
Catch me if you can Mafia Boss

The new the powerful Mafia Boss Aldric Pierce. He is ruthless, he is his fathers son. Keena Raven a sweet sweet assassin. When Keena Raven watches her parents get killed at a young age she vows to destroy every last party involved in her parents death. When she tortures and kills a member of the Pierce Mafia gang she learns of who pulled the trigger that night and how he died. Feeling defeated Keena finds out of his son the new heir to the Mafia empire she decides to destroy it from the inside out. Can Aldric Pierce learn of a story that happened when he was a young boy and fill in the gaps of a wrongfully told story or will he fall victim to Miss Raven's clever plans to destroy his family legacy? It's time to play a game of Cat and mouse. You tell me which one is which.

Fiction_1864 · Urbain
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20 Chs

Chapter Eight: Crazy As Him

Keena stood right in front of Aldric who wickedly smiled at her she was going to have fun ripping him and everything he stood for apart.

"Taylor is it, sit please."

Keena smiled innocently and sat in a chair that became vacant when she arrived. Aldric was cute she could give him that his face was oval shaped and he was clean-shaved and his grin his grin was sinister she liked the bad guy look, but she would never like him.

"You brought me a Mortlach that is quite an expensive glass of scotch if I didn't know any better I would say you wanted to get my attention but then you went an danced with some random guy did you know him?"

Keena crossed her leg and put her fingers up in the air and a waiter came to her aid.

"Yes ma'am how can I help you."

"Get her a glass of Chateau D'Yquem from 1918."

"Sir we only serve that in a bottle."

"Then get her a bottle."

Keena made sure she learned the in's and out's of the mafia and one of those things were how they payed for expensive drinks wither they liked it or not it showed how much money they had, and the very bottle Aldric had sent for was about ten thousand dollars on the cheap end. Keena never could get used to this life.

"So tell me Taylor where is it that you came from I am told you just appeared?"

"What can I say I like to make an entrance and do you want to know the reason nobody has heard of me before?" Keena said sliding closer so that she could whisper that in Aldric's ear. While she was so close she knew Aldric could see a bit to much.

"Mmm, you know what Miss Smith I think I would, I do quite love surprises. I Also love things that get my attention and make me work for it." Aldric lightly touched Keena's face reveling her heavenly perfect white teeth. Keena giggled as the waiter interrupted them. Aldric gave a dirty look and Keena talked through her perfect soft looking lips "Be patient."

Aldric shooed the waiter away and poured Miss Smith a glass of Chateau D'Yquem. "You know I am not a patient man Miss Smith I suggest you get on with your story." Aldric spoke as he handed Keena the glass.

"Wow Mr. Pierce straight and direct I like it but you know you shouldn't be so desperate it could get you into some trouble if your not careful."

The bodyguards were trained not to react but they couldn't believe the way she talked about the boss obviously she knew who he was but she was not scared. Aldric had tasked them to find everything out about Keena as they could but there wasn't much she just appeared out of nowhere and her very expensive car was literally bought today she just dropped out of the heavens and landed in his lap except she knew who he was and he didn't have the pleasure of knowing who she was.

"Ha, ha, ha. Miss Smith you are quite what is the word oh yes crazy, or foolish even." Aldric moved to the edge of his seat to be closer to her. She was so intriguing where had he seen her before?

"Well maybe Mr. Pierce I'm passionate on what I care about and have idea's and plans that are beyond you wildest dreams." Keena drank her wine it tasted horrible but she had gotten used to bad tasting alcohol. "But very well I think I've left you hanging for long enough might as well put you out of your misery."

"Why thank you." Aldric bowed to get Keena to giggle again.

"It's because my name isn't Taylor Smith." Keena whispered so that only Aldric could hear.

Looking around playing along Aldric whispered back. "Oh yeah so what is your name beautiful?"

Keena started but only got to Ke when they were interrupted once again the bodyguards that had taken care of the random guy that kissed Keena came back letting Aldric know the job was done, but all he could do was stare at Keena. Aldric shook his head to get rid of the thought that rushed though it and nodded to the guards and he sent them away.

"Sorry Taylor repeat your name for me."

Keena started again. "Ke...."


Keena stopped to Aldric's request and she was told to start over she got to the same spot and was told to stop three times this happened and she started to get frustrated. Finally he let her complete her sentence.

"My name Is Keena."

"Very nice to meet you Keena what is your last name?"

"Why is it that you want to know?" Keena knew why he wanted to know and the truth was him knowing her name wouldn't do anything to her and wouldn't help him because all her recorders were sealed. Not even a mafia boss could uncover them.

"I'm sure Keena that you can imagine now do you mind telling me or do I have to get it out of you?" Aldric was joking by the smile he had on his face but he bet he could get her to tell him.

"Well Mr. Pierce I would love to see you try but you won't find anything so yeah, my last name is Raven."

"Keena Raven huh, That is a gorgeous name Keena will you go on a date with me?" Aldric said instantly.

"Huh?" Keena knew her look was charming but this quickly. He was falling for her this quickly?

"Keena Raven will you let me take you on an adventure that you will never forget?"

"Yes but first...." Keena put her fingers up in the air again while Aldric loved the way power looked on her the way the waiter came running she was a natural he could only imagine what she was doing now."

"Can you get Mr. Pierce a Brandy old-fashioned sweet and get me a quick white sangria." Keena smiled the cutest smile Aldric ever seen as she batted her eyes at the waiter and he could see why anyone would do whatever she said. She knew his favorite drink and he knew nothing about her.

The waiter nodded and scurried away. "That's better lets throw the rule book out and do whatever we want you want to know why?" Keena asked Aldric.

"Why is that Miss Raven?"

"Because why the hell not, we can do whatever the fuck we want."

Aldric bit his lip and imagined what it would be like to kiss those soft lips of hers. The drinks came and Aldric and Keena talked they just talked it was nearing the end of the night when Keena got back on topic. "So Mr. Pierce where is it that you are taking me?"

"What you do not trust me to care for you?" Aldric pretended to look hurt.

"Not at all Mr. Pierce I just want to know what it is that I should wear." Keena drank her drink slowly so that she did not get drunk since she knew she would be driving home.

"Well Keena you do not have to worry I have that covered and the place all you have to do is bring your cute self. Better yet I can pick you up."

"Oh is that right Aldric is it that you don't trust my outfit choices do you not like my dress, and what makes you think I am going to tell you were I live?"

"Ha, your braveness to talk to me openly is priceless Miss Raven. I love your outfit choices but you deserve special treatment, and we both know if I wanted to I could know your life story and where you lived one phone call away."

"Oh really and the special treatment how is it special when it is what every date of Aldric Pierce gets, and isn't you finding out everything about me a bit stockerish."

"Fair enough Miss Raven you win, your right I give the same first outfit to every girl I go out on a date with and it ends with them coming to my house spending the night and me never seeing them again maybe I want to see if you can make it to a second date, if you'll be different. Better yet Keena I'll let you choose the meeting spot I promise that I won't find out where you live until you tell me."

Keena thanked Aldric for the kindness and he thanked her for sending him the drink, and they parted ways as the night started to end. Aldric walked Keena to her car and watched her drive away.

"Sir do you want her followed?"

"No it is quite alright." Aldric smiled like he never smiled before as he let Keena Raven drive away he couldn't help but wonder how there next date would go she wasn't just some normal girl.