
Catch me if you can Mafia Boss

The new the powerful Mafia Boss Aldric Pierce. He is ruthless, he is his fathers son. Keena Raven a sweet sweet assassin. When Keena Raven watches her parents get killed at a young age she vows to destroy every last party involved in her parents death. When she tortures and kills a member of the Pierce Mafia gang she learns of who pulled the trigger that night and how he died. Feeling defeated Keena finds out of his son the new heir to the Mafia empire she decides to destroy it from the inside out. Can Aldric Pierce learn of a story that happened when he was a young boy and fill in the gaps of a wrongfully told story or will he fall victim to Miss Raven's clever plans to destroy his family legacy? It's time to play a game of Cat and mouse. You tell me which one is which.

Fiction_1864 · Urbain
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20 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: What Do Dreams Really Mean?

Aldric carried Keena into the house and Bella and Grace were there once they saw Keena both of them gasped as they saw the blood covering her dress. Grace felt horrible she shouldn't have let Keena go out like that. Yeah Keena was a bitch and she insisted but now she could get into trouble Aldric trusted her and she let Keena pick the dress knowing what could happen.

"Bella I want you to bring the first aid kit up to my room Grace please just go home I'll let you know when I need your help."

Aldric did not stick around for responses instead he calmly but quickly climbed the stair walked through the hall of the second floor but not one of his men stopped him they new better nineteen guys died tonight because Keena got hurt whether they liked it or not Keena was here to stay. Aldric climbed more stairs and made it to the third floor and removed Keena's white dress to see small scars they were very small and hard to see that would be a question for another time. He changed her into one of his shirts and he left her in her underwear. He saw a women walk into the room with the first aid kit.

"Thank you Bella bring it here please." Aldric grabbed the first aid kit from the women's arms but it wasn't from Bella but Grace. Aldric double check and yes it was Grace he thought he sent her home. "Didn't I send you home?"

"Yes Sir I'm sorry Sir I just wanted to say that I told her she should have dressed in black and she refused wanting to dress in white and I let her go out like that I'm so sorry."

Aldric laughed even though nothing was funny about this situation. "Bella I am not upset with you and you saying that you let her go out like she did trust me there was nothing you would have been able to say or do to change her mind Keena Raven does whatever she wants no matter the consequences. I do hope you learn that, but also learn that your opinion matters to me and I'm thankful that you have done what you have. Keena needs time to adjust."

Grace saw that he really loved her and she could tell that Keena didn't love him even though she was wrong on why she could still she it. She wanted to say something to Aldric but she didn't know if she should but he just said that her opinion mattered so maybe he would listen to her. "Sir and what if she doesn't adjust what if it only gets worse what if....."

"Goodnight Grace."

Grace took that as her que to leave and she did she went home. Aldric opened the first aid kit and bandaged up her finger and dabbed her nose with a cloth. Keena woke up and tried to sit up but winced.

"You know that is what you get for thinking you can do everything yourself."

"Aldric she threatened my family she wasn't going to get away with it. All everyone does is get away with shit." Keena hated feeling this way like she needed someone but she didn't for many years, well that was a lie she did but the people she needed would never be able to be there for her.

Aldric did not ask what she meant about that instead he asked a simpler question. "Keena you never talk about your family if I didn't pick you up then I wouldn't have known about your uncle do you not trust me?"

Keena knew at some point this question would come up she had to tell him something. "Aldric my parents died when I was a little girl it was a robber that was never caught and I have made peace about it but its still hard to hear about someone talk bad against them. My uncle you didn't know about him because he doesn't want the world to know he exists I just don't talk about my family a lot I'm sorry. Thank you for saving me." Keena winced again as Aldric checked for more wounds.

"I forgive you Keena I'm sorry to hear about your parents and I'm sorry you got hurt you are stronger than you know and you will be okay and you will get to be happy again." Aldric convince there was no more wounds traced his finger on the side of her face and Keena leaned into it closing her eyes. Aldric hoped one day she would trust him. "Alright my love are you ready for our first night together I think we both need some sleep."

Keena nodded her head and scooted down and Aldric removed his shirt showing off his hot abs he had his own scars he climbed into bed next to Keena and he at first stared at the ceiling Keena on the other hand turned her body to the side so that she could face Aldric she stared at his surprisingly sexy body for someone she couldn't stand we was cute. She saw a scar on his right ribcage and ran her fingers over the scar. Aldric turned towards her and smiled as he intertwined her curious hand with his.

"What happened there?"

"Such a curious one aren't we kitten it's bed time." Aldric kissed Keena's head and let go of her hand and rolled back onto his back before falling asleep it took Keena some more time but she too fell back asleep and dream of their time over the last year.

One of those dreams brought her back to the very moment that he asked her to be his girlfriend they had gone out to eat and went and saw a movie and then it was time for Keena to go home but she wanted to go somewhere first so she asked Aldric to trust her and he drove to where she wanted and they parked in a parking lot they got out and Keena asked him to close his eyes and let her lead him. She could have killed him but she didn't instead they went to a beach that had closed down for the night. She let Aldric open his eyes and he wondered what they were doing there and quickly realized when Keena started walking backwards in the water egging him to join her they stayed out in the water for hours until Keena started getting cold Aldric had spare cloths in the car that he let her change into and he stayed in wet cloths. While they were driving to her car he shut off his car in the middle of the road and Keena freaked out saying that they could have gotten hit by a drunk driver but Aldric didn't care instead he asked Keena to be his girlfriend that he couldn't imagine his life without her and it felt like he knew her his whole entire life. She had told him she would and it only escalated from there.

Her dreams then jumped to the time that Aldric had to go to England and he didn't want to leave Keena alone he offered her a protective detail since he was going to be so far away but she politely declined saying that she could handle her self so he excepted as long as she promised to facetime him every night. She laughed sayin that the time zones would make it so it couldn't work but he made her promise anyways. So every night that he was gone she made sure to stay up so that it was really early in the morning for him and called him, but every time she did he picked up the phone every single time without fail, and one night she waited so long that she started falling asleep during the call that right before she fell asleep on the phone she swore she heard him say he loved her and the next night while she was wide away he said it again. Keena Raven had done it she got Aldric Pierce to fall in love with her.

Normally her dreams was seeing her parents get shot and her not being able to cry out but tonight wasn't like that at least for a while eventually her dream grew darker and darker until she couldn't see and then out of the blue it got really bright and then she could see she could see her mother putting her in the ottoman and then she could see all of the blood all of the blood and finally Damion Pierce pulling the trigger she screamed and cried but soon she felt comfort she calmed down and her dreams all of them just kind of slipped away finally giving her peace.


Aldric got Keena into bed and then climbed into bed himself and stared at the ceiling tonight went horribly wrong if he didn't show up when he did she would have been dead. He thought about how it all went down. How he was drink with colleagues that he didn't even notice she slipped away and when he noticed she was gone he had no idea where she went he looked for her but there wasn't a single clue. He started to panic when he wondered if one of the Mafia groups had taken her he didn't think it was the Kimero's but that still left the Sisco's and they were never going to be allied with the Pierces they were to reckless. When all of a sudden Jared Kimero came up to him and he mentioned something about gun shots going off in one of the back rooms so Aldric followed and saw John head that way with a group of men so Aldric called his own back up which took time and followed John to see Keena in the heart of it all. He was furious with his men he thought it was an enemy but it was because of Johns wife he never liked her or her squad because they were horrible people but another of the Mafia commandments was not to fuck with another members wives and his father told him to keep his opinions to himself unless it turned into his own business and tonight it did he made a pack with himself tonight that anyone who hurt her would die. Then Keena traced his scar and he came back to the present and sent his kitten to bed. She was far from being a kitten but it was a cute nickname so he kept it. He hoped that it would calm Keena down. To stay a kitten and not a tiger. He slowed down his breathing to get Keena asleep and once he knew she was asleep he went to sleep himself.

Aldric slept until he felt Keena move closer and closer until her head was laying on his chest he opened his eyes and saw a smile on her face he wondered what she was dreaming about. She moved over slightly so that she was laying on his arm and he was about to fall asleep again when she started screaming her body started sweating and she began panicking saying the same thing over and over not to just stop telling them to come back. He didn't have to wonder about that one it was her parents death that she saw. He didn't know she actually saw it and it made him mad she should never of had to go through that and he pulled her into his chest and said "Shhh it's going to be okay I'm here nothing else is going to happen to you as long as I am alive you will be safe, and anyone who ties to harm you will die." Keena eventually calmed down Aldric didn't know if was because of what he said but she was back to sleeping calmly she slept in his arms all night.