
Card System: Danmachi

A listless and cynical man had grown annoyed with life and its lack of excitement. After a series of bad events he decided to become a true shut in for the rest of his life, giving up all his previous hobbies and friends to find respite in the fantasy surrounding him. After a quick trip to the grocery store he suddenly dies and reincarnates into Danmachi. Only to find a life even harder than before... At least he isn't bored this time.

Mahn_IDK · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

9: Screw You Too!

The walk over to the "baker" was quiet. A couple of people looked over and whispered in their little corners but nothing else. They seemed to mainly be pointing at me, probably because of my ears, but I wasn't too worried about it. Even though elves are rare there are still quite a few in Orario. Literally every major race is represented in the city because of the dungeon so at most people were just staring.

Plus it's not like I can point fingers either. I was staring right back. Being cooped up in the church for a little over five years, two of which I couldn't even move properly, made one curious. It was fascinating to actually walk around an anime world. The architecture in Daedalus Street was a mix mash of ancient building style with a slight modern flair, as if the author couldn't decide what era the setting took place in. Though the majority of the buildings were simply brick and wood, medieval style.

The denizens of Daedalus Street didn't talk much and mainly kept to their homes. A dwarf with a scar over a blinded eye looked out a broken window while smoking a pipe. His beard was long enough that it hung almost to the floor out the window and was covered in mats and tangles. A man hurried down an alley huddling a package in his arms. Possibly stolen goods as it seemed like he had just gotten out of a knife fight, followed by what looked like a kid but could be a pallum. Although the church has many races inside it this was my first look at pallums and dwarves. It wasn't the best look at them but it was a look.

"Ya' know. I don't think I've eva seen you look like tha' before. Usually you' all Mr. Gentleman."

Mari spoke and I couldn't help but have my ears turn a little red at her teasing and Finn wasn't one to miss out either.

"Ya, I don't think I've seen you cry like that since you were a baby."

I sighed in shame, "It had to be done..."

And that it had. I tried to act like a kid for a short while ever since I was reborn but eventually decided that it wasn't me. I was a depressed man working a part time job in a run down part of town. I can't just magically become a joyful ball of sunshine...

Thankfully the way I carried myself was still considered normal it seems. While I never acted outright cute or anything I still tried to enjoy my time in the orphanage and it was hard not to. The kids were always smiling and even if times were hard Verda made sure we were taken care of. They just thought I was quiet and shy and in a way I am.

"Yeah. I agree, it had to be done. I don't think Miss Leanna would've ever let you out if you didn't. She is... very protective."

As Finn spoke he slid the longsword at his side out a bit. The metal was shiny to a fault, meticulously maintained by Finn as told by my mom, and professionally made. After years of training the kids' mom had gone to the guild headquarters and got what I called the newbie starter pack for Mari and Finn. After taking some measurements and estimating how tall they would become by the time they leave she purchased the weapons and armor for them to grow into. The thinking being that they could train with and get used to actual steel weapons before they actually began going into the dungeon. Currently mom was using whatever money she could scrounge up to cover the interest but leaving the actual debt for them to pay.

According to her they were getting old enough and had enough training that they could probably begin adventuring soon. Considering Bell was about 14 years old at the beginning of the Danmachi I could see where she was coming from but still had a hard time swallowing it. But, it was their lives and I know that life goes by pretty fast in Orario. As long as you had a falna you could become an adventurer. Hell, you could technically just walk into the dungeon naked, they don't have identity checkers in front of it or anything. You just wouldn't be able to sell any magic stones you collect to the guild.

Lost in my thoughts it didn't even dawn on me that we had arrived. It really was a short walk, maybe 30-40 meters, or meders as they say here. I can still see the church and even if she is a little small I see mom wave at me as I look back. Facing the store now it just looks like any other run down house on the block but with a large window that was supposed to display the goods at one point. Now, it was a boarded up window with "Fresh Bread" written on it in red paint. It also wouldn't have that slum pizzazz if a homeless man(?) wasn't slumped near the door. Mari was happily humming as she took out the hidden bag of valis and Finn opened the door. Entering the shop though, my small smile freezes.

'What the hell is my luck?'

In the two or three years that Mari and Finn had been doing this chore they had never run into an issue. Now, here in front of me is a small group of thugs mugging the nice old lady running the bakery. One of them, I'm guessing the leader, is holding her by the collar and the other is threatening her kids. All of them now locked on to us and more specifically the bag of valis in Mari's hand. A pitiful one, but it was still money.

Our little group tried to just back out but the one closest to us began yelling, "Drop the bag now!"

"Ori get Lea!"


Immediately I tried to run out but that jackass that was sitting at the door blocked it.


The man closest to us ran at us as we obviously weren't handing over the valis and I couldn't help but panic slightly. The thug running at us was armed with a knife and while Mari and Finn had the range advantage with swords it was nullified by fighting an adult twice their size. What also hurt their chances was the simple fact that Finn froze for a second.

Mari was quick to draw her sword and cut forward; forcing the man to step back or be cut. The leader holding the lady, seeing that we were armed, quickly dropped what he was doing as we took precedence. Though in the time Mari bought us Finn finally drew his sword as I pulled out the throwing knife from my inventory.

Finn intercepted the boss who drew what looked like a scuffed short sword and they both locked blades. Mari kept the other one at bay with well timed sweeping strikes but Finn wasn't as lucky. The short sword, strength, and reach of the leader meant he was quickly losing ground. The only reason he wasn't on the ground yet was the gap in skill between the two as the leader treated the sword like an axe rather than a sword.

 Over and over he raised the sword above his head and slammed down on Finn who heaved them away with a series of parries. He tried to counter attack with a few thrusts in between clashes but the man was simply out of range at most times. Only taking a few superficial cuts from the tip of the blade. Suddenly, the man changed his grip and forced Finn's blade aside. 

'I need to stop him!'

Thinking fast I simply threw the throwing knife at him. Ever since I had gotten my hands on the knife I'd practiced with it but this was still my first time actually using it and holy god it was a terrible throw. I had aimed for the center of mass and had somehow hit just above his thigh. As well, with my weak five year old muscles, it hadn't sunk even half way in. It was enough to stop him however and force them into stalemate again.

10 seconds had yet to pass so far but fights weren't supposed to last long. Looking around I tried to find a way to notify mom.

'C'mon, any other way out? A window or something?'

Every second in a fight like this was important and according to my old teacher we should take the first chance to run. Life was more important than anything and any way to get out was the best move you could take. Frantically looking around all I saw were boarded up windows and the only way deeper into the home was past a quickly deteriorating fight. Looking at the door again however I noticed something and never before was I grateful that we lived in the slums. I could see through the many holes in the door right at the man leaning against the door to hold it closed. Many of them... were knife sized.

A quick stab later and the man screamed and stumbled away with two new bleeding holes in his back as I kicked the door open.
