
Carnival Mirror

Two time-travels, pretty much mirroring each other: sixteen year-old Tom Riddle accidentally appears in Harry Potter's timeline, during Harry's summer after 5th year; and Harry of same timeline falls through to the 1940-s, when future Dark Lord is still in his sixth year at Hogwarts.

Ellia_Bronsky · Autres
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9 Chs

Chapter 01

"Yes, I do believe, there exists such a Fund to support those in need of a financial aid to get their education at a wizarding school, like Hogwarts here, for example. I am afraid it is not bottomless, but those money cover all the vital expenses – books, school uniforms and other necessities, like regular clothes and such, there is even a small amount of allowance included. You do, however, need a name to provide in order to get the money from this Fund. In your case it could prove difficult, as you could not supply your real name – too dangerous, you said yourself, and just any random name, too, will not suffice, as all potential wizards are magically registered at birth and later on this fact most of the time is confirmed by their parents or guardians, so the child gets their school enrollment letter at appropriate moment."

"Wait! You mean I won't be able to -?"

Dumbledore shook his head.

"No, I simply mean that it will prove difficult. I will certainly help you, I'll vouch for you in the Ministry and, if you agree, will put my name as your Guardian for the convenience."

Harry sighed in relief. This was still the Dumbledore he knew: kind and helping those in need unconditionally -

"But I have a condition of sorts."

Harry blinked at the man. Was he reading his thoughts right there? Harry thought he heard somewhere that such magical practice was possible, but he was not sure.


"Yes. It is not very tiring one. I am in need of a watchful eye among the students. Some of the children concern me, and I would really like to keep an eye on them, to make sure, they are alright. If you could help me with that I would be most grateful. Of course, I am not pushing this on you, you have every right to refuse. Though in this case I'm afraid I will not be of much help with the Scholarship."

Harry glared at the Professor. This was unexpected. It was not that Harry was not willing to help, but such blunt trade bordering on blackmail was surprising and not usual for Dumbledore. At least, not for the Headmaster of Harry's own time. It looked like this Dumbledore was more straightforward in his games. On the other hand, such direct approach was more to Harry's liking. He didn't like the customary manipulative dances around some of the more serious problems of "his" Dumbledore. So Harry almost eagerly launched for his chance.

"I am okay with it, I'll help."

"Good!" Dumbledore clasped his hands with satisfied gleam in his eye. "Then we need a new name for you. And then I will bring 'my beloved nephew'," - he winked mischievously to Harry, - "to the Headmaster and we will sort you!"

Harry shuddered at the thought. Sorting. Urgh. He was hoping he will just ask to put him where he wanted and be done with it. He remembered how the Hat wanted to place him in Slytherin last time and how hard it was to convince it to do anything but that. Harry was afraid this time it will be even harder, what's with his cunning plan to attend Hogwarts in this time. Okay, he will try to ensure the Hat that he just really wanted to study and only study. Ravenclaw was not that bad. Maybe he even convince himself on the way that he could be a book-nerd and would begin to like it.

"So, dear 'nephew', what should I call you?"

Harry stared at Dumbledore blankly. He needed a name, but there was not a single idea in his head. He should definitely discard the Potter name, it was too dangerous, and there could already be one or two Potters running around Hogwarts now, whom he was not very eager to call his relatives, and they certainly would wonder where he'd come from and why they haven't heard of him, what's with the Potters being the Old Pureblood Family and all. But taking a random name won't do either, he understood that he needed something familiar to cling to. Not minding the fact that totally unknown name being called out won't make him turn his head in the hall.

Harry nervously ran his hand through his messy hair. Name. Not some common John Smith or something. And not something ridiculously pompous like Voldemort – Wait, what if -

Harry shook his head at himself. That was sure asking for trouble: claiming he was a Riddle. Harry Riddle. He snorted, not being able to resist it. Very funny. But again overly dangerous. He was yet to ask at what year he landed, but the name was his first priority. He didn't even need to ask Dumbledore, he just needed the fresh newspaper or someone's forgotten essay with a date on it.

Suddenly he had the inspiration.

"Lilian Evans. That's the name."

Not too ordinary, but not posh, too. He smiled to himself. This way he will not forget, that this was not some holiday, but merely a short stay on his way home.

"I would like to try for the sixth year, if it's possible. Let's get to the Headmaster for Sorting, shall we?"

"We would do that, yes. But firstly I suggest you do something with your attire. It is not only out of season here, thus attracting the unnecessary attention to you, but dare I say, you could catch cold in only your shorts on this fine October evening. I can transform this blanket in the robe, if you want," Dumbledore suggested.

"Thank you, Sir," Harry answered gratefully, holding the blanket in front of him. He would do it himself, if he had his wand with him, but -

Oh no! The wand! He needed to buy a new wand, as his own was left at the Dursley's house, hidden underneath the floor board under his bed. He'd been used to carry it around the house, but left it there, when went to the outside to weed, because he needed both his hands for the task and was not ready to risk accidentally snapping the thing should he put it in his back pocket. Not to mention the stares of neighbors and passers-by upon seeing strange wooden rod in his hand or sticking out of his pockets.

Harry sighed. He was not sure he will find another wand like his old one, which was very obedient and powerful on its own, not to mention very effective against its brother wand belonging to Voldemort.

Dumbledore spelled the blanket in his hands to appear like the normal black wizarding robe, and made him some kind of shoes out of paper-clips or something.

"This will do for now. I'll accompany you for your clothes and other supplies later. We have couple of shops and a bank branch at the village nearby, so the trip to London won't be necessary."

"Do they sell wands there, Sir?" Harry looked at the Professor with hope.

"Wands? Hmm, I am not very sure. But we will see. I recon, you are in need of a wand, Lilian?"

"Yes," Harry winced. "I should have known better than to leave it in my room, when stepping outside."

"Then we'll see if they sell wands downtown, or make a side trip to the Diagon Alley," Dumbledore concluded. "Now, come, my boy, I still have classes scheduled for this evening."