
Carnivore (Rwby)

Lee completed his lovely dovy life with his harem in his first isekai adventure in the setting of fairy tail. But now his benevolent demon goddess susie has appointed him as her Champion for his wonderful job of entertaining her from his shenanigans. But now as her champion it's his turn to catter to her specific fetishes now that he enjoyed his first isekai adventure. His next one see's him in the world of remnant with a new build forcing him into the role of a Edgelord hentai villain to spread chaos and entertainment to his goddess in the setting of rwby. Good thing he has complicated feelings for the series. (Story is a continuation of "Action Comedy Turn into a Harem Comedy" Fic) [This is a Chastity Commission that I ordered starring my oc Lee! Please check out more of Chastity's work over on questionable questing forums]

Leekz01 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Amber Falls

Amber Lodge was headed to enjoy herself at the club when she noticed the man. He was seriously injured, with a disfigured face and two missing limbs. Her heart went out to him, obviously - somebody going through something so harsh. He held out in front of him a simple mug, jangling it as he requested even more coinage than the paucity he had received. She smiled down at him, taking out her own money, and stuffing a few higher-value lien into the mug. His eyes went wide, turning up to her. "Buy yourself something good, okay? I'm not judging, I just want you to be happy."


"A-ah, thank you, Miss," the man said, and she just gave him a small wave, before skipping on her way. Doing good felt so good, you know?


Her scroll rang less than a minute later, with a call from her father. She hadn't spoken to him in a few days, but she always had time for dear old dad! He was her only family in this world, after all, and he'd always taken good care of her and worked hard to make her a better person. She answered the call. "Dad?"


"Amber. There's something I need to talk to you about - can you come over?"


"Sure, but what is it? You can talk to me this way just as easy! I'm not so fragile I need a seat before I hear whatever it is! Do you have cancer?"


He didn't laugh at that. That was weird. He normally would, just because he'd gotten so used to her sense of humor. "No. Please, come over."


She sighed. "I was about to head to the club, Dad!" She proclaimed, though she already knew she'd be headed back home.


"You can come home after, if you really have to go to the club."


This was definitely weird. Normally he'd respond to that kind of comment with some playful reciprocation. She frowned. Could Dad be under duress? "Hey, Dad, I love you so bad." It was a code phrase she'd arranged in advance so he could quietly signal that he was under duress.


"And I love you so good, sweetheart," he responded, without skipping a beat. That meant everything was fine. Huh. He must just have been having 'one of those' days!


"Alright! See you soon!" She hung up, beginning to make her way back home. It was definitely weird, so it was definitely important. She moved fast.


* * *


Amber still had some nerves when she arrived back at her Dad's place. The cruddy apartment still smelled like the scented candles he loved to put out to overpower the scents of neighbors who broke the rules about no pets. She paused outside the door, just... listening. There weren't any unusual sounds. No music or TV playing, either. She frowned. What, was Dad standing there, pacing back and forth waiting for her? She couldn't hear that, either. Maybe he was reading a book? It was weird enough she waited for half a minute to hear... anything, but there was nothing.


She could either go in there now, or not go in at all. She bit her lip, then shook her head. Obviously, she had to go in there now. She unlocked and opened the front door slowly, the creak seeming to echo in the eerie silence of the apartment as she stepped inside. "Dad?" She called out - and then he emerged from around the corner, and she let out a sigh of relief.


"Hey," he said, waving his hand. "Close the door." No fun, playful note to his voice.


"Everything okay?" She asked.


"Yeah, it's fine," he said, waving his hand. She pursed her lips, then closed the door behind her.


"So, what did you want to talk about?"


"Your... half-sister," he said, which was definitely weird to hear. Did he find a new gal? He'd been heartbroken since Mom died, not really in the mood to go looking for anybody. "Come on," he said, directing her into the kitchen. The girl was dark-skinned, like her, and about as young, with emerald green hair. Maybe a year or two her junior? What, had Dad gotten drunk and cheated on Mom? Stranger things had happened. "This is Emerald," he said. "Emerald, Amber." There was a certain thickness to his voice, like he was holding back emotion. This must've been a big deal for him. "I'll give you two a minute to get acquainted." He stepped out of the kitchen, and Emerald just stared into Amber's eyes.


"So! Hello! Baby sister, huh? Wish Dad had introduced us earlier, then we could've been besties!" She held out one hand to offer it to shake. "No reason not to start now, huh?"


Emerald stared at her hand for a long couple seconds, then took it with a quiet look into Amber's eyes. There was something weird in them, and she heard Dad coming back from behind her. "Hey, Dad," she said. "What's up with Emerald? She mute?"


"Hmm?" Her father replied, stepping towards her. His hand went to her shoulder, which was weird, and-


It snapped into her throat in a karate chop, breaking through her Aura instantly. She gasped in surprise, tumbling into the wall from the force that Dad had brought to bear. He didn't have an awakened Aura, so how-? Another punch slammed into the side of her head, and she tumbled to the ground and passed out.


* * *


Amber woke up in her Dad's bedroom. She wasn't even tied up, though she was naked for some reason. There was also a guy there, some dusky, golden-eyed cat faunus. He grinned as she woke up, this nasty kind of grin, so she immediately moved to kick him, trying to leap out of the bed.


"Stop," he said, when she was only a fraction of a second into the attack. A tremble of satisfaction went through her body as she fell still. "Sit on the edge of the bed, and stay there."


Even as she adopted the ordered position, a gentle pleasure wrapped around her consciousness. What the hell? She was mind controlled or something, she'd have to yell. "HELP!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.


"Quiet," he said, and instantly, another tingle of pleasure hit her and her voice failed her.


"Help," she whispered. No, her voice had not quite failed her.


"Say something that will make any neighbors think nothing of your little outburst."


"There's about a million fucking bugs, Dad! I can't believe you live in such a sty!" The words left her mouth, and she shivered in place. This man could not just control her body, but he could force her to do... whatever he pleased. That was a powerful Semblance, for sure. A sexy one, too, but she'd just wait for it to wear off, and then kill his ass.


He just grinned, stepping towards her. "Tell me any ideas you have about how to escape or subvert my control, when you have them."


"I can wait for it to wear off."


"You can't," he told her, shaking his head. "It has no duration. There's a tattoo right over your pussy, it's permanent." She glanced down and saw exactly that. Heart shaped, pink, and glowing, even. She could feel herself grow more aroused at that fact, but she really did have to get free.


"I can miss my scheduled meeting with Qrow," she said, the moment the idea hit her head, and she panted as a gentle, warm glow surrounded her - and as her pussy got wetter. Was there no escape from this? There had to be, right?


"Mm. I'll decide on that," he said. "So, Amber. I never really knew you that well, but, you're the Fall Maiden, and I'm saving your life."


"Funny way of doing that," she said.


"Yeah, it is pretty funny, especially if you're me," he said, grinning. "You're surprisingly calm about it. Tell me why."


She didn't want to answer, but she had to. "I have a lot of sexual fantasies that are really similar to this." The joyous, momentary bliss filled her as she answered his question. "But I'm not an idiot, I'm not going to let those make my decisions for me."


"Oh, definitely," he agreed. "What's going to make the decisions for you from now on, is me." She wanted to roll her eyes. So she did. "Don't tell anyone what I did to you; obey my wife Tyuule, the white-haired bunny faunus; don't take any action to hurt me; don't do anything to reveal what I did to you; tell me any important secrets you think I would want to know."


"You're with Salem, aren't you?" She asked.


"Nah," he said. "That bitch is getting broken in too. Later, though. Any secrets?"


She couldn't resist it, once the question was properly formed. "Salem is the force behind the Grimm."


"Knew that."


"Qrow Branwen is my contact, inside the organization." More pleasure, tingling down her spine.


"Knew that, too."


"Ozpin is, hnng," fuck it felt so good, "is smart, he's the lynchpin. I think I might be able to get away from you if I can trick you into getting in a dangerous situation that ends with you dead." Her fucking stupid mouth! Goddammit!


"Don't worry, there's no situation like that," he said. "See, what I need you to accept, Amber, is that I completely own you, and there's nothing you can do to stop me from doing whatever I want to you - or your dad."


"You stay away from my Dad!" She hissed the words out, not able to yell due to his earlier command.


"Oh? You know, he's enslaved too. I can make him just keep quiet about what I did to you, or I can turn him into a big-titted MILF who loves nothing more than sucking my cock. It's your choice, Amber."


Her mouth opened, then closed. She turned her head down, hands on the edges of the bed. What was left to her? How could she- "I could try getting my Dad to escape." FUCK! The pleasure that coursed through her seemed to be like an exclamation point on her powerlessness, as she trembled before this guy.


"Nice try, but he's already got plenty of commands on him. See, I've done this to a lot of people by this point, Amber. You really don't have a chance. If you still don't understand that... well, you can get started by kneeling and sucking my cock."


She had to obey. She got off the bed, knelt in front of this guy, pulling down his pants, his very erect (very large) cock popping free, waving in front of her face. It was so big, holy crap. She blinked rapidly as she stared at it. Her nostrils flared as she drank in the scent, but she wasn't enthused about it anyway.


Sure, she liked the idea of being mind controlled into sucking a Faunus's big fat cock - and, in fact, she was now taking said big fat cock into her mouth and throat, easily - but she was still trying to think about how to get out of this whole situation. The thought occurred to her that she could possibly come up with an idea now, since she was- "Mmf oul-" she started to slur out around his cock, and he peeled her up and off, "I could try thinking of ideas about how to subvert your control while sucking your dick." Another tingle of joy ran down her spine.


"That is pretty hot, but, I'm interested in that fetish of yours," he explained, even as he stuffed his cock right back into her mouth, plunging it all the way down her throat. Pleasure coursed through her whole body, and particularly the inside of her throat, as he choked her on his dick, the asphyxiation intensifying it all. "Normally I have to really break a woman, but if I can just make you embrace that fetish of yours, I might just treat you nicely." Like hell she'd help him commit crimes just to be treated nicely. She gave him a glare, and he chuckled, grinding her into his pelvis, then he finally peeled her up and off, leaving her gasping for air. "Tell me what I have to do to make it so you just accept and enjoy being mind controlled and raped by me."


"You have to make it so I think I can't possibly resist you," she explained, her pussy dripping wet from doing this.


"Now tell me how I can do that."


"I don't know," she was able to say, for a second, but her brain was already trying to solve the problem, and before he could even stuff that dick of his back down her throat, it was providing her an answer. "Order me to never resist you in any way."


He laughed at that, particularly at the humiliated, self-betrayed look she no doubt wore. "Never resist me in any way," he ordered, before stuffing his cock down her throat once again, choking her on his cock, just grinding her nose into his pubes. "Well, Amber? Can you resist me now?" She shook her head. Lying would have been a form of resistance, and she couldn't do that. He cackled as he pumped his hips at her face, his balls slapping her chin roughly.


She didn't cry, even though she knew that she'd lost, completely. This thick, fat thing in her throat belonged to a man she would never be able to hurt, never be able to lie to, never be able to resist. She was his, to do whatever he liked with, and she'd never, ever be able to stop him. For a moment, one last, tiny spark of possibility appeared in her mind - passive resistance - but as soon as the words were formulated, they were squashed out. Passive resistance was also a form of resistance. That was it. There was no escape left to Amber.


She came at that point, moaning around his cock as she jerked wildly in place. Her mouth tried to work, to reveal the humiliating secret that she had just given up, but she just mumbled around his dick while she spasmed. She was in blissful heaven. She didn't have to think about Salem. Didn't have to think. She could just obey him for the rest of her life and blissfully lose herself in obedience. Her hands went down to her cunt, starting to masturbate, and he started laughing at that, beginning to furiously pump her face up and down her cock as she stared up at him through lidded eyes, raw, insensate pleasure controlling all of her being by this point, the pure joy of submission.


"You're enjoying it, huh, Amber?" She nodded. Lying to him was resistance. "Enjoying it a lot, it looks like," he said, as she frantically masturbated, and once more, she nodded. Not agreeing with him when he was telling the truth was resistance. "Fuck. I'm liking it too. Normally I really have to rape and work over a girl make her come, spend hours just slowly but surely rewiring her brain until she associates obedience with pleasure. But a little masosub like you was already thinking that way, weren't you?" She nodded around his cock as he fucked her face like it was her cunt, like it was his own right hand, which is what it was, in effect. "I could redesign your body if I feel like. What do you think of that?"


He yanked her off his cock at that point. "I've given up," she sputtered out, still forced to admit that secret to him, and he just chuckled. "I like the idea of you redesigning my body for your pleasure. Mouth, tits, cunt, ass, legs, whatever you want, however you want, Master," she breathed. Her mind was a fog by this point, the sheer joyous ecstasy of her new position in life running her brain. She was a slave, complete, total, unable to resist in any way. Everything about her was his plaything. The Fall Maiden? A hero, fighting the Grimm and Salem? That was a dead letter fantasy by now. She slurped up the drool that was cascading out of her mouth, though she couldn't do anything about what was falling out of her pussy.


He just stuffed his dick back into her mouth, groaning as he choked her on his cock. As he held her down in his pelvis. "I bet a freak like you fantasized about getting choked on a big cock like this, didn't you?" She nodded where she knelt, but was unable to resist him. She realized not licking his cock enough was a form of passive resistance, and her tongue began to rub along the underside of his dick, frantically, fanatically tasting the cock of her new owner and god. "Did you fantasize about getting choked until you passed out?"


She moaned out her affirmation, nodding rapidly around his length. She hoped he would choke her unconscious on his dick. Genuinely. She didn't care about waking up or not, even - perhaps it would be better if she passed entirely into unconsciousness. He just chuckled, gently thrusting his dick an inch or so back and forth, just keeping her asphyxiating on his wonderful fat cock, the cock that she would never be able to do anything but please for the rest of her life. She felt her tongue become longer, more flexible, and she knew what her Master wanted, her tongue slithering all along his length, twisting and twining in a grand circle, jerking him off in her mouth.


He was remodeling her even now. She came at that point, spasming in place, mashing her nose back and forth, slamming into his pelvis, her thoughts turning into a messy fog as her vision dimmed at the edge and she passed out like that.


When she came back to reality, she wasn't kneeling before her new Master, she was on her bed, legs spread, his fat cock in her cunt. She moaned at the feeling of him inside her, her eyelashes fluttering as she stared up at him, and he just cackled at the lewd, self-debasing show she was making there, squirming on his cock. She couldn't stop herself, though. Refusing to let him see her pleasure was a form of resistance, and she couldn't resist. She came again, moaning loudly, her back arching as her legs snapped around his hips.


"I'm trying to decide quite what I want to do with you," he told her, as he thrust in and out of her pussy, his hands going to her tits - which were much, much larger than they had been, truly obscene in size, and her orgasm seemed to grow even more intense than it already had been, as she realized that fact. "I'm definitely liking the whole, 'I want this', bit that you've got going. It's hot. I'll probably never find another bitch in this setting who wants to be turned into my cumdump like you do." She nodded brainlessly as he fucked her cunt. She was a one of a kind bitch. It was strange to call Remnant a 'setting', though. Like for a play? "What's your favorite fantasy about what happens next, from here? I assume you imagined it plenty."


"I have my legs and arms removed, so I'm only useful as a sex doll, fucked in the mouth and cunt and ass, my tits used, Master," she got out, the fantasies coming back to her wildly. He chuckled at that, and a moment later, her arms and legs past the elbows and knees were gone. Her eyes widened. "I- I resisted you by telling you to make me less useful to you, master, I don't understand," she sputtered, her mind a mess. Was she always able to-?


"Don't worry, I can give you your limbs back. Problem with getting rid of them," he explained, as his hands groped her tits even harder, fingers just sinking into the copious, obscene amounts of titflesh that he'd given her, his head coming closer and closer to hers, until she could feel his breath against her lips, "is that I can't do that twenty-four seven. A bitch like you has fantasies like that, I'll bet. Finish the story for me, Amber. How does this end for you?"


She gulped. The question was so obscene, one she never would have really thought about in the current sense. That she had to be useful to her Master, even as she was turned into nothing but an extension of his will. All her wild fantasies bounced around through countless different endings, often nonsensical or unrelated. "I don't, I don't know, however you want," she got out, wild-eyed, and his fingers squeezed down on her tits, making her spasm, her stumps wiggling freely in the air as she came in that position. She moaned in delight at the mistreatment, as her new Master fucked her hard.


He smacked her face, then, which only intensified her pleasure. "I asked you a question and you failed to answer it," he said, his voice sharp and rebuking, even if it was obvious he didn't really care, that he was just playing it up. "What gets you off about this situation, bitch?" He demanded, his hands now sliding down to grope her ass, which he had also expanded in size, as he fucked inside her. He gave her a sharp spanking, and she squealed. "Answer me, bitch."


"Ah, ahm, I'm being, being bred, by a faunus, being raped by a faunus, I can't do things on my own any more, I'll never have my own will, never have to make decisions, I'll just be a cumdump and a fucktoy and a fuckpet for whatever my new master wants, my master whose name I don't even know!" She spoke as fast as she could, the pleasure her Master's magic had put in her intensifying with each additional word, and as she finished off the long sentence, she came again, spasming and jerking, moaning, saliva dribbling out of her mouth as she brainlessly thrashed about.


He paused inside her at that point, stuffing his fingers into her mouth, playing with her tongue, and her much-longer tongue slithered out past her lips to trail along his fingers and hand as she stared up at him. "Man... this is a pain. You're too easy, Amber, all you're giving me is a blank canvas to draw whatever I feel like. Normally I just purposefully do the opposite of whatever the bitch wants, but I can't even think of what that would be here." She mewled at his degrading words, feeling genuinely apologetic despite how absurd it was. "Uhh. Let's see. There's your dad, but ehh, he's some no-name and I kinda want you this enthusiastic." She squirmed in place as his fat cock remained lodged inside her, making it impossible to do anything else. "There's the Maiden thing. Make you my maid? Make you a perpetually virgin?" She felt her pussy tighten at that. "Ehh. It's something. Oh, the faunus thing," he said, snapping the fingers on his other hand. "Why did you bring that up?"


He pulled his fingers out of her mouth, and she immediately started to answer. "It's sexy, Master, race play, having to breed with a faunus man, to bear his children, being forced to admit the superiority of his race over and over as I'm fucked again and again." His cock twitched inside her at those words. "That someone more bestial would own someone less-" he started fucking her at that point, and her voice began to warble from the force. "The, buh, bizarre, denial, of power, of humanity, the breeding out of, a, long, line, of, pure-!" She squealed at that point, coming on his cock once again.


"Hmm. I kinda like that. I mean, I'm less of a beast than you at this point, you're selling yourself out to be my bitch, but..." Her arms and legs returned to her, and her hands tried to clasp at her Master's back, making him chuckle as her legs wrapped around his waist. "Alright, here's what I'm going to do. First of all, from today on, you're my pet," he explained to her, and she nodded rapidly. "I'll probably get you a leash and collar soon enough, have you wear those when nobody's around. Make you crawl around the place." She squirmed in pleasure at all those words, at the idea. "Maybe when they are around, I don't give a fuck."


"Yuh, yes, Master!" She squealed, coming all over again, her brains melting out of her pussy, spraying out in the form of a delicious rain representing her pleasure.


"But the real trick," he said, his hand going to her throat, squeezing it, intensifying her ecstasy still further. "Is that if you're a really good bitch, if you help me capture all the other Maidens, and all the cute, little, innocent Huntresses I'm interested in?" She nodded rapidly, ready to accept whatever he said would be her reward, no matter how absurd it would be. "I'll make you into a faunus, too."


A second orgasm hit her in the midst of the first, and her whole mind went white with pleasure and joy at the idea. He just chuckled, reaching down for her engorged ass and just railing away, making her naked body bounce on the bed. For a while, she couldn't speak, the pleasure was so overwhelming, as her new Master just used her like the bitch she was, put her to her proper use, turned her into what she was born to be... orgasms kept hitting her, over and over again, as she was turned into a pliant, obedient thing for her Master to fuck.


She couldn't resist him. As he raped her brutally and roughly, as he abused her tits, her throat, her ass, choking and spanking and slapping and squeezing her, she relished the ecstatic blissful pain he was inflicting on her. As he went at it, as he raped her, the last little embers of a girl who would have resisted came to mind, suggested pushing him away, begging him, but her lips didn't move, her hands didn't cooperate. She could only be used for his pleasure. Resistance was forbidden. It was the final dousing. She didn't try to fight, after a certain point. She didn't even think about trying to fight. This is what she was now: her Master's property.


Of course, even then, he kept fucking her. That was her purpose now. She moaned as he played with her tits, as he spanked her ass, as he groped her new fat tits, as he intermittently toyed with her appearance, darkening and lightening her skin, turning her into a freckled redhead or an ebony-dark girl. She could feel her lips grow plumper, her nose change its shape, her appearance become ever more perfected, as her Master decided that the body that she had been given by the gods would be better twisted into something else, something more to his liking.


All she hoped for was that he would like the results of whatever he did.


When he finally came inside her with a groan, she shuddered at the feeling, the thick spunk now staining her entire cunt completely, dripping out in copious amounts as he pulled out. He just laughed as he looked down at her, giving her cheek a little slap. "Any preferences on what faunus I make you, once I decide you're a good enough girl?"


She had fallen so deep into a state of submission that she didn't even bother speaking in the first person. "This lowly human bitch would consider herself lucky, if you made her a cat faunus like yourself," she breathed out.


He slapped her face at that, and she moaned in delight. "My own wife isn't even a cat faunus, and you think you deserve that status?" She was sure he had just made that up now, but it didn't matter. It was better for the rule to be completely, obscenely, arbitrary and unfair. That only made it sexier.


"Sorry, Master. This bitch is just too stupid. A mouse faunus would be better, it would express that she's nothing but yours to play with and gobble up, that everything you're doing to her is just toying with your prey before you finish with her." His cock throbbed at that, twitching in the air. She reached for her currently obscene tits, finding them surprisingly sensitive to the touch, panting as she held them in her grasp. He stuffed his fat cock in between them, and immediately, she was mashing her tits around it, leaning forward, leaning up, slurping and sucking on the tip of his cock.


Her tongue wriggled and licked and flashed against the very tip of his dick, tasting him. It was so flexible now, so dextrous, so much better able to please him, and she looked up at him with an expression she could only imagine as something like love. Hot breaths escaped her throat at that thought, at that truth, that she loved him for what he had done to her. He had taken away her choices, her responsibilities, leaving her to just be his cumdump, unable and unwilling to resist. She slurped wetly on the tip of his cock, moaning softly as she tasted him, and he just grinned down at her, pumping his dick away at her face and tits.


"You're going to get bred by a faunus, you human bitch," he told her, and she felt her pussy squeeze and grip as he said that. His hands reached for her nipples, twisting them painfully around and around, making her eyes swivel and corkscrew in their sockets. "You're going to be used by me for whatever the fuck I feel like. And when I'm through with you, I won't just turn you into a mouse faunus. No, I'll change your whole fucking body, so even your own father won't recognize you."


She came again at that, driven off towards bliss from his cruel words. He got rougher at that point, grabbing the back of her head, stuffing it into her own tits, smothering her in the obscene breasts he'd given her so she could serve as a better sex toy for him. Each thrust of his hips, each slap of his balls, each movement of that wondrous, perfect, ideal cock took her one step closer to heaven, to bliss, to release. She was nothing but his, now. His cumdump. She came yet again, to that thought.


* * *


I did give Amber the full working-over, in terms of commands and operant conditioning and all the rest, but honestly, I'm pretty sure she broke in the first thirty minutes. I turned her back into herself (albeit gussied up a bit) once I was done raping her mouth, throat, cunt, tits, and asshole. She was definitely fucking hot. What a waste of a babe, that the idiots at Rooster Teeth hadn't included her properly.


"You'll buy yourself a collar, and get one as degrading as possible," I ordered her, and she nodded rapidly in response, softly panting beneath me as I stood over her sticky, cum-coated body. "I'm serious. If it's not the most degrading thing you can think of, I will turn your father into a cumdump just like you."


"I can't resist you, Master," she breathed out, her voice husky. "You don't have to threaten me any more... you can do whatever you want to me, or him, and I can't stop you."


My dick twitched again at that. "Hands and knees, ass in the air, I'm fucking your ass again," I told her, and almost instantly, she was in position, ass waggling, her pussy dripping out my juices and hers both. I gripped her by the hips and just hilted inside her with a groan, starting to really fuck her tight little ass. I decided to give her a preview of her life once she'd 'earned' the right to be my mouse, and gave her a mouse tail, gripping it near the base and yanking on it painfully.


She squealed in a mix of pleasure and pain, pretty much immediately coming, her tight ass getting even tighter on my cock. "You feel that? That's what it feels like to get your tail tugged on, you little bitch," I told her, and she squirmed in pleasure as I plunged back and forth into her asshole, over and over again, her mouth slobbering drool all over the bed beneath her. "Once you're a good enough little human bitch to earn the right to be uplifted into a faunus, you'll get to feel that every time I rape you."


"Thank you! Thank you, Master!" She squealed and came all over again at that point, shuddering on the bed beneath me, her asshole gripping my cock for the umpteenth time. "Wha, what's Master's name, this lowly human bitch wants to know the faunus god who now owns hers' name! Please! She feels so stupid not to know already! She should have known what this god's name was, even before he came to rape her and make her his, but she didn't!"


Fuck did this bitch have good dirty talk skills. I barely even gave her word one of direction, and what I did was pretty much random. "It's Lee, bitch," I told her, gripping her throat and squeezing. "But you have to call me Master when we're alone." She came at that once again, eyes rolling up as she spasmed on my cock. "And I'm not going to call you Amber when we're alone, either." She nodded as best she could, with my fingers around her throat. "I'm gonna call you Nip. You know why?"


"Nuhng," she gurgled out, saliva frothing from her mouth as I choked her all the tighter. It was clear she was getting off on being choked, by the way she just gushed.


"Because all you are to me is a pleasant treat of catnip." She came all over again, her eyes crossing as bliss overtook her.


Fucking hell. Masosubs were hot.