
Card System In Naruto.

Novel in English, if you read in Spanish, look at my profile where you can read the novel in Spanish!!!. I'm new to writing and this will be the first fan-fic I've ever written and I hope you like it. Synopsis. After the death of our protagonist, he found himself inside a white room, where he was allowed to reincarnate, but he did not want to reincarnate, but due to some inexplicable event he is reincarnated in the Naruto anime, not understanding how it happened. Luckily he got a card system, They offer abilities from different worlds ¿How you face your enemies and what decisions you make in this new life? He will decide whether to change the course of history or stop interfering in the events that marked the anime's history or discover the mysteries of his reincarnation and the problems that may appear for his future. Disclaimer: The photos were found on the internet and I took the liberty of editing them a bit. The original images do not belong to me, as does the content of the original manga, anime, and novels. All belong to their respective creators and owners, I just took ideas from different works to create the skills of the main character and develop a bit of the plot for his fan-fic. ... .. .

Tuyomi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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69 Chs

Beginning of a new story.

This chapter has been rewritten ✎...


The sunset shows a village surrounded by trees with little sunlight.

A body is rolling down an almost vertical cliff, the body rolls without being able to stop, causing bumps all over his body, internal injuries, and small blood stains on his way and stopping against a huge rock.

Even her mind can't process what happened, slightly raising her hand unconsciously, trying to cling to nothing, and her face distorted in pain.

The woman's face contorts in fear, as the light disappears from her sight and tears keep flowing from her eyes.

Currently, the woman found herself in a miserable life and a gateway to hell itself with each passing day.

The only visible light was that which illuminated the sunset.

With her last strength, she saw that her little boy was not hurt and took out a small scroll, which she placed in the baby's small hands.

"My little Genji," she said to her little one, while she gave him a little kiss on his forehead and stopped moving.

As he continued to lay there and the light disappeared with each passing second, eventually his surroundings became dark.

"I need help here, The woman seems to have lost a lot of blood," said a voice, placing his hands on the woman's stomach.

"It's too late, she passed away from blood loss. The baby next to her seems to be uninjured, quickly take the baby and head to the shelters." Commented the medical ninja who was checking the woman's corpse.

*BOOOM!* The woman heard the explosion happening around the village.

Without asking any more questions, she ran straight to the shelter with the little boy in her arms.

The woman could not believe the disaster that was happening and the size of the fox with tails.

Her only way to calm herself was to stop the cries of the baby in her arms.




Back to our protagonist.

I felt nothing, little by little I tried to see where I was, but everything was dark and no matter how much I moved my body, it did not respond and in the end, I gave up.

[Initiating system... Please wait a moment].

"- Hey! System? -".

I was happy to be able to get some answers, and in the end, it was the least I expected after sending me into a very dangerous world.

[Gathered the necessary data to continue... Thank you for waiting].

- That's weird, System -.

"[The system finished analyzing the entire body and will adapt in such a way that it will be easier for the user... Wait a moment].".

- I feel like you're trolling me, but, because I feel like this sounds a lot like a complaint quote, where you talk to complain, and they always put you on like stupid by dialing numbers with a completely stupid music tone -.

"[🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎵]"

- You're doing it on purpose, Right! -. I claimed in my mind.

[The system observed that it was a productive way to relax the user].

- Relax my eggs, you cheap propaganda system! -.

[The system will follow the user's opinion and proceed to modify the user's gender by removing the penis and relaxing the eggs to transform them into a female gender].

- ... -.


-I screamed in my mind in desperation.

[Ok, the system will follow the user's opinion and remain a man, the user].

- Thank you, I almost lost the most precious thing in my life -.

[The system, is happy to help... The system is ready to continue with the modification, choose which bloodline you want to add].

[Uchiha, Uzumaki, Hyuga, Hatake, Sarutobi, Senju, Aburame, Akimichi, Inuzuka, Kurama, Nara, Yamanaka and ???].

- Each clan in Naruto has its merits and losses. I would lean more to Senju and Uzumaki, for their techniques and vitality. As for the Uchihas and Hyuga, I think I'll pass, it's tremendous their techniques and all, but their power is focused directly on the eyes, and the moment they lose their eyes it's all over.

I kept thinking about the advantages of each different clan and finally decided that the clans with less power have more monetary power.

I stayed a while thinking and the moment I saw the question marks I asked the system what they meant.

[It is your bloodline from your mother's side, which is optional.

If you add another bloodline, it will affect your development and learning, but you will have a greater amount of chakra in your body.

By not having a new bloodline and leaving it as default, this will improve your attributes, as your Mom is a descendant of the dragon will techniques, and you will keep a minimal amount of chakra, however, you can increase your chakra by different means].

- I understand, maybe I should respect the course of nature, after all, I don't want to be tied to problems, related to my clan and more, for the fact that I don't understand in which epoch I will be born. I choose the default bloodline, I just need to live peacefully and with the strength to protect myself -.

[User chose his basic bloodline... His Mom has the bloodline of an extinct clan known as Shimada... Updating information... Need to improve and level up the system for more information].

[Name given by his mother: Genji Shimada].

[Age: 5 months, in womb development].

- What is this, it's Genji from Overwatch, which means I will have his skills, lucky me. The system, could you explain to me how it works and what improvements I can get -.

I may have passed away at 100 years old, but I never stopped doing what I loved the most.

Reading manga or novels, video games and anime was the best thing in my life.

[Starting the system on the user...].

I didn't have to wait long when a screen appeared in my face and I could observe a curious system.

It was a wooden table and at the bottom, there was a window showing experience points and coins on the right side, then there were 5 blank slots in a rectangular shape occupying the bottom.

[As you can see the level can be raised by performing hidden achievements, the coins are used as a process of exchange or purchase of items.

The user at this moment cannot buy the skill cards or items, to start the subject needs to be born and come out of his Mother's womb.

Once born, the user can start using the card system.

The skill cards will be unlocked and will occupy the lower slots with their price.

The level you have is the number of cards you can add to your board and if the user is not satisfied with the cards, you can use coins for a new change of decks].

- How convenient, can I buy more than one card if I am at level 1? -. I asked as I didn't want to waste coins if something happened with the card.

[You can buy more than one letter if you have enough coins, and when buying a letter. The user decides if he wants to put it on his board or keep it in the internal storage of the system.

The cards have different ranks from;

Common: It has a probability of 70%.

Rare: It has a 25% chance.

Legendary: Has a 4% chance.

Celestial: has a probability of 1%.

An important point of the skill letters; is that when you make a purchase, the cards will be of the first generation].

- What do you mean by generation? -. I asked as it seemed strange to me the meaning of generation in the cards.

[For the user to understand it better.

For each card you buy, the card will have a copper color which means it is the first generation, the second generation is silver color, and the third generation is a gold color.

Take as an example that you are skilled in fire chakra and your wife is skilled in water chakra.

By having a child he will be a second-generation who has the handling of both elements or merged into one, then that child is a parent and has a son who has your skills plus the mixture of another type of chakra].

- I see, then the first generation is the weakest and gets stronger to be able to achieve the 3rd generation which is the highest and most powerful level, how can you change the card to the second generation? -.

[That information is part of an achievement, the user has to figure it out by himself].

I kept asking every question I had in my mind.

In the end, I had nothing to do but wait, and the system did not give me any information that was useful or just repeated the information related to cards or coins and level.

Thus, I spent the last 4 most boring months of my life, but a notification rang in my head.

[Congratulations, the user has finally finished developing and is ready to go out to a new life... Starting the automatic mode...].

- Yes! Finally, being able to go out and see the world of Naruto. The system, what is the automatic mode? Of course, if you have the information! -. I said in my thoughts with excitement.

Last 4 months, it was enough for me to confirm that the system just answers simple questions and no matter how much I beg it for answers, it just plays its stupid music for me to stop bothering it.

So, that's why I ask and, just maybe, it will answer me.

[The automatic system is where each person's body runs on automatic, and it depends entirely on the person at what age they take control of the body, normally the person wakes up at the age of 6 to 8 years old, and no matter how hard they try to remember their birth.

So I will wait for him to wake up, user].

[🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎵].

- Why do you always play that damn music for me?! -. With my last words, I slightly started to lose consciousness.




8 years later... Orphanage East Zone of Konoha village.

At the back of the orphanage, a boy was sleeping comfortably on the grass without any will to wake up from his deep sleep.

"Genji, I want you to come help carry some water!"

Shouted an older lady in her 60s and short in stature, waiting for the boy to start waking up.

The boy started to wake up with a silly face and a trail of saliva running down his cheek, he started yawning and stretching his body from the good nap then approaching Noa.

"Noa, good morning, is dinner ready yet," I asked with my sleepy face.

"No good morning, it's late already, haul your ass to work, did you forget it was your turn to fetch water from the lake?".

"I thought I was due tomorrow?" I asked with a thoughtful and silly face.

"Yes, you were due on Monday and today is Wednesday, so you are already 2 days late. So get to work or there will be no dinner for today, it's clear!". Noa said with an angry face.

I could only sigh and set off with some buckets in hand.

Well, my name at the end is; Genji Shimada.

Noa is an older woman who is in charge of maintaining the orphanage in the East area, but it was a complete surprise to learn that the place will soon be closed because of the little monetary contribution they give for the upkeep of the place.

At first, I thought that the cause of its closure was the number of children living in the place, but that is not the case here.

There are no children left in the whole orphanage, when I asked Noa the question she answered that the orphanage in the West zone was in charge of the care of most of the orphaned children and that at the moment of their arrival, they classify them according to their chakra level to then be adopted by various clans that have interest in the child's potential.

To put it in simple words, they discard the children who may not have great potential in the future, and they are placed in the east zone of the orphanage, but the children installed in this place are very rare, it seems that I was the only one to be placed here because of my low chakra.

The truth is that I don't care much about what they think of me or talk about me as a hopeless case with an insignificant future.

Frankly, it was the least I expected, since by not modifying my bloodline the system made it very clear to me that I would have little chakra in my body, but that I could improve through the card system.

I continued walking down the road towards the lake, the orphanage can't even have water in the place.

Noa and I are the only ones who keep the place clean. Grandma Noa can be a bit of a pain in the ass because of her age, but I appreciate her gesture of taking care of me.

I will miss this place a lot, well I turned at the age of 8, and I can enroll in the academy, if I had been adopted by a clan I would have a chance to join earlier, but well, it's not like I could do anything.

[Restarting system... Wait a minute...🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎵].

"Fucking system, stop your fucking music!!!". I yelled, it may not be the most appropriate thing to say, but it was the first thing I could say to a system that is lazier than me.

When I woke up the system was supposed to provide me with the necessary help, but it took 2 months for me to utter a word and the first thing it responded was to let it sleep 5 more minutes, I allowed it.

Well that 5 minutes turned into 1 month, he barely wakes up, and he is already bothering me with his clumsy sound.

[Why you make such a fuss, you should be thankful that this goddess has the time for such a pitiful user like you.]


[You thought I would help you just because you say so, Hmhh!].

"S-since when did you have a personality, I remember correctly that the system had an emotionless voice."

[Looks like you're not completely that much of an idiot, be thankful I'm in a good mood to help a stinky cat like you].

"Ok, great goddess, how do I start the system?". I ask this goddess with a tone of respect, subsequently, I hope she doesn't come out with more nonsense and if I get the chance I'll give her a good beating.

[To initiate, just say card system or think about it in your mind, right. I also activate 3D mode].

"You seem to be less stubborn than I thought you would be."


I started to realize what he said, - Card system -.

The moment I uttered the words, a tab appeared in front of me.

It was completely identical to what I had seen before, although it had a small difference in that it had an icon with my appearance close to my level, then I could see that it had a button with 2D and 3D.

Without waiting, I pressed the 3D button and everything started to change.

The wooden table appeared in front of me and a small bed on the board, showing me a small woman in chibi form, scratching her cute little eyes and yawning prettily.

- Damn, I feel like hugging her. I thought to myself, without waiting for the little chibi to finish, and I stretched out my hand.

I held her by her little red shirt and brought her close to my face.

She had pretty silver-colored hair and beautiful blue-green eyes, I was mesmerized by her precious appearance.

"You're done looking, you fucking pervert." He said to me, shortly after pulling my fingers away and flying straight into my right eye.

Well, it was nice while it lasted!

We spent some time yelling at each other about what happened.

With all that happened, she introduced herself as the goddess Sacred in charge of guiding me through the card system.

Little Sacred had two t-shirts on, one with long red sleeves down to her breasts with folded sleeves and a black shirt, then she had a short mustard-colored skirt with long stockings and boots.

Very cute little Sacred, then she explained to me that everything I see was taken from the system and that only I, I can see the table and everything related to the system.

With my conversation between Sacred and me. I completely forgot my work and with quick steps, I took the boats and filled them with water in the hope that Grandma Noa would not scold me.


