

CAT MAN CAT KNIGHT LEGENDARY TALES PROLOUGE In the Supernatural Realm of Giddolink The Force Of Evil Have Started Prevailing Conquering Kingdoms and Killing Innocent People For Thier Wicked Plans and Supremacy Then They decided to Attack The Kingdom Of Avalon The CAT NATION Which was the home of the CAT FAMILY where the lion, Tigers, Cheetah e.t.c resides After a long war The Kingdom Of Avalon were victorious but at a great cost. The Kingdom Of Avalon were now living in Peace with the hope of no war anymore but that will soon be cut short as the Forces Of Evil are gathering together again to Attack Avalon with more powers join together. Now A boy in Avalon Is born he is born with great powers and great destiny according to the saying with great powers come great responsibilities he was born with the destiny to save his People Avalon From The Enemies. With The Forces Of Evil Knowing These Attempt has been made to kill him to destroy him by the Forces Of Evil because they fear his Powers they know he is Thier doom and has the luck and blessings of the gods. He Is From The CAT FAMILY A ROYAL BLOOD BORN TO SAVE AVALON FROM IT'S ENEMIES HE WILL FACE THE EVIL ONE'S LIKE THE CYBOROG,DEMONESS Though his task won't be easy will he scale through find out in this Action Filled Story. HIS NAME IS AVAN ELLISON CATAN

Young_Write_0633 · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
11 Chs

Chapter 10

Avalon Knighthood System Included Rank in which a Knight rank is Promoted based on Activities which They have done promoting Thier rank meant more military power they could now lord over those in rank one.

Departments Include A Special Place in Avalon Knighthood System where talented and intelligent individual through performing several feats it was very hard to Join a department. Points were like Level Up in the Knighthood System they could use it to promote to another rank Or Maybe Pawn it for other Weapons.

Following The Promotion of the Biject Squad Members All the Avalon Knights prepared to go as some rode horses while some in Jets. The Biject Squad was in Thier Jet and had a victory toast as they were happy for Thier Promotion.

"So Which department would you be Joining Ella"Malfoy Asked

"Don't know do you have any recommended one for me"

"What about The Gun Fighters department seeing you like guns"Ellison Suggested

"I think that's true exactly what I am going to do"Ella said

"As For Me I will Join The Craft Masters Department I wanna be crafting weapons planning on something I may need your help Ellison and Malfoy"Lexa Said

"Yeah Me too I wanna Join the craft masters Kexa Said I could craft blades example I craft a blade you imbue it tech he said referring to Ellison then boom it is ready The Legendary Kex Super D blade"Kexa Said Sounding Childish As his face beamed with radiant smiles.

"How about you Genza,Venja,Texa Which department will you be joining"Lexa Asked

"Well we actually don't have anyone but we will think of one"Genza Thier Spoke person said.

"Well then it's time for going let's get to the jet"Ellison Said as they all walked to Thier jet and mounted it Ellison pressed a remote as the jet engine powered on and zoom off so also with the other Knights jet and the Knights riding Thier horses followed suit.

Ellison and his friends then decided to have a toast to victory as Ellison pressed a button in the jet as a Fridge Cockpit Opened as A big bottle of wine came out as 10 tumblers also came out as he poured the drink for everyone and they had a victory toast and went to Thier bed to sleep.


Avalon Was Filled with joyful mood as the people were filled with joy for the victory as the soldiers were sprayed flower while some had flowers tucked in Thier Armour it was indeed a Joyful day.

King Rio headed to the Palace meanwhile the Biject Squad headed to Thier new base which Ellison and Malfoy had builded Secretly the base was an underground basement which was located in Malfoy house it also had a tunnel connecting it to Ellison house for Easy Passage In the Base there were lots of Futuristic Tech Equipment which some were used to build the Biject armour Most of these Equipment were builded From Scratch by Ellison and Malfoy to show how great they were in Tech and Intelligence they were currently building a New Armour which was like the Upgraded Part Of The Biject Armour it had more durability and longevity, Integrated Power and Management it also has a gun and other secondary weapons incorporated into it.

"Wow this looks cool" Lexa Said

"Yeah it does thanks to me and Ellison by the time we join the Tech Avalon department we will have more equipment to complete our new Biject Armour although we won't be using that for long"Malfoy Said

"And why is that "Bullion Asked

"Because we got new better Plan for you guys just wait and see but everybody will play Thier role in this Plan but not now when we are ready we will Hollar you guys" Ellison Said

"Till then good bye let's get some rest"Malfoy Said.