
Card System: Danmachi

A listless and cynical man had grown annoyed with life and its lack of excitement. After a series of bad events he decided to become a true shut in for the rest of his life, giving up all his previous hobbies and friends to find respite in the fantasy surrounding him. After a quick trip to the grocery store he suddenly dies and reincarnates into Danmachi. Only to find a life even harder than before... At least he isn't bored this time.

Mahn_IDK · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

6: Life Pt.1

"Hi Ori! What are you doing?"

"Ba Cwa whee"


On the left wall, near the back of the main church area, there is a long room filled with beds that most of the church sleeps in. It's also where my crib is and thus where I and the children of the church have been staying since any arrived.

After the attack last week, thankfully nothing else has happened. With any luck we can ride this wave until I grow strong enough to protect myself but, knowing my luck, I may not even reach a year old before I die. After what happened, I was inspired or, more accurately, scared into action. Thus I currently am trying to do what I can to survive. Which isn't much especially considering that I'm 2 months old.

Things like gripping, trying to crawl, parsing the language, and trying to develop my vocal chords. However, I made sure not to do such things in front of the others. I don't know how they'd react so when people were here I just slept or messed with the kids in the room.

Currently most of the church staff is cleaning or repairing the church. That includes Bea (or should I say Beatrix?) my main care taker. Mom is also out of the church as she is gathering materials in the dungeon for granny. The priestess who I now know is called Mia is still healing and Verda needs more materials to make potions. So now, the two 7(?) year old's are taking care of the two younger kids and me as the adults work. Although mom still has to come back to feed me every so often.

Also, don't make it weird. She is just feeding me. I'm too young to feel anything anyways.

Anyways. It was Mari's turn to change my diaper so she has been checking in on me while playing with the other kids outside. Gently lifting me out of the crib she sniffed the air around me and I couldn't help but dead eye her. I'll never forget this shame...

"You smell good, and you not crying. Seems like you don't needa change... You do look bored though, wanna join big sister Mari!"

'The fish eye backfired! No let me get back to practicing!'

The kids are only allowed an hour or 2 in the back because Verda can't watch them for long. So I have recently been using these times of silence to meditate since I know magic is a thing in this world. As well, with my limited knowledge of Danmachi I know elves haves innate magic and have been banking on that. So, I've been trying to sense magic or mind as they called it through meditation. I have a very little idea of how elvish magic works but, if there is mana I think it would be best to try and train it now when I can't train my body.

Thus the reason why my crying figure could be seen staring at my crib as Mari wistfully carried me away.

"Hey Finn! Ori looked bored so I brought him to play!"

Lifting me Simba style I looked around at the kids faces. Finn and his green hair stood out the most as he chased the two 5 year old's around the stone back alley. Seeing Mari though he quickly stopped to greet me.

"Hey Ori, Mari bothering you again?"

"Wa won aw unvstans"

'Some one who understands!'


I could only sigh in Mari's arms as the other two came up. Both boys, Eren and Dan poked me in the face as they all discussed. Under their happy demeanor though I could see Finn glance all around the blocked alley. He probably doesn't feel as safe around here anymore.

In his defense I never expected people to attack a poor, rotting, and downtrodden church either. Especially considering most of the people on Daedalus street have either been healed or given help from here. Those thieves or murderers or possible Evilus fan boys really don't make any sense.

"What should we do now that Ori is here?" 

Both Eren and Dan seemed to have to much energy for their own good as even as they spoke they were trying to play tag.

"Nothin' to big I'm guessin. Can't really book it with a baby in my arms."


Thinking for a second Finn just let his eyes wander over to Verda.

"Hey old lady, you used to be an adventurer right?"

Verda didn't even look as she nodded. She just stared off into the distance as she rocked on the tiny bench.

"Not really, still level one."

"A level one with two spells?"

I could only agree with Finn here. With my meta knowledge even I knew how insane that was. A healing spell and a barrier spell at level one meant she had them when her status was made. How she never progressed is beyond me.

"Just wasn't for me. Now out with it boy, I know that isn't what you really wanted to ask."

Fin simply stood there for a second as he contemplated for a second. Eyes darting to Verdas face and back to the ground as built up a little courage. I couldn't really blame him, grandma was scary.

"Would you teach us how to become adventurers?"

At that Verda chuckled lightly.

"You'd better ask little Lea for something like that, she actually has experience. Although, since you've asked I can see where this'll go. You want to become an adventurer?"

"What other path is there for orphans like us. No one would hire us as we can't really practice or study much here and even if we do get an apprenticeship or whatever we would be on the back foot."

"That's what you lot always say. Yet, I can't say there is anything necessarily wrong with what you kids all say. Even if you all die early..."

While I couldn't understand everything being said I could still parse the darkness of the words. Adventuring wasn't really best job, even if in someways it's the only way to survive. Especially in Orario.

Verda sighed a long and heavy sigh as she finally took the time to look at Finn. There was something in her eyes that just spoke of melancholy. Of a past unlived.

"Listen here children. Adventuring is more than just fighting monsters or slinging spells. When it really comes down to it and when you boil it down to its bare essence. It's just a fight for survival, no different from what we go through every day."

Looking at each one of the children in the eyes she made a point to glare.

"Whether it be running jobs for the gangs when you go out when Mari was sick."

Finn looked away.

"Or making shivs when you think no one will notice a bit of glass or metal going missing."

Eren and Dan this time.

"It's just the same thing on a different scale. If you go down this path, all you are doing is risking yours and your friends life for the mere chance of a better life. One day you'll find your self surrounded by friends, going to town on some poor goblin when a war shadow stabs you in the back and all you can do is lay there and watch as your grand adventure is cut short alongside the lives of your friends. Are you sure?"

To that Finn simply looked into the sky before nodding. Followed by Mari.


"I'll talk to Lea about it. If your going to be stupid you may as well be prepared."

I feel like I should be happy and scared about this conversation but I really am only getting half the words.

Got Covid. Was dying. Lost motivation. SOZ

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