

Amon walked out of the principal's room and noticed a small crowd has gathered in front of him, he also noticed Caroline standing in front of a student who seems to be struggling to convey something.

Amon found this interesting and got closer to the scene, he noticed a few students have their phones up ready to record the scene that is about to unfold in front of them.

Amon looked at the kid standing in front of Caroline and tried to figure out what he is doing, his head is lowered, his hands are over his dick, the boy looks very insecure and not confident right now, he realized that the boy is trying to confess to Caroline and he got excited.

He was about to see a teenager get humiliated in front of other teenagers, from what he understands about the internet culture this teenager is about to get fucked, a 19-year-old who has no experience about the world is going to learn about it hard way.

Caroline is looking at the teenager in front of her with her arms folded with her breasts resting over them, Amon didn't even bother to hide his gaze as he looked at her breasts, Caroline of course didn't notice it because her focus is on the teenager in front of her.

Amon is ready for the entertainment, if he had some popcorn he would be eating it right now.

"What is it, I don't have much time, out with it!" Caroline said with an affirmative voice, she didn't like her time being wasted by some random student in the middle of the hall and she is already hating her situation as students have started to gather around her.

"Miss Caroline, I think you are very beautiful and I like you, will you go out with me?" The teenager yelled, as soon as these words came out of his mouth the whole hallway went silent as everyone looked at the teenager, even the students who were rushing to their class stopped to look at him.

Amon was also surprised by how straightforward the teenager was with his confession.

"You are being serious right now?" Caroline asked with a frown on her face to which the teenager nodded his head.

"Hahahaha, this is too funny, did you take a look at yourself, you don't even come up to my shoulder height, go back to class, I don't even know who you are and if you don't know I am married". Caroline said and walked away laughing.

Amon just watched with a smile as he watched the teenager get humiliated by the students around him, they already started laughing at him and making fun of him, well he couldn't blame these people, this kid did something very stupid, first, he decided to confess in public, second, his confession was for a teacher, third his confession was for a married woman.

He looked like a loser right now, he was red from embarrassment, but Amon wasn't bothered by him, he was more interested in Calorine, she is clearly a woman who likes to have her way, she could have of course just defused the situation like a professional and didn't have to laugh at his face but she didn't, she got a kick out of humiliating this teenager.

She is clearly a woman who has grown with power and likes to use it around, these types of women are the hardest to conquer but also give the most satisfying result when they are on their knees following every order from you.

'I love this woman, I can't wait to have her mouth around my cock' Amon thought and approached the teenager.

"Hey, kid, take a few days off and stay strong, people will forget about this when something bigger gets their attention". Amon said. The teenager looked at Amon and was stunned by seeing the big man in front of him, but he listened to Amon and walked away as he was continually being laughed at by other students.

Amon just shook his head and decided to leave, he wanted to do other things such as buy a phone and get a place to stay, Amon walked out of the campus still getting attention from young beautiful girls.

He then found an electronic shop close by and walked in, as soon as he did he caught the attention of the beautiful salesperson inside the shop, seeing a very handsome hunk entering the shop, the saleswoman got a little excited and approached him with the best smile she can put on her face.

Amon was looking around the shop and was surprised by everything, even though he has knowledge about everything inside this store, he is still mesmerized by the advancements that have been made by humankind.

He noticed a beautiful blond wearing a tight white shirt which is barely holding her breasts together and a tight black skirt approaching him with a smile, he checked her out and was pleased by her beauty and smiled back at her.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" She asked with a very genuine smile, she wanted to make a good impression on Amon.

Amon looked at the saleswoman and the tag over her right breast, her name seems to be Ana.

"Ana right?" He asked and extended his hand at her.

Ana smiled and nodded her head and extended her hand to greet him, they both shook hands while keeping eye contact.

"So Ana, I am looking for a phone, someone stole mine". Amon said.

"That's too bad, but don't worry I will make sure to give you a great deal". She said, even though she is captured by Amon's handsomeness, she is still a saleswoman and her main objective is to sell the most expensive product to the customer.

"I hope so, what do you guys have?" Amon asked.

"What's your budget sir, we have the best product in every category" She answered like a saleswoman she is.

"Great, I don't have any limit, show me your best product". Amon said. He is an omnipotent being, he doesn't care about the budget. If he runs out of money, he will get more.

Hearing him Ana the saleswoman got excited and brought Amon to the most expensive phone they sell, the I-Pear with the highest spec possible on a commercial model, even though this is the first time Amon is holding one of these latest technologies in his hand he doesn't have any problem using it as he has all the knowledge inside his head.

He checked the phone and little and decided to buy it.

"Great, I will buy it, I would also like a phone number, I am sure you can help me with it, love". He said while looking through his new phone and gave her his new credit card.

"Don't worry sir, I will make sure everything is prepared". Ana the saleswoman says and gets working, after a few minutes Ana was prepared with everything, she handed over the bills along with his card, Amon got his number and he also received Ana's phone number written on one of the bills.

Amon just smiled at her and left the store scrolling through his phone as he now has access to the internet, the first thing he looked into was places that are on rent and he quickly found a place that looked good enough for him so he headed there.