
Card System: Danmachi

A listless and cynical man had grown annoyed with life and its lack of excitement. After a series of bad events he decided to become a true shut in for the rest of his life, giving up all his previous hobbies and friends to find respite in the fantasy surrounding him. After a quick trip to the grocery store he suddenly dies and reincarnates into Danmachi. Only to find a life even harder than before... At least he isn't bored this time.

Mahn_IDK · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

11: A Little Freedom

"Mom! PLEASE! We just wanna play tag!"

Surrounding a one-handed elf, the rest of us kids could be seen begging for the fifth time that day. It's been about a month since the bakery incident, and paired with recent Evillus developments, the church has been put on total lockdown.

Which I can fully understand but now, other than for training, we are no longer allowed outside the church at all. Now, all of us are going stir-crazy. I don't care if people are going missing or being murdered every other day, the backyard should be safe. If even I, an adult man who spends a majority of his time reading, wants to go outside, it's been too long.

"I'm sorry, loves, but it's just not safe. Even the nuns can only go out with an escort."

Mom tried to speak softly but was quickly drowned out as all of us groaned. Well, other than Mari and Finn, they were a little too old for that but even they stood behind us.

'Wait, if they are too old, why am I groaning?'

Shaking my head, I felt multiple small hands push me forward. I was our only hope at this point. Not only was this my own mother, I was cute, and could debate rather well. Standing a little straighter and quickly clearing my throat, I spoke.

"From what I can understand, the main issue is that you are too busy to watch over us since you have to be with the priestesses every time they go out and your constant visits to the dungeon. As well, Verda can't watch over us since she is too busy stockpiling potions."

Mom looked a little defeated as I spoke up, likely knowing I wasn't going to let this go. I only spoke like this when I really needed to.

"I still don't know where you learned to speak like that... Yes, that sounds about right."

"Then the issue comes down to general safety. Why not let Mari and Finn have their actual swords back? They still need more practice and they can hold their own, as you've seen. As well, the back alley is rather secure with the walls separating it from the rest of the alley. The only opening currently is from above. So why don't we drape a net over it? I remember seeing a stack of old nets in the cellar."

'Actually, why do they have those nets? Is there a lake nearby? The anime didn't really talk about the geography around the city all that much.'

"That still isn't safe. It'd slow them down, sure, but-"

"But what? I know safety is a big thing right now, but I don't think we are in that much danger. I'm compromising with you here, mom, but it isn't like we are getting attacked every day."


"He- Hey! You can't just muffle my arguments-"

I was quickly lifted off the ground and silenced as she held me—her one arm more than strong enough to lift my tiny body. I attempted to struggle but quickly went limp in her arms in an attempt to slide out like a dead fish.

'A level two mother is unfair...'

"I understand, but I'm so worried..."

Seeing as I was temporarily indisposed, Mari tried to argue in my place.

"Miss Lea, there really ain't no reason to worry. We should be able to take care of the kids."

This time Finn spoke up, "Yeah, you're the one training us. Plus we are nearing adulthood."

"Mmmmm... Fine, but I'm blocking that hole you guys use to sneak off."

""You know about that-?!""

Everyone had gone out back at this point. The kids aiding the priestesses set up the net in excitement. I, however, could only see the fabric of my mom's shirt as she kept hold on me.

"Hey mom?"

My voice came out a bit muffled but, now that she wasn't holding me as tightly, I could actually be heard.


"Can I ask for one more thing? I heard you were going to take Mari and Finn to the dungeon. Can I come?"

Nothing was said for a while. The silence petered out for a while as I felt Lea's stare bore into me.

"That is a very stupid thing to ask."

I winced at her answer but kind of expected it.

"You guys are just going to the first level to fight a goblin. With you nearby and the relatively low spawn rates, it should be completely safe."

"I think you are mistaken. No matter where in the dungeon, whether it be in the town of Rivira or an empty room, nowhere is truly safe."

I sighed at that, my plans of secretly getting assists being kicked to the side. Seeing the rather depressed look on my face, mom seemed to get worried. Probably thinking I was falling into one of my fugues.

"Although, if you really are that curious about the world... How about we go to the market together? I don't think you've actually seen Orario proper. Daedalus street isn't really the greatest example of the city."

Hearing that, an excited smile actually crossed my face. I've been living all 5 years of my life in a fantasy world I've only seen on the screen. While it is interesting seeing the rather unknown parts of the world like Daedalus street; I want to see with my own eyes the bustling streets of Orario. All the races of the world living together, the tower in the center of the city built of black glistening bricks, and the adventurers who make the lifeblood of this city.

"Yes! Thank you, mom!"

"Of course, sweetie."

Although, nothing could stop my intrusive thoughts from speaking in my mind.

'I could use inventory to steal a shitload of stuff!'

UH, finals kicked my ass. Not really an excuse though.


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