
Casual Swordsman In the Multiverse

Casual Swordsman in the Multiverse Tags: R-18, Action, Comedy, Romance, System, Harem (Small 2 or 3 Members) MC: Alex Blade (I know it’s a swordsman whose last name is Blade heh) Additional Info/Bio/Explanation: Alex Blade is a young man who is as ordinary as it gets if you don’t count his flaming addiction towards swords and his high perceptivity towards learning and fighting. He is a closet otaku who enjoys watching anime and reading light novels (things got personal). Alex ended up being drafted into WW3 where he is fighting his enemies with modern weaponry and his trusty sword that he ended up having custom made through the military for close combat. Long story short…. He dies. Ends up meeting a god who grants him a normal system that mostly relies on his hardwork to improve himself (not like those OP systems that destroy everyone by the second chapter). Join him as he embarks on his journey in the world of Danmachi training, getting girls, and just relaxing. I won’t be focusing on any of those crazy politics involving Freya and all those jerks who like to ruin everyone’s time.

Danlift · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Beginnings

Chapter 1: Beginnings/Info Dump

(Somewhere Unknown)

'Ugh… Where am I?', I begin to wonder as I stare into the black void that surrounds me.

'Last thing I remember, I was on the battlefield absolutely tearing it up with my trusty sword until, like a total cannon fodder, got blown up by a bomb… I don't even know if it was a bazooka or a tank. Hopefully a tank so at least I know there was like nothing I could do to avoid it.' I thought as it was some semblance of consolation for the unsatisfying death…

I began to contemplate my life as I just drifted along this… void? Chaos? Anyway, my life was ordinary. Just another closet otaku who wanted to be shredded like G*ku so I trained until I had a six pack and obsessed over swords. I learned everything there was about swords that I could get ahold of. I made my own swords, purchased them off the internet, and trained in dojos since I was a kid in order to be as badass as the swordsman in all the different anime and light novels that I read.

My role models when it came to swordsmanship were obviously from anime and light novels. Just to name a few obvious ones: Zoro, Mihawk, Ichigo, the man of culture himself Last Samurai from Ara*awa Under the B*idge, and many more. Ichigo was more for the form he attained due to his overpowered sword, I mean think about it speed, power, and enhanced reflexes. What more could a swordsman want, if only he wasn't an absolute noob at using it. The guy didn't even know how to use sword intent and relied solely on his sword's abilities. I mean come on, might as well be a baby swinging his rattle around.

I'm getting off topic here. Whatever, as I was monologuing and thinking about how unfortunate it was that I was no longer able to live a life of swordsmanship I began to see a light heading towards me at an unimaginable speed at least that's what it felt like. It took some time even though the light was heading towards me at insane speeds to get to me when I realized it was a figure of a man.

The figure stops, looks at me, and asks "how are you still drifting in primordial chaos like this without fading into non-existence?"

"I don't know… This is primordial chaos? I expected something along the lines of black mixed with all sorts of colors and such but this is just black or nothingness???" I told the man whilst looking completely serious.

You may be wondering why I'm able to stay so calm and relaxed besides looking and conversing with a human shaped lightbulb but, like, what am I going to do to him. He's obviously some sort of god or something.

"Pfft!!! Human shaped lightbulb, you're one to talk you floating human shaped wisp of smoke" the figure told me whilst giggling to himself.

'Okay… so he can read my mind… soul? I don't know anyway this guy seems pretty chill and flippant.'

"You're the flippant one, but I appreciate the chill comment, the other gods always say I'm to uptight. They just don't understand my humor. Bunch of old fogies with sticks up their bums. Alright so I'm a god, and you already realized that so lets move on. Let me see how you got here." The god finished saying as his eyes glowed or at least what I thought were his eyes.

"I see. You have some extremely strong willpower for some otaku. Anyway let's just get this out of the way. Your name is Alex Blade and you seem cool man. I'm willing to give you three wishes just like in those light novels you read as part of a deal."

"Did you just say three wishes. You're not joking with me? That's freaking awesome. What's the deal?" I asked the god with so much excitement that I thought my whispy self might just fade away into primordial chaos.

"Here's the deal, I'll give you three wishes and reincarnating you into a world of your choosing while keeping your memories and body from your previous life all for the small price of allowing me to view your journey to keep me entertained. I will not watch when you and whoever your love interest will be get it on because honestly, I don't care about watching sweaty bodies bouncing on each other. That's not my domain and I'm not interested in it."

'What the heck that's such a good deal!!!'

"I accept!" Who wouldn't LOL

"Okay." The god suddenly started transforming into a giant and got even brighter.

"TELL ME MORTAL, WHAT ARE YOUR WISHES" The god begun saying with incredible majesty until… He started deflating and laughing and asked "How was that, did I seem super cool and majestic?"



"…. PFFT! Hahahaha I like it! Do that more often, makes you seem like a legendary expert from one of those xianxa novels."

I watch as he pumps his fist. "Anyway, what're your wishes?"

"Give me like 5 minutes to think about this, I'd have prepared beforehand if I knew that when I died I'd be able to live my dreams."

The god nodded and proceeded to wait for five minutes as I thought of my wishes.


"Okay. Got it! My first wish is to have a system like in the novels that can promote my growth with several functions including, [Status], [Inventory], [Shop], [Gacha], and [Quest]. However, I don't want a super OP system that will make me the ruler of the world by the second chapter *cough*, but one where I can build myself up slowly through my hard work. This includes the function of allowing my significant other/wife to be able to bond with me and share the system together. This includes a sharable inventory, couple quests, and etc… The system will also include a multiverse function where I can transfer between different anime and novel worlds that I wish to go to once the main quest of the system for that world is finished."

"UMU! Okay that sounds fair and reasonable. I'm going to go ahead and lock the shop tab until you accumulate enough strength so that you can't use it as a crutch even if you don't want to." Said the god whilst nodding his head sagely.

"Alright. For my second wish, I wish for Yamato, the blade that Ver*il uses from DMC sans the demonic power. Along with seals that will stop the blade from showing its full might right away so that I can unlock its abilities slowly over time as I get stronger because what's the point of being able to cut anything or space without earning it. That's just cheating and no fun at all!"

The god continues to nod his head sagely while rubbing his nonexistent beard to appear wiser.

"Lastly, for my third wish, I wish to be able to take along anyone that I want from each world as I travel along the multiverse. What's the point of traveling and enjoying the journey if I can't take my loved ones with me? I know this sort of overlaps with the first wish but that's how important it is to me."

"Okay. I'll go ahead and link your third wish to your first and optimize the system in a way that works for families. I would ordinarily just give you another wish because it's technically just adding on to the system but I'll go ahead and give you some added benefits to your system hehe." Said the god whilst rubbing his hands together and having a stupid smug grin to his face that says he's plotting something.

"Thanks god, I appreciate you giving me this opportunity to adventure and journey through the multiverse! I'll be sure to give you a good show of how casual, chill, and handsome I am through the multiverse."

"I'm looking forward to it! Now then! Which world am I condemni--- I mean sending you towards first!"

"….. I'll ignore that. Send me to the world of Danmachi please!"

"GOOD CHOICE! I LOVE THAT WORLD! Last thing, what background do you wish to possess and I can change your appearance as well if you so wish?"

"I wish to keep my same appearance as I was back on earth. As for my background, I wish to appear around the same time as Bell does in the story. I'll come from a peaceful village not far from Orario. I trained with my father who was an adventurer and taught blacksmithing from my mother since a young age before they passed away when I turned 15 and decided to set off towards the city of Orario to live my dream of becoming the greatest swordsman and conquering the dungeon with a minimum amount of valis to get me started, let's say 100,000 valis to get me going so I don't have to sleep in the streets before I get a familia."

"Okay. That's pretty good, I'll go ahead and add a starter pack in your inventory that includes your 'Yamato' to get you going. I wish you luck young man and thank you for entertaining me! NYAHAHAHAHA!"

"NYAHAHAHA!" I laughed along with him as a fellow casual

As I slowly fade away….

-----Teleporting sounds-----

Inside a forest there was a cave that embedded in a small cliff covered in vines, a handsome young man slowly appears inside of it. He is a 6 feet tall, has long black hair with deep blue eyes. He's extremely fit with the size between an Olympic swimmer and a natural bodybuilder (He looks like Ichigo in his final getsuga tensho form but more natural and without the bandages lol).

YAWWWWN…. "Man, so here we are. We're in Danmachi huh."

{Yes we are, and everything looks peaceful here}

"umu, you're right…. Wait, WHO!?" I look around to see who spoke to no avail until suddenly there was a bright light and then a silhouette of a beautiful woman with golden hair, deep ruby-colored eyes, and a stunning figure with 9 fox tails behind her. She was probably the most beautiful woman I've ever seen but… she's a chibi…

{wow… not rude. I'll have you know; I chose to be a chibi for aesthetic purposes}

I slowly look over her figure and try to touch her only to realize that my hand passes right through her, so I ask, "who are you?"

{I'm your system advisor! I'll be traveling with you throughout your journey to help you out with your casual run through the multiverse}

"Oh, okay… I don't know how to feel about this but I'll be counting on you." I said while slightly bowing to imitate a certain culture back home.

{hai hai, I'll be counting on you too. So, lets get started, shall we? Go ahead and say [Status] so I can start explaining things to you.}

"Status" As I said that a blue screen with white trimming appears in front of my eyes.


Name: Alex Blade

Race: High Human

Affiliation: None

Relationship Status: Single as a pringle (lol)

Titles: Sword Freak, Reincarnated Person,

Level: 1


STR: I-0 (50)

END: I-0 (50)

DEX: I-0 (50)

AGI: I-0 (50)

MAG: I-0 (50)


Swordsmanship: I

As you train your ability to wield blade type weapons increases. This ability can be modified to show percentage in the systems [Status] to show your progress if you so wish. You start off at the beginning until you start training and build it up through your effort.

Sword Will: EX

You have a strong and sharp will that allows you to live as you like. You do not submit to others unless you choose to. You have a determination to exceed all others. Provides increase in excilia gain and allows you to input your will into your sword when you use it. Strength is determined by the swordsman desire.

Blacksmith: I [Sealed]

Blacksmithing development ability acquired through training in not only your previous life but also this life from your mother. This ability is sealed until you unlock it when you level up after gaining a familia.

'Wow so that's my status huh. I don't appreciate the comment about my love life but it's true…' I thought whilst tears are silently running down my eyes.

{Okay, so, lets get this out of the way shall we. You should already know how to read your status considering you wished to start in this world. However, what you don't know is that god changed you into a high human which makes you stronger than everyone else at the start. You also grow faster than everyone else but you must put in the effort. Next we have your skills, these skills were not added by god but natural inherent skills that you had attained in your last life that carried over, which is incredible. Lastly Titles don't really do anything, they're titles granted by god for entertainment and what not.}

"I understand." I really did understand however that was a really bland explanation but I'm glad she did it as fast as possible since it's pretty self-explanatory.

{Next is your [Inventory] which I'm sure you understand. It grows as you get stronger. Right now it can only hold about a small huts worth of space but eventually it could literally be as vast as an ocean depending on your growth.}

{Then there's your [Shop] which is locked until you reach level 3. Then there's your [Gacha] which you can use right away and god was nice enough to give you 5 free rolls of your [Gacha] to start your journey, how lovely!}

{Lastly is your missions tab. Now your missions tab will mostly be small things like daily exercise, monster slaying quota, and your never changing 'Main Quest' to facilitate your growth. Why don't you check it out.}

"Missions" As I said a smaller window with several tabs appeared showing my quests.


- Main Quest-

o Reach the deepest level of the Tower of Babel and using your swordsmanship you hone throughout your stay here in the Danmachi world.

o Bonus: Slay the One-Eyed Black Dragon

Reward: Next World Token

Bonus Reward: There shouldn't be a bonus, imagine how much you'll grow just by being able to slay a being from legends. However, I'll throw you a bone and give you a nice surprise [????].

- Side Quests-

o Daily Exercise: 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 10km run.

o Swing your sword 10,000 times

o Quests that include slaying of monsters. Goblins, Kobolds, Hellhounds, etc…

Rewards: Bonus acquisition of excilia depending on amount of exercise done! Push past your limits shonen! PLUS ULTRA

Rewards: Percentage increase towards Swordsmanship skill

Rewards: Varies on accomplishments but mostly just excilia gain bonus

{That's about it! Now why don't you open up your beginners pack and try out your gacha?}

"okay!" I begin to concentrate on my inventory and open my beginners pack gifted by god.

[Received Beginners Pack]

- Yamato

- Adventurers Clothing

- Unlimited Water Bottle

- 10 HP Potions

- 10 MP Potions

- 100,000 Valis

"Nice!" I thought as I proceeded to roll my gacha

[Rolling 5 Gacha]

- Received a traditional lunchox

- Received beginner swordsmanship book

- Received Summoning Token (Pet)

- Received training weights (adjustable)

- Received Appraisal Skill

{That is some BS luck, now please use your summoning token! I'm dying to find out what pet you'll get! Please let it be a fox!}

I listen to her as I crush the summoning token and wait while a bright light appears in front of me.

"It's a fox"

{It's a fox}

The fox in question turns her head sideways while her face shows that she's thinking, 'I'm a fox'.


The fox is a snow white fox and happens to be a girl, she comes up to me and jumps into my arms while rubbing her head on my chest. This causes me to smile and make a decision.

"Her name will be Luna, I know its bland but I think it's beautiful and it suits her"

{UMU! I approve!}

"Anyway now that all of that is finally over lets head out towards Orario!"



"You know how to get there right?"

{I thought you did…}

And they got lost and died in the forest… The end…

JK! They went on their way towards Orario in hopes of adventure and love! Until next time!

Finally the Info dump is done! I got tired towards the end so things might not be that pretty. Chapters from now on will most likely be around 1000 words and the format will be simpler. THANK GOODNESS. PEACE!

I'm new to writing stories and I'll probably go off tangent alot of the time so if any advice or suggestions feel free to comment! Also if the grammer is terrible I'm sorry! This is for fun and hopefully I can write an original one day!

Danliftcreators' thoughts