
Card System: Danmachi

A listless and cynical man had grown annoyed with life and its lack of excitement. After a series of bad events he decided to become a true shut in for the rest of his life, giving up all his previous hobbies and friends to find respite in the fantasy surrounding him. After a quick trip to the grocery store he suddenly dies and reincarnates into Danmachi. Only to find a life even harder than before... At least he isn't bored this time.

Mahn_IDK · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

7: Life Pt. 2

Why did Furi... Fuji... Fujino something, the author of Danmachi, make magic so difficult to use in this world. It's literally a fantasy world filled with monsters and gods but normal humans were just left in the wind during the age before the gods. If I remember correctly they had to rely on spirits and or fairies for any form of magic and even now they require falna from a god. 

Even elves and other races were left to bumble around and they had an innate affinity for it. I might not remember much but after 2 years of repeatedly attempting to catch even the slightest glimpse of the damn thing meant I had a lot of time to try and remember what I could about it. Now at the ripe age of 2 years old I can confidently say that I can walk without falling over, speak with a heavy lisp, and use the bathroom by myself. But also, if I focus really hard for a couple hours and fall into a deep trance like state, I can oh so faintly feel my mana/magic/mind.

It's BS. Even if I could fully sense my magic after 5 more years of practice I would then need to work on interacting with it through either my mind which seems almost impossible; or learn an entire race's language and ritual practices. Enough about that though. Today is my birthday and so I should try to be positive. Don't want to freak mom out again with another depressive episode. Speaking of...

"Hello my little Ori~. Woke up on your own again? A bad dream?"

"Hn. Nah, jus' thinkin."

As I rubbed my eyes Lea, or mom, sat beside me as she ran her hand through my dark hair. The other kids had yet to wake up so it was just us for now. Looking outside I could see the sun just begin to peak into the windows. They generally woke up once the sun was fully out so I'm guessing it's around 7 now.

"Of what dear?"

"Nufin much. Wha' are you doin?"

"Why, I am preparing for your big day! Two years old already how the time flies. I can still picture your first even if we didn't do much and we are already at your second."

Internally I rolled my eyes at that. If I was a normal child I probably wouldn't even be able to remember my first three or four birthdays so there wasn't even a need for a big celebration. Though I won't lie it felt good to be appreciated. Plus with our financial straits we wouldn't have much of a celebration either. Just some cake like last year. Reaching out I simply leaned against my mom for a second and sat there. Her right hand running through my hair

Soon enough though one of the church girls came into the room looking for mom.

'Natalie was it?'

POV, Natalie:

Carrying a couple cloth bags under my arm I slowly open the door and keep my voice to a whisper so as to not wake the kids. Although for a few of them I doubt even a fireball could awake them. Lea had been working them to bones ever since they made it known they wanted to become adventurers.

"Hey Lea, I'm ready to go out now. I made sure to double check I have the coin and everything."

Over across the long room I saw Lea cuddling with Ori and immediately felt bad to pull her away like this, but she was the one that wanted to get fresh ingredients for the cake. Looking over, Lea waved at me with a smile and kissed Ori's head.

"If you're going to stay up make sure to brush your teeth ok?"

Ori nodded and ambled away to the bathrooms and Lea made her way over to me.

"Are you sure you have everything? Even getting out of Daedalus Street is dangerous. I don't want to make 2 trips. You know... like all the other times?"

I couldn't help but blush at her statement but nodded. Patting the small bags hung on my belt and making sure each was filled and the two hidden in robes were there too. Though Lea continued to look into my eyes until she was sure I had checked yet again.

"C'mon Natalie. Let's make this quick, we still have to actually bake the cake when we're done."


The way to the main markets of Orario, because who would trust anything sold on Daedalus Street, was quiet. Having a tall, cloaked, and equipped figure standing next to you did wonders in keeping the slum rats and thugs from looking our way. Though this also meant that while Leana was doing her job we couldn't speak or it would give the sense of power away. Once we hit the main streets however, anything was free game.

"Soooo. How was Ori this morning."

"You really couldn't have waited a second longer? Some of those idiots might still be listening."

"If they were you wouldn't be putting away your sword. Now out with it, I don't get to be with him or the kids much with all the work needed to keep that crumbling church up."

She huffed a little in amusement, her head tilted up just a slight bit like all the other elves but it wasn't done with such bad intent. Though the slight glimmer in her eyes told me the teasing would be strong.

"Don't think I've seen your looks toward my boy. You still think he is judging you from afar?"

"I-I… That was just a misunderstanding."

"Uhuh, it better be because I still don't know how you came up with that in the first place. He was but a newborn at the time. But yes, Ori is doing quite fine. He is walking and speaking just fine if not at a much higher level than should be done for his age."

 "Yes... I heard he has begun reading the many beginner books around the church. He seems to be a small genius. Though it worries me how little he speaks."

The only answer I received from Lea was a tired sigh

POV, Orio:

Leafing through the books in the church's miniscule library. Which was literally just a small linen closet. I quickly found the story books/educational books I had been reading over the past few months. Even now with 2 years of listening and asking questions here and there, reading was a big hurdle. While it didn't take all that long to learn how to speak and understand the language, greater understanding and vocabulary is needed for writing and more formal speech. So I had taken to reading these story books the church had been collecting for this very purpose. Anytime I ran into a word I didn't know I'd ask anyone walking by.

 Picking a new one I took a seat and began reading. It was the first half of this world's "The Odyssey". Another weird fact or part of this world. Almost all of the great heroes, epics, and myths of my world were real people with real magic and had a tangible effect on the world. While the stories themselves varied widely between the two the same few beats were kept. It was about his long trip back home after this world's "Trojan War" and how he overcame many obstacles using his cunning and wit to wiggle himself out of situations with a nice sprinkle of magical fighting and swords to keep it interesting. Though this was probably a heavily modified and censored version for kids.

By the time I was half way through the book the other kids began to wake up and I was forced to put the book away. We all shuffled into the small dining room and ate breakfast, prayed in the church hall, and did a couple chores. A few hours later and a room full of tired kids spread across the church floor. 

Verda walked past us without batting an eye after making us dust and then wipe the entire church and I couldn't help myself but speak when she walked past. Even though I didn't do much. Even with my body movement exercises I was still just a 2 year old so I just followed Mari around a bit.

"Child lavor..."


'Smug granny just laughed at us!'

"Is fine little Ori. Everyone's gotta work for da' church. Now are you comin' for the classes again?"

Bea taught the little children a bit so we weren't all illiterate or stupid but it was more a glorified babysitting job while the other priestesses do their jobs or rest. So while I join I don't really learn much but how to write. It takes the time away though.

...A few hours later

Sitting around a few dining tables the 11 people within the church came together under the candle light. A thin elven boy with drooping ears, shaggy black hair, and purple eyes sat in his mothers lap as a small one layer cake topped in some exotic fruit was placed in front of him.

As everyone gathered together around the cake Ori simply sat in thought staring at the cake. Verda sat off to the side, knife in hand as she began to stand up.

"Today we celebrate little Ori's second birthday. While our church's activities and the act of living another day may be insignificant in the eyes of many others, I hope you all may simply relish in a life well lived. May we pray for many more nights like this one."

Many of the priestesses' heads quickly bowed for a second followed by the children and after a moment of silence Verda smiled. Bringing a hand over she cut a small slice of cake and handed it to the child.
