
Chapter 5: Year 2

Wake up.

I woke up the next day, refreshed.

I was, once again, at Beacon. I could tell from the familiar lighting above and the same familiar bed. I've been here once or twice in my year with Qrow, so I could tell from simply those things alone.

… Nah, not really. At worst, it's an assumption, since the last time I was knocked out on a named quest, I woke up at Beacon and was given a few days of bed rest. I actually have no idea where I am, and am only hoping to be at Beacon so I can at least roam around a bit since I wasn't in too much of a serious danger.

I grunt as I try to sit up. Aura may heal my wounds, and taking a peek at my stats confirmed that I was back on full health and Aura, but it doesn't take away most of the pain, like it didn't take away my scars. My stomach still hurt after Raven's kick and the Aberration's smashes. My back hurts quite the same, but thankfully, is mostly numbed by now.

Ah, that's right. I leveled up and got a reward from my last quest.

I glance around. The quest completion window was still up, which I dismissed quickly. A Grimm Mask—an Ursa's mask, from what the Quest Reward and what the prompts were telling me—was set on a desk beside me. I look around and see no one with me; not even Qrow or any nurse. The curtains were pulled back, but bright light was shining through, so I can assume that it's either the morning or the afternoon.

My weapons weren't anywhere in sight, nor was my combat outfit. I was wearing a white robe thing (I refuse to call it a dress) with no socks. I yawned, putting my hand in my mouth to try and stifle it, as I opened up my Status Window.


I leveled up.

So right now, I had 17 more points to spend. Taking note of what Raven told me during our fight, I spent all of it right into Unarmed, bringing it from 18, to 35. Knowledge flows to my head, and I take a deep breath to sort it all out. That always happens when I raise my skills. It's such an abrupt rise of skill that the knowledge, instead of being gathered slowly, just breaks into my brain and digs in. It's kind of disorienting, but not harmful, thankfully.

Now I look at the Ursa Mask.

The prompts next to it told me enough about it gamewise.


An Ursa's mask that was torn right off it's face during a fight. Yikes.

+1 STRENGTH when worn

+Intimidation factor, depends on player's skill and power levels against the target's (Area of Effect range: 20 meters)

+Concealed identity


Well that's good. Intimidation is a decent skill, I suppose. People do stupid things when they're scared of someone. The +1 Strength, meanwhile, would put my strength to technically 10. I know that boosted SPECIALs are weaker than natural ones, but it would still be a great help. I would still have A 10 and S 8 + 2, so it's a good piece of equipment either way. There's also the Concealed Identity addition, which comes with all masks that take up half the face, so it could also be useful for infiltration missions.

The last one, though…


I tried to press it, but no prompts came up. I tried to will a prompt for it to appear, nothing happened.

It's an enigma, or at least, until I put the mask on.

Hesitantly, I take the mask off the desk.










I was somewhere I didn't recognize. It was darkdarkdark—red skies, bloody ground.

Black pools everywhere—Grimm spawning out of nowhere.


Summer stabbed by dark, steel stakes, silver eyes leaking blood.

Ruby torn to shreds by Beowolves, eyes lifeless as she falls back.

Yang torn apart by Nevermore as they swarm her.

Vale crashing down when a swarm of Nydus Worms destabilized the underground portion of it.




And then it was gone. I blinked, shaking my head.

The fuck was that?

The irrational amount of fear I suddenly had, the pain and the terror that spawned right out of nowhere and set into my heart.

It was gone just as quickly as it came. The mask was still on my face. I checked the prompts on the mask, it was still the same, but the +? part disappeared.


Was that part a warning for the weird vision thing I had? Was it a premonition, or a threat?

Or was it just a cursed mask thing that should have never been worn?

While it isn't affecting me now, there was still a hint of fear in my heart. A hint of fear that keeps growing whenever I feel weak and powerless.

Whenever I'm reminded that the Grimm aren't as mindless as they seem.

I take a deep, shaky breath. Calm. Calm. Calm.

That's never going to happen.


The Ursa Mask I just donned gave me those visions, those premonitions. But now they've stopped, they're gone.

They won't hurt me or anyone anymore.

I won't stop using the mask just because of a few pesky dream vision things, the gains overweigh the cons.

Seeing those visions, however…

It woke me up.

I trained to be strong. I leveled up to kill strong monsters and experience fun on the world.

But I'm reminded by the fact that Grimm are still a threat to civilians, to people—to my family.

It's a dark reminder, but it woke me up.

Grimm are not animals.

They're monsters.

I do another shaky sigh. "Damn… should have expected a mindfuck from a Grimm mask."

And I'll be damned if I let monsters overrun my home.

The year after, 15 years old

"Got anything?" Came the voice of my uncle from my earpiece on the right that's wirelessly connected to my wonderful piece of technology known as the scroll.

"No," I replied, my eyes straining to see anything on the dark. "I wouldn't get anything. You know my Perception sucks."

"I know," there was a pause. "I'm just asking."

"Right," I drawled. I was laying stomach down on top of a warehouse with a pair of binoculars watching a pair of unnamed guards patrol around a fenced area. There was a lead on a crime syndicate here that apparently garnered the attention of the headmaster of Beacon himself. I don't know much of the details, but apparently they had something awfully dangerous stored up, and Qrow and I were to find out what it is.

Well, only Qrow was supposed to be. I was actually tasked to stay on Beacon while he does recon, but when he explained his mission to me, I got a named quest for it so I had to tag along.

Quest Updated: The Apple of Eden

Gather information on the M32x syndicate

M32x was the name of their syndicate. I have no idea what it's supposed to mean, only secret to those inside the organization on the first place. Intel shared by Qrow showed a numerous amount of low huntsmen level members in the criminal hierarchy, so that's also one of the reasons he was sent to gather information.

Why do they need low level rogue huntsmen and women in their little group?

I pursed my lips as I watched the guards disappear inside around a corner. I was positioned in front of the area, so I could work as a distraction while Qrow goes in and peaks at the documents and any other unmentionables inside their base.

Frankly, I could do the same, but it was established that between the two of us, I had the better crowd control techniques, so I could handle most of the enemies that come at me.

I take a peak at my stats again.

Crimson Branwen (LV. 16)

Health: 410

Aura: 310

Semblance: Aerokinesis

Experience: 3750/38000

S – 8 + 2

P – 3

E – 5 + 2

C – 2

I – 7

A – 10

L – 5


Speech (Charisma): 57

Barter (Charisma): 33

Bladed Melee (Agility): 100

Blunt Melee (Strength): 49

Unarmed (Endurance): 90

Small Guns (Agility): 25

Big Guns (Strength): 20

Lockpick (Perception): 10

Repair (Intelligence): 18

Smith (Intelligence): 18

Computers (Intelligence): 18

Sneak (Agility): 62

Medicine (Intelligence): 18

Aura Manipulation (Intelligence): 100

Available Points: 0

Traits []

Huh, now that I think about it, I'm probably overspecialized to combat right now. I'm practically useless to hacking and smithing and other works, but it should be fine.

In the past year, I got a few more levels and two more traits: Educated and Sensor. Educated gave me 3 extra skill points per level up, so instead of 17, I got 20 after level 14, and all the points I got were promptly dumped into Unarmed, which helped a bunch when I mixed Unarmed and Bladed Mastery together.

The enemies that no longer stand in my way… I would smirk, but it would look weird. The fact that no one would see it is also a plus.

Sensor gave me an instinctual view around myself, like I had an extra bunch of eyes. I could feel better, so to speak, and it's really accurate but has a small range. That was only one part of it, however. With a certain formula (1.5*Perception*auraManipulation, which I found out after a bit of digging), I could see how much distance I have in sensing people with this trait. My current distance is 450 meters, which is decent enough, I guess.

I gained a few points in Speech and Sneak again and a single point in Barter. I could probably use some skill points at Lockpick, because breaking a lock is not very inconspicuous and may lead to unhealthy encounters during a mission. I was mainly a combat type build instead of utility and stealth, which needs to be fixed if I want an assassin role along my DPS role.

Nevertheless, I shook my head to clear it and focus on my objective. It was a fenced off part of the port in Vale. Steel fences lined the edges, and a few ships were anchored. There was no one here except a few guards, and if Qrow's information was right, the M32x syndicate. Frankly, I just want to finish the quest quick because I want EXP. I don't get any for knocking people unconscious, I have to kill something to get EXP.

I learned that the hard way when I killed a few criminals in the past year.

It was not a pretty sight, nor was it a pretty day for me. I felt kind of bad that I killed them, but I reminded myself that they were criminals, rapists, murderers, and thieves. It barely helped, but I moved on.

Anyway, there was a warehouse within the fenced area. Qrow was currently inside the area and is exploring the last of the ships, and if the ships were empty, I was clear to infiltrate the warehouse, in which he'll be joining me after. It was supposed to be an easy get in then out mission, but with it being a Named Quest and my previous experience of them, I am seriously doubting that description.

The earpiece crackled. "All clear," Qrow reported. "Mission is a go."

I snorted. "That line is so cliché."

Qrow sighed in the line. I can imagine him pinching his nose in annoyance. "Just go."

I dropped down from the warehouse and landed deftly on my feet. I dashed forward, careful to avoid any lights and guards, quickly approaching the metal fence. I sneak a glance towards my left and right as I sprint. I tense my legs as I get closer, bend down and jump.

I manage to jump over with a flip, landing with a muffled crouch and just as quickly stood up and began to dash towards a few crates.

"… think that any thugs'll come here?" I duck behind a bunch of crates as I wait for the guards to pass by, unintentionally eavesdropping into their conversation as I lied in wait. "Like, you think any raids will come? It gets pretty boring here."

"Why would you want to get in on the action?" The other thug asked incredulously. "For real, I don't wanna die to a bunch of overzealous terrorists or criminals. I just came here for a paying job, dude."

Their conversation trailed off as they went further away. Unless they can suppress their Aura to a very tiny amount that they blended in with nature itself, they're not there anymore. I dart off from behind the crates and continue on my dash to the warehouse.

I stopped just a few meters before the gray walls of the building. There was a metal door to my left, and there was a bigger metal shutter that was probably used to drive in a few trucks or so, but I can't really tell. The door to my left probably leads to it, but there wasn't anyone inside that could open it.

There was however, another patrol coming nearby. If I have any luck, they might have the key inside the warehouse, probably to switch with the other Aura signatures I can sense inside..

I frowned.

There were a few big Aura signatures, which I expected from Qrow's intel, which confirms the fact that there were multiple huntsman tier enemies inside, no matter how low. A low level huntsman is good enough that several thugs would have a hard time beating one, and multiple low level huntsmen could theoretically take down a higher tiered one, with enough teamwork and collective power, that is.

The problem was, there was a lot more than what the intel provided. So it probably wasn't that it was wrong, only that it was outdated.

I pursed my lips as I test the door—oh. It wasn't locked. I grimaced as the patrol came closer, falling flat on my stomach as the patrol came closer.

"… had chicken as dinner yesterday. Taking overtime today, but I hope leftovers are good."

"At least you get to eat chicken."

"You'll get paid after your first month."

"I guess I'll expect it in a few days, then."

The patrol passed by without a hitch and I sighed in relief. I pushed the steel door open again and stretched out my senses (I actually don't, I just focus on what I already have since my secondary ability on Sensor only works when I actually put focus on it) and tried to sense any thugs in the immediate vicinity. There weren't, they were all on a lower level.

"Qrow," I called. There was a crackle as he answered me.

"I'm here. Anything of note?"

"Multiple low-tier huntsman signatures below warehouse. Much more than what the intelligence provided. Where are you?" I whispered as I closed the steel door quietly again. It was well lit inside, the lights above providing enough lighting for the entrance. The loading area, as I expected, was parked with a few trucks and forklifts. There was a ramp to lead above which had an elevator and a stairway. There were more than a few crates stacked around the place, probably unloaded goods.

"Closing in on warehouse. I'm close. Go in and scout out the area, I'll follow." There was a click, and he was silent again. I took a deep breath and cautiously walked towards the elevator and the stairway. I focused on my Sensor trait again and tried to sense for anyone below the elevators. There were a few thugs roaming the halls, so the elevator was a no go.


I paused and looked around.

Huh, where do they actually store these things? This is a warehouse, there should be a storage room somewhere.

I took a moment to think about it.

I shrugged. It's not that important, what's important is scouting out the other people that joined the party, so I immediately took the stairs and started sliding down on the handles.

I like to think that it's because it would make less sound than walking, but really, it's just because I find it fun, even if my face doesn't show it, either because I'm wearing a mask or because I don't really express myself much.

I land a floor down, which seems to be the only way the stairs go down to. Why would they need an elevator for a single floor? Seems odd, since there aren't any more stairs leading downwards. Odd.

With Silent Steps, I don't really need to muffle my steps, so I jumped down, no sounds coming out of the event. I almost sighed. My trait system is unfair sometimes.

I was in a small corridor thing. Taking a look at the walls, there were no secret elevators or secret rooms, in fact, the only thing that was here were the stairs to go up. I frowned as I focused on my Sensing again, trying to feel for any signatures upstairs.

Other than Qrow, there was no one, because unless they were dedicated to suppressing their Aura, then our mission's already compromised.

My earpiece crackled as Qrow called in again. "I'm staying up here to guard. You go on and search the place, I'm going silent for a bit," The line goes dead.

Alright then. Sometimes, I hate Qrow for making me do his work, but I wouldn't mind if it were to kill things.

Unfortunately, people need due process so I can't just kill people willy nilly, because other people would get mad and I'd be labeled a mass murderer. Ah, politics.

… or is it just Law? Eugh, whatever.

Thinking about it, he seemed off in the call. As if he wasn't himself. His way of talking was kind of detached. Wonder if he finally got enough liquor to get himself tipsy. It was probably that.

Other than the weird corridor thing here, there was also, obviously, a doorway leading to the bigger parts of the underground complex. I don't sense any Aura signatures outside, so I step out and observe.

It was a single path forward, with several doors to the side of the hallway. It was labeled, thankfully. The closest ones to me were labeled with names, so this may be a living quarters area.

Why do you need to live below a warehouse?

I stalked forward, hand on Dust, ready to unsheathe and attack. My boots make no sound on my footfalls, and I watch the halls for any sudden movements. The paintings on the walls were abstract; no faces, it was as if the artist decided to throw his paintbrush around with several colors and said it was art.

Modern art confuses me, art in general confuses me. I don't dabble in it for a reason.

It was a fairly decorated place all things considered. The floor was carpeted red, the walls painted with a eerie gold, the lighting was also good with several fluorescent lights lining the ceiling. Hell, the inside of this underground complex looks like it was taken from an office or something then had a rich person paint it gold and red.

It was weird. Unnatural.

Finally, there was a commons room, at least, what I hoped was a commons room. There was a flat screen TV mounted on a wall, with a coffee table and a couch in front of it respectively. Like the rest of the underground area, it was colored red and gold with the exception of the TV, which was black.

The lighting for this room was a chandelier. It was still since the ground wasn't shaking and there weren't any winds down here. There was a coat rack at one corner and a pile of t-shirts at another.

I'm not going to question the last one.

From here, there were 2 more paths; forward or to the left. I go left and apparently hit the jackpot.

R & D

Research and Development, it was labeled. Double doors right in the end of the corridor with R & D on the plate next to it. My senses don't tell me of any presences behind the door, so I open it—it was unlocked.

It was unlocked.

Why was it unlocked?

This time, I stop to actually focus my senses to its effective range. There weren't any more Aura Signatures down the basement. The thugs I sensed were gone, and the only ones left were—


My eyes widened as I jumped back to avoid a fist from a raven haired girl that was very scantily dressed. The tables were scattered and the ground cratered. Papers scattered and glass shattered when she punched.

Jesus fucking Christ!

She stood up, and I idly note that she was wearing only a bra and really short shorts. She had brown skin and dark brown eyes. She saw me looking and winked, before settling into a stance.

"Hey there!" She called out cheerfully. "Trespassers aren't allowed here, don't you know?"

I stayed silent, choosing to unsheathe Dust and settle into my own stance. I don't need to use Chamber yet; I have a feeling that there's—

"Yar har har!" Oh god, it was a pirate. "We're s'posed to tell that to 'im before we skewer 'im!"

Another person came up from behind her. It was a legit pirate, wearing a blue coat with sleeves reaching up to his wrists, leading to black rubber gloves. The ends of his coat was lined with gold designs, and he wasn't wearing an undershirt. He wore black pants and black boots. He had a beard, black eyes, and the typical pirate captain hat with a skull crossed with bones. He had a scabbard strapped to his side, which probably housed a cutlass.

It was a legitimate pirate. What the fuck.

There was a disturbance beside them, and a ninja in the typical ninja garb was there. Now, if I were any slower than what I am now, I would've only seen the blur. But what I really saw was him running top speed to their sides then stopping suddenly, which screams out 'massive agility and control' if anything, marking his spot as the group's ninja.

Looks like I need Chamber for this. I barely stop a sigh from coming out of my mouth as I press a button on Chamber's side. The three were low leveled huntsmen, but there weren't any other signatures coming from anywhere. Upstairs, Qrow was moving around disoriented.

I can't speak to him while I'm occupied. I have to take care of these idiots.

They were bickering right now. Something about introducing themselves to their enemy? It… doesn't really look like they're some kind of professional criminals. It's more like a bunch of friends that decided to come together to antagonize someone, that someone being me.

My eyes flicked to the ninja on the pirate's right, seeing him shrug and look away listlessly as the two argued.

"We don't need a shitty entry speech!"

"What?! 'Course we do! We hav' to make 'em run scared!" The pirate posed. "Then we swoop in to take the kill!"

"Not before they swoop in first, you dumb ass perverted pirate!" The girl screamed at him exasperatedly.

The ninja just puts a hand behind his head and scratches.

My eyes behind my mask twitch.

These guys were part of M32x?

I was ready to just bop them on the head with Chamber and Dust as I argued, but when I did, the ninja had intercepted me mid way with a katana, him straining to stop me from slicing both their necks off.

Well, it wouldn't slice off their necks, but it would send them flying back and do major damage to their Aura, at least. At most, they'll be unconscious. They're huntsmen; they could take it.

The ninja gasps as he has to break off from our engagement to jump back. I'm stronger than him due to my base Strength and the boosts it has, I'm also faster, so he won't be able to keep up with me.

It was nice to see a fellow swordsman, at least…

Wait a fucking minute.

Is that ninja using his katana from his crotch?!

He was using it from his crotch. The katana was in between his legs and he was using it as a weapon. I have no idea what possessed the dude behind the costume to even wield it that way, and it's even moreimpressive that he managed to parry my attack!

What the actual fuck is with this group of lunatics?

The weirdest thing was he actually looked seriouswhile doing it. I had an incredulous expression set on my face as I stared at the three people in front of me, the two having stopped arguing when the ninja intercepted me.

"That was fast," The woman admitted. My eyes flicked to her big chest (I am a healthy young male) then to the pirate, who was unsheathing his cutlass. "I forgot that we were on a fight for a second."

"Aye, lassie," The pirate agreed as he fully drew his cutlass and pointed it at me. "How 'bout we postponethis argument for sometime else, eh?"


And then they dashed for me. Well, the ninja and the brute girl did, but the pirate stayed back, yelling "Aye!" as he glowed golden. His friends glowed the same color, and suddenly, they were way faster.

I sidestep a punch from the girl and parry a slash from the ninja who was still using his crotch to wield it. I grunt in annoyance and kick the ninja, sending him flying back, then use Dust to try and cut the girl in the stomach. It succeeds and she was sent back. I followed up with an overhead slash, which she barely dodges.

She sends a left hook towards me and I redirected it from its intended target then knee her in the stomach. I quickly chained with a diagonal swipe, making her tumble back, then slash horizontally and made her yelp as she was sent flying back, her aura soaking up the damage.

She landed and messed up a few tables, but I didn't have time to savor in my victory as the ninja came in to attack. I held his sword in place, noting that he was stronger than before as he glowed yellow. I deduced that the pirate was a support type of huntsman. It wasn't unheard of—but it wasn't that common either. Grimacing, I slashed at his chest with Chamber, making the ninja grunt as the edges were barely softened by his Aura, making him stumble back.

I strike down at his katana, making it fall to the ground from the attack and kick him in the chest, making him fly back from his sword. The ninja's eyes widened and tries to run for his sword, but I was in front of him first.

I slash diagonally then spin to slash him horizontally, which sends him flying back. I was behind him in seconds, and kick him at the back to stop the momentum, making the ninja gasp in pain. I was going to kick him in the head to knock him unconscious, but the woman got back up and punched.

-30 HP


FFFFFF— Never gonna lose sight of their heavy hitter again.

As I unburied myself from the wall, my eyes widened as I immediately roll down to avoid the follow up punch which decimated the wall behind me. I slash upwards and cut her on the stomach, making her jump back to avoid another follow up.

While the pirate tends to the ninja, I face off against the woman. She had this pissed off look in her eyes, one that I didn't return.

"You're gonna pay for that," She promised.

I don't intend to let her keep that promise.

I was in front of her immediately, Dust and Chamber already in motion. Chamber slashes at her cranium, repelled by her Aura but still successful, Dust was thrusting towards her chest, glowing green as it corroded her Aura, dropping it to lower levels.

She jumped back but I followed and got behind her, kicking her in the back of her head and sending her tumbling down to her face. I raise my sword and stab down, but she rolls to the side to avoid it.

She kicks up, making me jump to avoid it. She gains a grin on her face and charges forward. I take my chance to slash down on her.

She twitches, and the sword cuts the string that was holding her bra together.

Well then. Tits. Real naked tits.

I don't doubt that I stared for a few moments, but I'm not some sort of pervert to just stop and drool while a fight is happening. I kick her in the side, making her spit up… well, spit, and knock her down with the pommel of Dust, finally knocking her unconscious.

Power type down.

The ninja is quick to engage next, though it's obvious that he's tired and winded from our earlier fight. He's still using his crotch to wield, and I still have no idea why he is doing it. I dash forward and he meets Dust, but Chamber is already on a thrust towards his chest, making him stumble back and lose balance. I take advantage of it and swipe at him with Dust, making the ninja yelp as I cut him from shoulder to hip, him finally losing his Aura.

I swoop in, roundhouse him in the head, making him stumble to the side, then kick him on the balls. I wouldn't normally do that, since I know how much it fucking hurts to get hit at the balls, but it was annoying the ever loving crap out of me on how he was using it to use his sword.

He grabs his nuts, his sword finally dropping from between his legs. He kneels and folds over to lie in a fetal position, but I don't let him stay awake. I kick him extra hard to knock him out. I'm not feeling generous to crotch ninjas today.

With the two dealt with, I set my gaze on the last one in the room. It was the pirate, of course. He was glaring at me angrily while he held his cutlass to me.

"Ye may have defeated my mates, but I ain't goin' to drop down like a fly!"

He glows gold and rushes forward to me. It was almost kind of pathetic, actually. He was slower than his ninja friend—I redirected his cutlass with Dust and slash with Chamber, bringing down his Aura level— he was weaker than his brutish girl friend—I kick him in the chest and send him back before bearing down on him with both swords.

But most importantly?

"Eclipse," I whispered. The swords tear through his Aura like paper and send him flying back, wounded and bruised, but not bleeding thanks to his Aura.

He was less skilled than me.

The pirate groaned as he tried to regain his bearings, but I was in front of him, kicking his face in the wall and knocking the man unconscious.

This was really easy. Easier than the other named missions, actually. I sighed and gathered the three stooges to one wall to line them up near each other. I look for some rope in the room and lo and behold, there was none.

I sighed again. Looks like I'm just hoping that they stay asleep here.

… Now that I think about it, whenever I go on these types of quests, I leave a lot of things up to chance, don't I? I hoped to not get kidnapped by Raven, I hoped to get reached in time during the Nydus Worm incident, and right now, I'm hoping they don't wake up.

Huh. I guess my luck is good on these types of things? I don't know. I don't want to find out and ruin all of it, so I'm just going to roll with it, I guess.

I focus on my senses again. I sense at least 2 more energy sources up above, near Qrow. He must be fighting them or something. I immediately go through the commons room then to the stairway again, ignoring the other path since the real world isn't a video game and I don't need to explore every nook and cranny on this whole freakin' warehouse.

When I burst through the doorway to the warehouse, I noticed two things.

One, the ceiling was riddled with holes, moonlight streaming in to provide lighting inside other than the already existing ones. Second, there were two girls in front of me.

One had light brown hair with equally brown eyes and light skin. She was wearing a white sleeveless blouse with some light blue ribbon things on her chest, with an equally blue line running down the middle of it. She had a black belt with an easily recognizable e symbol and wore a blue skirt with white stockings that reached up to her thighs and black boots. Her brown hair was tied to a ponytail with an also easily recognizable e symbol. Her weapons, as far as I could see, were two black gloves that stretched to her elbows. Though gloves was a loose term, since it actually was kind of metallic looking and was rectangular.

The other was a red haired fox faunus girl. She had fox ears on top of her head, which led to my discovery of her being a faunus (obviously). She was wearing a red sleeveless vest over a white long sleeved shirt, in which the sleeves reached up to her elbows though the ends looked folded. She was wearing tight black pants and had a red fox tail with a white tip. From what I can see, she had a two handed sword sheathed behind her back. She was folding her arms and looking at me with a cocky expression, and I can see the handle of her sword from behind her. The symbol was a fox around a blue sphere. An also easily recognizable symbol.

If, of course, if, you lived from my world before you came here.

In my incredulity and surprise, I let it blurt out. "The fuck? Explorer and Firefox?"

They both have different responses.

"E-eh? How did you know my last name?"

"Yep! That's me, and I'm going to kick your ass!"

I took a deep breath.

I was fighting two girls that were basically personified internet browsers.

I was fighting personified internet browsers.

I want to bash my face in. I want to destroy a wall with my head.

Is the world just out to mock me today? Did I do something wrong to be constantly reminded of my previous world that even memes would come to this just to be fought?

Jesus fucking Christ on a bike.

I took a deep breath to say my words.

"Move aside," I emotionlessly intone. "I have no quarrel with either of you."

"Why are you trying to sound old and composed?" Asked the fiery fox.

No, I'm not going to call her Firefox. Fuck no. Never.

"Because I am," My eyes twitched behind the mask. "If you don't move aside, I will be forced to engage you both in combat."

I wasn't worried in losing to these two power-wise. I can tell that I have more Aura than they do even right now, and I doubt that they would give me any trouble skill wise. I was more surprised than anything, but the surprise was quickly going down as I keep watching them, my hands on both Chamber and Dust, both unsheathed and ready for battle.

The fox girl snorted. "I doubt you can do anything with those stupid swords of yours," She puffed up and took out her two handed sword. It was a big sword, easily dwarfing my own as she brought it to the light. It had a dark red blade with a black handle. Her symbol—the fox around the blue globe—was right at the middle of the guard. "I'll beat you in a minute!"

"U-um, I don't think you should brag in a fight," The other girl—I'm not calling her Explorer either! No!—"We don't know h-his capabilities."

The fox girl just scoffed. "Who cares? He doesn't even look any older than us. I don't know why that old man needed to call us Signal students to protect his cargo stuff if this is all the problem is."

Wow, this girl has an ego the size of a Goliath. It may serve well for me to pop her ego in a minute.

Wait, Signal students? What the hell?

"I-it's probably because of criminals, like the o-one you're talking to now," the brown haired girl shyly snarked.

It was an odd combination, stuttering and speaking with a soft voice while she sent a jab to her friend. It wasn't anything that would've popped into my head, but it worked as the fox girl scrunched up her face and sighed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," The fox girl just glares at me and puffs up, propping her two handed sword next to her and putting a closed fist to her flat chest. "Listen up, criminal! My name's Mozilla Firefox, and this is my friend, Interna Explorer. We're here to foil your diabolical plans and save the day!"

My eyes twitched. Interna Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

What the actual fuck?

I decided to throw my coin in the craziness. "Hm… Are you aware of anyone named Netscape?"

Interna blinked. "You know my mom?"

I bashed my head to a wall. Loudly.

"H-hey! Don't knock yourself out! We haven't even fought yet!" Mozilla suddenly freaks out. "Don't run from our fight, coward!"

"I'm not running," I grunted. "I just realized something important and bashing my head in was a good way to remember the whole story." Not the truth, but I would probably be marked insane if I actually said my true reasons.

I take a deep breath and recompose myself. Fine, they were browser incarnates, but that doesn't change my job here. I could fish more information out from them. Probably.

"You are Signal Academy students?" I inquired, voice level and earlier outburst forgotten. "I was not aware that Signal students could take missions."

"We aren't, but I'm glad I helped out that old man. Now I get to stop a criminal!" Mozilla grinned at me.

I sighed. "I am not a criminal," I slowly grind out. "I am a huntsman's apprentice, and this is a mission we are currently taking. Either you are in the wrong building, or you got conned by the target's boss."

"Huh?" Mozilla seems honestly confused. "A huntsman's apprentice?"

"I-it's when someone gets personally taught by a huntsman, Mozzi." Interna informed her friend. She narrowed her eyes at me. "But h-he's alone in here, there wasn't anyone else here."

What? Qrow should have been here. Where did he go? Actually, why didn't he tell these kids off?

I tried to look for him within my range but…

I couldn't find him.

Worry kicking in, I neglected her question and narrowed my eyes. I try to pinpoint where he could be, but I'm not sensing anything from here. He may be out of my range, or he may be suppressed to low levels. The second one is hard to do, and the first one is unlikely.

I hope it's the first one.

I can't call Qrow yet, since these two students were in front of me and—Holy shit!

I cross Dust and Chamber to hold the great sword in place. Mozilla was suddenly in front of me and bearing down her sword on me with a scowl on her face. "Trying to trick us like that, you're scum!"

Trick what?

I duck underneath her and let the great sword fly past. I hit her in the back with the pommel, making her stumble past forward. I duck underneath a light blue ray, and pause to look at the offender.

It was the Explorer girl. She was holding her arms forward and shooting rays out from the rectangular things on her arms. The sparks around the rays says its lightning, so she's shooting lightning from her hands.

Neat trick, but I've seen better.

I dart forward, making her eyes widened as I basically disappeared into a blur. I was in front of her, Dust raised and ready to swipe down to destroy her Aura. Her eyes widened.

It was like slow motion as I descended upon her to hit… wait.

It was actually slow motion.

I was being slowed down.

The Interna girl was straining as her eyes glowed a light green.

"Alright, Interna!" Mozilla cheered. "Now keep him slowed while I hit him hard!"

I can't see her, but I don't want to get hit by a sword. I flared my aura, making the barrier around me shatter and making Interna yelp as I swipe down in normal speeds. She stumbled back and shot another barrage of electricity towards me, which I all deflected or dodged.

I was in melee now. She sent a weak punch towards me, but I redirected it, kicked her in the stomach, and sliced her diagonally.

All in quick succession.

She was sent flying back, Aura depleted and completely unconscious. I turn around to Mozilla, who had been charging at me and watched with wide eyes while I demolished her friend.

Uh, that sounded wrong. Whatever.

"You bastard!" She roared, picking up her weapon and charging at me. Her sword was steaming, and I did not want to find out why it was so.

I jumped to the left as she brought it down on my position, and fire spread around the immediate vicinity. So she has a fire related semblance, good to know.

Her red eyes angrily trailed me as I jumped, her sword still steaming. She brought it down diagonally, but it was too slow to do any real damage to me. I simply moved back, and ducked under a second swing.

It was kind of sad really. I realized exactly why I wanted to leave home for better training. It was like taking candy from a baby, though in this case, the baby had weird vambrace-weapon things and a great sword.

I need to end this.

I used Chamber to hold her in place, making her eyes widen. I use Dust to cut her in her stomach, depleting a bit of her Aura.

Dust glows green as I let my Aura run through it. "You have a two choices," I tell her softly. "Wake up in the hospital tomorrow, or run away with your friend."

"Shut up!" Mozilla shouted and brought her great sword up to me. She was running full speed, I could tell. She was pushing herself here more than I am.

Dust is slowly corroding her Aura as fire spreads from our contact point. I kick her in the stomach and follow up with a quick thrust from Dust, sending her back, Aura depleted.

She wasn't unconscious yet. She was tired, unable to wield her weapon and at the ground. I was over her and staring down, my Intimidation probably working wonders right now.

"Sleep," and then I kicked her in the face.

A little bit inside me is cringing from me doing a lot of face kickings, especially to girls of all people. But the second part, which is Crimson, doesn't give a shit and is more prone to being apathetic to everything else.

I sheathe Dust in Chamber and paused when I heard a clapping sound, in which I drew my weapons again.

"Well, well, well. Congratulations. You beat all the Huntsmen I conned into protecting this warehouse." It was an old man, white hair, round glasses. Weird clothes. "You are a great hunter."

I scowled. "Who are you?"

And in front of my eyes, he started to change clothes really quickly that it looked as if he was a tornado, changing into… oh my fucking god.

If my memories were still correct, that was Robbie Rotten in front of me, in his full blue bodysuit glory. Same hair, teeth and chin.

I want to bash my head again, but the guy was a criminal and I don't doubt that he had more skill than his grunts. "My name?" He repeated then laughed. "Why, I am the number one villain of Vale, of course! I am," He posed. "Robert Rotten!"

I snorted.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "You doubt my greatness?"

"Greatness?" I echoed.

Robert just growled. "I don't have to prove myself to a huntsman!" He had a scowl on his face, but it faded as he gained a glint on his eyes as he moved aside. "Oh, do you need proof of my greatness? Well, here it is!"

Behind him, the elevator door was opened. Laying beside the door was Qrow, unconscious but not out of Aura. I gaped and looked at the criminal before looking back at Qrow again.

"How?" I asked, flabbergasted. Qrow does not simply fall asleep. It's almost impossible to sneak up on him, especially when the man was alert. Robert just knocked out Qrow, in what I'm assuming was a sneak attack.

Robert just smirked. "Not in any way you should know. The only thing you should know is that I did."

"I bet you just appeared behind him and put a handkerchief with sleeping powder to his nose," It was mostly snark, but when I saw his face devolve into shock, I incredulously said, "Seriously?"

"Ugh!" Robert pulls out Qrow's sword from him and settles into a stance against me, making me narrow my eyes. He can't know how to use a sword… right?

Unfortunately for me, he did.

He came bearing down on me, our swords clashing. I kicked him in the stomach and sent him stumbling back a bit, and I was already ducked beneath him with both swords slashing at his chest, depleting his Aura more.

I swerved to the left as he brought down Qrow's large sword and then flipped back when he swiped it horizontally. He didn't seem to have the speed Qrow has in using it, so I have the advantage here…

Wait—how did he get in front of me so fast?

-29 HP

I was sent flying back as Robert swung the sword at me. He was suddenly so fast, as fast as I am at least. How did he do that?

I skid back a bit before rolling to the side as he followed up with a smash to the ground. I swipe at his feet, but he slid back to avoid it. I narrowed my eyes and swipe Chamber at his chest while I was still at the ground, sending him flying through the wall, then outside.

I followed through and glance at the two bodies behind me. They don't seem to be waking up any time soon, so I just follow Robert through the new hole he made.

As soon as I got out, I immediately jumped to avoid a slash. I clicked my tongue. "Eclipse," I whispered as I brought myself down. Our swords clashed, but I overpowered him with my skill and he jumped back to avoid the hit.

Robert stared at me. "How did you overpower me?"

I was confused. "Have you never been overpowered?"

He growled, looking annoyed. "My semblance is always number one on a single physical aspect! I was number one on strength!"

So his semblance enhances his physical stats… and since I wasn't thrown off, I can only imagine that it means that his stats were only increased by one, so I overpowered him with a skill.

"Thank you for revealing information, Robert," I said curtly. The wind blew around us and formed a tornado, making Robert's eyes widened as he was thrown back by the force, still holding onto Qrow's sword.

I was beside him in moments, sword drawn back to slash at his hand, which I did. Robert yelled out a bit and let go of the sword. I kicked him down then, the dust getting blown up and cracks forming on the ground as the man groaned in annoyance.

"Hey, look! What the hell's going on?" It was a civilian. We were at the edge of the fenced area. I grimaced. Damn it.

People were starting to come around the edge of our fight, watching us. Some were pulling out their scrolls and recording, while some were on their phones. I imagine they were calling the police, though I don't know how the police would help in this situation.

Robert glared at me from his position across me. "Damn you!"

I shrugged. Qrow's sword was behind me. I'm going to give it to him later. Right now, my focus was Robbie—sorry, Robert, in front of me, who was unarmed but looking pissed.

"I… I can't believe I have to use this so quickly!" He grabs something from inside his red and blue striped overall. It was an apple. What?


That was the Gamer ability. Prompts were appearing beside Robert as he ate the apple in front of me until the only thing left was its core.




I mean, sure, why not? It's not like—

Suddenly, the air around Robert was sucked in. He was sucking in air and screaming like a fucking anime character. His muscles were contracting and changing, growing bigger, he himself was growing taller, his clothes tearing apart. Several civilians screamed and ran away, while a few brave ones chose to stay far away but still record the event.

I don't regret them screaming.

I could feel that thing—it was unnatural. It was big, physical. It was huge and looked pretty strong but…

It wasn't human. I couldn't feel a soul in it. It was a void of Aura on the normally Aura filled air.

It wasn't human. It was soulless.

I paled.

The thing roared and punched the ground.

I took a peek at my health and Aura.

HP: 382/410

Aura: 134/310

I was lower than I should be when dealing for things like this.

"Yes…" The thing spoke. "I have done it."

Robert's voice changed from his normal one to a deep, masculine one. "I have achieved strength."

"At the cost of your soul," I scowled.

"Yes… but it matters not," The thing chuckled and faced me. His top was ripped off, showing off his muscles and huge arms. "For strength to be the number one in the world is in me."

Ah, so their thoughts are still on the same length.


The Number One Pillar Man

Special Boss

Quest Updated: The Apple of Eden

Completed: Gather information on the M32x syndicate

Defeat Robert Rotten

I take a deep breath, avoiding the urge to scream out a curse.

It was another god damned named boss. How fucking cute.

Boss Theme: Number One Pillar Men

Oh cool, a theme song—I jump backwards as the Robert was in front of me, fist buried into the ground, dust blowing into the air.


I dash forward and slide under as he jabs at me from my standing position, my sword positioned to thrust at his legs, but he kicked me off just as I got close enough.

-46 HP!

Holy shit. 46 HP off from what looked like a light kick.

"Ah… I meant to hit harder," The thing seemed disappointed! "I am still getting used to this body. Worry not, I will still attend to you."

He sounds so much like a stereotypical villain that it's not even funny. He was in front of me, punch already sailing towards my head. I ducked and used my semblance to blow the winds forward, making him shield his eyes as dust came with the winds. I use the distraction to try to cut off his hands, but he just jumped back.

He chuckles. "Clever," He was behind me in a second. "Not clever enough."

I roll forward as he brings both his fists down on my past area, smashing the ground apart. Crates fall over from the resulting shockwave, and I was a bit unbalanced before I immediately stood up to dodge a right hook from Robert.

Shit, I can't even attack right now! I was too invested in dodging to even try to go on the offensive—I was forced on the defensive.

Cursing, I let my Aura run through Dust, glowing green as it did. I bring up my sword beside the thing's fist as it passed by, and smirked lightly as the skin started to blister, making Robert pull back his oversized fist and frown.

"Acid," he said, distaste obvious on his tone.

I say nothing but continue to smirk. So Acid would wound him instead of corrode his Aura since he doesn't have an Aura to protect him anymore. That's perfect.

Acid seems to solve a lot of things in my life.

I lunge with a thrust, green trailing behind me as I speed past the fallen crates. Robert falls back to avoid being hit by the Acid Dust's aura, my sword swings coming closer to him as the Aura damages him even more.

"How annoying," with those words, he jabs really quickly. I'm sent flying backwards, HP dipping down quite a bit.

-93 HP!

Okay, maybe not just quite a bit. My health is down at the 200s, and I'm not confident that I could take a few more hits like that.

I steady myself just in time to see Robert dart forward. I muttered "Release," and executed the 24-hit combo skill, but he dodged beside it and cocked back another fist to punch me with.

Thankfully, I slid under him just in time. I swiped Chamber at his stomach just as I passed by, making the monster howl in pain when I stood back up to face him.

He had a gash on his chest now, dripping red blood. My eyes narrowed, watching the abomination for any more signs of movement.


I duck under a punch and thrust Dust right at his wounded chest, the acid probably settling with the wound, since the dude screams like an animal and jumps back, glaring at me.

"You are very annoying!" He roared and punched the ground.

I honestly didn't expect it, the ground suddenly formed spikes to impale me. I jumped up to avoid the spikes, but I couldn't dodge the incoming punch from Robert.

-102 HP!

His damage is going up by the minute!

I was sent to the ground, a crater forming beneath me. I groaned as I sat up, doing a quick Aura Surge to get at least a bit more HP. I'm in the 100s now, I really can't afford to get hit now. Robert was standing above my crater, fist cocked back again to punch.

I flash step the fuck out of there.

The crater deepens and the dust is blown back up again. I was behind him this time and slice at his back with Dust, making him roar in anger and try to elbow me, which resulted in me bringing up Chamber to block it.

It succeeded in cutting his elbow, which made him roar again.


He may be physically strong, but he didn't have a body of literal steel. He didn't have Aura to soften up the blows from my sword, so every slash, every swipe, and every cut I give him, he would feel in full. If I were to get a solid hit on him, he would be dead.

Easier said than done, however.

I dashed forward and muttered. "Atom," executing the 12-hit combo skill. I don't want to spend my Aura on more extensive combo skills right now, since it's needed to keep my health up and to provide at least a bit of cushioning to damage.

The abomination dodged the combo attack by jumping in the air. The dude's fist is cocked back, as if to hit the ground.


I jump up and slash at his wrist, making him widen his eyes when his fist fell off and to the ground, blood spilling out of the wound and Acid burning the wound.

I kicked him down, kicking the dust up again as a small crater formed because of the giant. The thing shakily stood up and looked at the stump that was his hand, then looked at me.

"Did you…" I panted a bit, this fight was getting to my stamina. "Did you honestly expect me not to take advantage of that?"

The monster just glared and stomped his foot before disappearing into a blur.

I duck under a kick and do a side jump to avoid his falling leg. I thrust Dust towards his chest, but he swerves to the side to avoid it. He slaps Dust away from him, and by extension, me.

I was sent flying with my sword, skidding on the ground before standing up before I get turned into paste at the floor. I quickly stand up and duck under another punch, which sent a crate behind me flying to the ocean. Ripples formed where it landed.

I swipe Chamber to his stomach, intending to wound him more, but he moves back a bit and made me stumble forward. He grabs me by the cape and slams me down on the ground.

-56 HP!

Fuck, my HP is a bit below 100 right now. My Aura is completely depleted at this point, so my Aura passives disappeared with it. I cough up blood, and frowned.

I see his lone fist descending upon me, so I rolled to the side and took my second chance.

I cut off his whole shoulder.

His howl was deafening.

He didn't have a fist in one hand, and he didn't have a shoulder on another. I've disarmed him off his fists, no pun intended. All he could use now were his feet, which should make my job a bit easier.

A lone point of Aura regenerates, and my Aura Passives reactivated. I sigh in relief. Thank God, that makes this easier too.

My speed increases and I dash forward while he was roaring in pain.

He was roaring, but now?

He wasn't.

My blade cut off his head from his throat, and I chained a combo by cutting him in half on the middle.

Blood tainted my sword.

His head rolled at the ground, set in a roar of anger.

I killed someone.

In cold blood.

I take a deep breath.

I've killed people before.

But it doesn't make the guilt go away.

My eyesight started to blur as a floodlight shined upon me. Looking up, I see a Bullhead with a recording crew or something. Or maybe it was Qrow? I can't tell. I'm way too tired again.

I feel like I might collapse.

I wobble on my feet, stumbling. I hold on to a crate, but someone was behind me.

"Rest, kiddo," he pat me on the shoulder. It was Qrow.

I smiled in relief and passed out.

Quest Complete: The Apple of Eden

Completed: Defeat Robert Rotten

+25000 EXP

+Positive reputation on civilians

+Title: The Masked Huntsman

"T-There was a huge dude there! Two huntsmen were fighting in the docks!" A witness was excitedly talking to the crew on TV. "They were so fast, and I saw the masked dude just blur away! It was insane!"

"Breaking News," It was Lisa Lavender, the reporter for the VNN, the Vale News Network. "Two huntsmen were seen fighting at the docks, several cargo being unsettled. Eyewitnesses report an unsettling feeling coming from one of the combatants, though from which one is still unknown." There was footage beside it, two huntsmen, a huge, muscled man, and someone who vaguely looks like Qrow with a mask.

"Yang, look at that!" Ruby, who is 13 at this time and a student of Signal, called out to Yang excitedly.

"Yeah, I see it." Yang is 15 at this time, a third year at Signal. She scrutinized the video and observed the dark haired man, observing his weapon and stance. "Ruby… do you feel as if you know the dude with the black hair?"

Ruby narrowed her eyes and tilted her head. "Yeah, he kind of seems familiar."

There was a pause. "That can't be Crimson, right?"

Yang laughed. "Probably not! He can't be that good, can he?"

As the two sisters laughed at the absurdity of the thought, the father simply paled and dialed his friend again.
