
Card System: Danmachi

A listless and cynical man had grown annoyed with life and its lack of excitement. After a series of bad events he decided to become a true shut in for the rest of his life, giving up all his previous hobbies and friends to find respite in the fantasy surrounding him. After a quick trip to the grocery store he suddenly dies and reincarnates into Danmachi. Only to find a life even harder than before... At least he isn't bored this time.

Mahn_IDK · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

5: Wha?

POV, Matt:

Knew it.

Held a little too tightly in Bea's arms and surrounded by literally everyone in the church, we waited for mom. Apparently mom and Verda are the only ones that can fight here as she is the only one watching the door. This grizzled old woman in what I can only call the most cliché nun clothes stood Infront of the door with a mace in her hands. Not a tall staff you'd expect from a priest or even a cane one would expect from someone so old.

A couple of children are crying and Bea is trying her hardest to calm them down, but, the two older kids, Mari and Finnegan respectively, are shifting their glances to the ends of the alley in anticipation. They both look quite ready to fight or escape, which I looked upon in envy.

I can't help but sigh at my current helplessness. If I was at least a few years older I'd be able to run to but now I have to rely on Bea. Even in my past life I was able to survive on my own quite well. It was depressing sure, but I chose to live like that.


'What was that?'

"Heh, those idiots were right, you would hide here huh?'

On top of the church I can only cringe in second hand embarrassment as I witnessed the edgiest man I've ever seen. Honestly, he looked like Dante from devil may cry if he was 20 years younger and chose to wear a shirt made of knives. As well, he wore a tattered cloak over one shoulder. He had so many knives I wouldn't even doubt if the cloak looked like that because it kept getting caught on those knives. He LITTERALLY had 5 bandoliers filled with knives strapped to his chest.

Immediately upon noticing him Mari and Finnegan pulled out shivs. Yes, shivs. Not knives. Shivs. We are poor. Sharpened metal pieces with cloth and twine wrapped around one end to make handles. I noticed a couple priestesses taking them out to. Not so nun like behavior... but can I blame them?

Seeing the man granny Verda spoke quickly,

"Every one to one side. I'll keep him busy until Leana is finished. Protect the kids."

"Oh, quite big words coming from such a frail old woman. Get out here before a breeze blows you away."

Without waiting any longer he suddenly threw a handful of blades at us before unsheathing a curved scimitar from his back and rushing towards Verda. Dumb as he looked, even I could tell he was experienced in fighting. Experienced in being a douche bag as well apparently as half the blade were aimed at us!

[My holy light, my knight, protect me.]

Suddenly a massive wispy white shield manifested in front of all of us and blocked the hail of knives. Quickly taking control of the magic she pushes forward with her empty hand, forcing the Dante rip off to dodge to the side as the shield tears through the ground.

"Tch, might be a little harder than expected but I doubt you'll last long!"

Rushing to the nearest wall the man kicked off it, sword following, twisting to bare the sword with his full weight against Verda who calmy recalled the shield to block it. With the enemy stuck in the air, she quickly swung her mace as hard as she could. Her small frame and dying muscles tightening for a second to glimpse at her once powerful physique. The man barely moved out of the way in time as he kicked off the shield and back onto the wall.

Flying back into the air he throws three more knives with a twist of his body, 2 towards her and the other toward us. The first two Verda blocks with her shield and the other she swats out of the air with her mace. Utilizing her small lapse in attention he lands behind her, sword following his momentum and cutting up towards her open back. She is barely able to react in time, her old age delaying her response as she turns painfully slow. A small gash is made across her right arm as she swings quickly in retaliation.

With a scoff the prick jumps far back to the other end of the alley. Knives once again released as Verda barely block them all. Heavy breathes could be heard as Verda attempts to heal her wound. Blood stained the floor in an odd color, poison. Looking up I watch as the shield starts to dim in intensity.

'She's running out of mind...'

Kicking off the ground he jumped straight right reaching a wall as he threw even more knives before making a sharp decent right Infront of Verda, just outside the range of her mace. Thankfully Verda hadn't fallen for the faint as she stood ready with the shield to her side. However, it seemed that wasn't the main focus of his plan as he throws something at his feet.

I watch it fall in rapt attention, which I immediately regret, as it flash bangs me and the rest of the group. At this point I can only hear the fight as it plays a long. A clash here a grunt there for what seemed like an entire minute before my vision finally clears up. Verda Hasn't taken any more hits thankfully but the floating shield has almost entirely faded at this point.

"You stubborn hag! Get out of the way!"

Another flurry of knives and another cacophony of metal clashing against metal. However, this time a new noise is created. The next noise that comes across isn't a clash but a thump as I watch a priestess collapse.


Time seemed to slow down as I watched her body fall. I hadn't figured out the names of every one living at the church yet. But, I still knew them all. Bea and mother didn't always have time to watch over me. Everyone had their own job in the church and so did they. Thus I got to meet everyone as they took turns taking care of me. Hell, even the kids took care of me if everyone else was busy.

Now one of the people protecting me had a knife buried itself in her stomach. Blood slowly seeped out and stained the front of her dress as she simply stared at it. Disbelief in her eyes as she began to whimper. No strength to scream. Quickly the other Priestesses around us took her to the back near us and the children as they began first aid.

'That could have been Bea, Nat, me...'

"Look at what you made me do! That's at least a few thousand Valis down the drain!"

Screamin, he struck from above. Verda quickly blocked the blade with both hands on the mace. On one knee She looked up at him as he grinned before kicking her in the stomach, launching her into our group.

"Finally. NOW! All of you put dow-"

The door leading into the alley suddenly blew open. He turned his head to look but was to late. His head was already in the air. The intensity of moms stature at that point was honestly scary. Yet, now that she was here I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Looking towards us she became normal yet again.

"I'm sorry every one, I should've finished faster!"

Slowly rising Verda spoke quickly as she approached the injured priestess,

"Doesn't matter, we are alive. Quickly grab the last few potions from the cellar. Mia's still breathing."