
A Parcel

The governor doesn't like this development. This is his safe house and no one knows about it other than a few of his closest allies. And they are not someones who send uninformed packages to him.

A delivery in both his and Martin's name means someone knows of their presence in this house right now.

"Let's go check it out," Martin says, getting off the couch, grunting.

They both approach the front porch and see a big cardboard box. "What could it be?" the governor asks.

"Open it," Martin suggests.

"I am not going to touch that shit!... You, open it," the governor tells the maid to open the box.

The maid is reluctant to do so but doesn't want to lose her job as it pays well. She nods and approaches the cardboard box.

She peals the tape and opens it. Inside the cardboard is a plastic duffle bag.

"There is a bag inside," she says looking back at the governor.