt the musky aqua cologne. My body went still.

Theo let go of me, doubling over my bed with laughter as I turned around and glared at him. "God you're- you're face. Holy shit." 

I punched his chest. "That wasn't funny."

"It was, it was." He wouldn't stop laughing.

I punched him again. In the back of my head I realized I was just making a fool of myself, he looked the least bit affected from my weak punches. But that didn't mean I wasn't pissed. So I aimed his face.

He grabbed my hand at the last moment, his laughter dying down, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "That's not a very good move, angel."

"You sneaking up on me wasn't good." I snapped.

He unclenched my fist. "I meant this," Then held my thumb. "wasn't good." Then he made me clench my fist again, keeping the thumb out. "That's the way you punch someone. You keep the thumb out or you'll break it."

"Oh." I replied dumbly.

"But what if it hadn't been me?" He asked, still not letting go of my fist.

"I would have punched whoever sneaked up on me like that." I huffed out.

His face held the hint of a smile. "Wrong." He whispered. "When a man sneaks up on you, you know what you should do?"

"What should I do?"

He bent down, his lips meeting the skin of my ear and making me shiver, "You grab his cock and squeeze."

I blinked.

"Hard." He added huskily. 

"Why would I do that?" I asked, breathless.

"Penis is one of the most sensitive organs in a man's body. So when you squeeze it hard, the pain is kind of unbearable. He'll have to let you go to take care of his region, and that'll give you the perfect opportunity to either run, or hit him. And then, angel, you punch him."

"So I should have squeezed your cock?" I asked.

He paused for a second, then threw his head back and laughed. I looked as his Adam's apple bobbed, staring in daze at how long his neck was. 

"No angel, I had no intention of harming you. But," He waited till my eyes met his. "I wouldn't have minded if you did."

"But then wouldn't you be in pain?" I asked without thinking. Then I groaned mentally when I realized that I'd just indirectly agreed to doing it. 

Theo laughed and let go of me completely. 

"Shut up." I huffed out in embarrassment. 

He raised his hands in surrender, though the the mischievous shine in his eyes told me he wasn't done with me.

"What're you doing here?" I sat down on the bed, rubbing my arms as the chilly wind blew. My head whipped to my side, "And how did you get in? I closed the window."

"You closed the window," He nodded. "You didn't lock it."

I noticed he kept his left hand behind his back. He'd shut me up using his right, and this was the first time I realized that he actually had kept that hand away from my eyes this whole time.

"What have you got there?" I pointed towards his hand.

He looked confused for a second, then snapped out of his daze. "Oh fuck, I completely forgot."

He then handed me a beautiful red rose, the petals wilted at the side, but still fresh and raw. My heart soared and I felt it was about to burst from the overwhelming feelings.

"Fuck, it wasn't like this when I got it." He said, frustration visible on his face. "I'm sorry, Mia."

"Thank you," I replied softly, taking it from his grasp. When the look of frustration didn't escape his face, I wrapped an arm around his waist and placed my ear on his chest, listening to his heart beat. His chin rested on my head as he cupped my face.

"Thank you." I whispered again. 

"Anything for you, angel." He whispered back.

"Where did you get it from?"

He grinned. "Your garden."

I laughed, placing the rose on my table, keeping it in my mind to find a vase for it. My gut told me I wasn't going to let it go very soon. "So, what brings you here?"

He scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I, uh, just finished football practice. The boys were teasing me about you and I wanted to see you."

"You play football?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

He looked at me as if I'd grown two heads, then chuckled. "I'm the captain of the football team, angel."

"You are? Oh." I looked down. Then I remembered his words. "The boys were teasing you about me?"

"Uh, yeah." He shook his head. "Dean started it. He used to drop comments here and there to tease me. The rest of them eventually understood."

"Understood what?"

"That I was fascinated by you." He said, looking in my eyes. "That I wanted you to be mine." 

My heart did a back flip and my insides melted. The butterflies in my stomach increased the flapping of their wings, the nervousness inside me increasing manifold. My cheeks were tinged with pink, my hair forming a curtain as I looked down, biting my lip.

He raised my chin up, his body so close to me, and groaned. "Don't do that."

His thumb released my lip from my teeth. I could feel the mark my teeth had made on the sensitive flesh, and his eyes didn't leave the sight. "It does things to me. It makes me want to do things to you."

His eyes left my lips to meet mine. The wonderful green in them was sparkling with desire, his pupils dilated. The pad of his thumb stroked my cheek, no words being spoken. His eyes conveyed everything to me. I couldn't look away. I wanted to but I couldn't. His eyes captured me, held me, not letting me go.

He cleared his throat and that snapped me out of my daze. I took a step back. His arm fell down to his side, a small frown reaching his mouth, but he covered it up. 

"Uh, so, what now?" I fidgeted. 

He looked around, a smile appearing on his gorgeous face. He walked to my bed side table, lifting up the photo frame, the smile turning down into a frown. He kept it back there, roaming around. "This is the first time I'm actually seeing your room."

"Really? Didn't you drop me home at the night of Bri's party?"

His eyes widened as he remembered, rotating his head here and there as if searching for something. "I dropped you at the front door, your uncle took it from there." 

I nodded, crawling on the bed, putting the comforter over me. "You wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure." His eyes still looked dazed, roaming here and there. "Do you have a charger? My phone's dead."

"Top drawer on the right." I replied, not looking away from the TV. 

I heard shuffling from the side, after which there a sharp gasp. I looked towards him in alarm to make sure he was okay, and then almost screeched when I saw what he was looking at. His body was stiff as I jumped out of my bed and came in between him and the drawer.

"Top right, Theo. I said right." I groaned. I attempted to close the drawer but he stopped me, his eyes not leaving what was inside.

"You wear that?" He swallowed hard, his voice deep and husky. "Holy fuck." His body moved forward to take a better look. I pushed him back but he didn't move an inch. His pupils were dilated and his mouth was open. He lifted up the laciest pair of panties I had and breathed hard. His eyes shifted between what he held in his hand and what was inside. He'd just seen my lingerie collection, and to say I was embarrassed was an understatement. 

"Put it back." I hissed.

He opened the drawer more, and my eyes popped out of my sockets when I realized he'd seen the only garter I owned, all thanks to Bridget.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Mia." I took that opportunity to grab the panties from his hand, put them back and close the drawer shut. 

His eyes met mine, raw desire filled his green orbs, making them appear dark. His finger came up to trace my collarbone, making me shiver when it came in contact with my exposed skin. "Theo," I whispered. My voice was breathless, needy and lustful. "Kiss me."

His head moved forward but he lowered it down to my neck, placing a gentle kiss at the base. Then he moved his lips up, not once leaving my skin, placing soft kisses here and there. His tongue teased my collarbone, lightly trailing the entire length. I tilted my head back but he grabbed my hair, forcing me to look at him as he covered his lips with mine.

I pulled him closer to me as his arms came around my waist, lifting me up, making me wrap my legs around his torso. His mouth was hot, molding against mine, my body fitting perfectly in his. I pulled back to trail kisses down his jaw, gripping his hair as his arms tightened around me. He groaned when I placed a hard kiss on his neck. His legs moved forward and he threw me on the bed, covering my body with his seconds later and pinning my body down.

I looked at his swollen lips, cupping his face and lifting my face up to kiss him again. He pushed me down with his body, not leaving my lips. My shirt had rode up a bit, and he traced my exposed skin teasingly using his fingers. 

"Amelia!" My eyes shot open and I pushed him back with such force that he almost toppled down. I hurriedly got up, fixing my shirt, looking at him with wide eyes when I heard the approaching footsteps. 

He didn't look bothered, in fact if I was reading it clear, he looked pleased. 

There was a knock on the door. "Amelia."

"Fuck, hide." I whisper shouted at him. 

He chuckled and grabbed my waist, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips and looked at me. "I'll see you tomorrow." Then he pressed a last kiss to my forehead, walking up to the window, swinging a leg to the other side.

"Good night, angel."
