

One time young girl name Catasheer, She has to wake up from a nightmare and she thought all about what she done, In reality she want to live like an ordinary people but when something began the mystery of power has changed the world, Some people who possess the power and one of them is “Catasheer” …

Cattasheer · Fantaisie
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I Wake up after the end

"In reality I expect the end than begin"

-Catasheer Medeasheer

24 April 2000, 2.34 AM

She wake up again, it seem like she have a nightmare again and everytime when she wake up, She looking in Mirror expression in her eye is afraid and shvering.

"How many time i still nightmare sigh...ARHHHHGGGGG..." she yelling and so tired,

"Runaway from everything and throw sins to...*sighhh* yeah that me" even it just past but in reality she still disappointed in herself.

She can't sleep after nightmare, she watch ceiling whole time not even close her eye time has pass

She get up with disappointed and hopeless to live and that's it result.

She do daily life and heard TV report news.

TV: we have a report an criminal by terrorist "Abandoned"

She (gargling) *gos gig gigle gaa..gan?* ( those this people again?)

"day by day this world be come fantasy much more" *sighh*

most people call "abandoned" by they different because strenght or power supernatural whatever

scientist or any organization can't explain the "power", they rumor about scientist have experiment and after that, they say it possible human have power just 500 people in the world but it just rumor

no confirmation about experiment it true but they fear in power of abandoned, many established an organization for resist those abandoned and capture to experiment or execute.

"Well it long time i didn't use power because to hide from these sh!t" she complain about organization

"Ohhh damnit i'm late now" while she going outside, neighbor talking news morning

"Have you see that? news morning announcement about arrest Catasheer Medeasheer and she will get death sentence"

"Reallyy!! finally she gonna died now ohh-oh i heard there said she have power than every Abandoned"

She heard neighbor talking nonsense that make her thinking "heh heh.. power than abandoned? even i just walk on water like Jesus i still can't"

She going to waiting bus at moment she see paper news write about "accomplice with Catasheer not found or she alone?"

She after see paper news *smirk* "look like everyone still safe except someone"

*bus stop* she get on a bus and sit while looking city as everytime it boring as before nothing change, but this time is like peaceful ever i want to be.

while she falling sleep...she thinking.....

"Maybe i should think it back to begin when everything has begining"


ayo, thanks your reader

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