
Card Mysic

The universe is a vast, unfeeling expanse, where countless stars burn and die, indifferent to the struggles of those who wander in its endless void, for every planets that cradles a life, a thousand more are barren, hostile and unforgiving, this is the reality that Zilong, a spoilt kid that never knew danger in his life, only to be thrown in the most dangerous part of it in his life, knew too well. Zilongs comrade found peace in the blossom of the God of death, and he alone was cursed to wander the expanse of the universe, becoming something above all, some thing unknown, something that can gobble up universes in one bite. *THE BEAST OF ARMAGEDDON*

immoral_saint · Oriental
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25 Chs

14. Nightmare dungeon

Zilong tried to wonder, falling to his feet a dozen times, "Tch.." he grimaced.., he had not yet gotten use to this new body of his.

Zilong have, had thought that he would never be able to leave the planet, but the executioner's ship had given him a chance to escape this dammed place.

As Zilong stood amidst the desolate battlefield, a strange, disconcerting noise filled the air. It started as a faint crackling, like ice splitting under pressure, growing louder and more intense. Zilong looked around, trying to locate the source of the sound, his senses heightened and alert.

Suddenly, the air before him seemed to ripple and distort, as if reality itself was being torn apart. A crack appeared, an unnatural fissure splitting the very fabric of space. The crack widened rapidly, glowing with an eerie, otherworldly light. The sound reached a deafening crescendo as the crack expanded, forming a swirling vortex that pulsated with chaotic energy.

The vortex spun with incredible speed, creating a powerful suction force that pulled at everything around it. Zilong felt the ground beneath him shift and tremble, debris and loose stones being drawn towards the maelstrom. He dug his heels in, struggling to maintain his footing, but the force of the vortex was too great.

Before he could react, Zilong felt himself being lifted off the ground, his body dragged inexorably towards the vortex. He reached out, trying to grab hold of anything to anchor himself, but his fingers grasped only empty air. The pull intensified, and Zilong's new form, despite its strength and resilience, was powerless against the overwhelming force.

As he was sucked into the vortex, Zilong's vision blurred, the world around him twisting and warping in a kaleidoscope of colors and lights. The sensation was disorienting and terrifying, a feeling of being torn from reality and plunged into the unknown. He could hear the rush of wind and the roar of the vortex, mingled with the echoes of distant, unidentifiable sounds.

The pain of the transformation and the sadness of the memories he had absorbed seemed to fade into the background as the vortex consumed him. All that remained was the relentless pull and the disorienting swirl of lights and colors. Zilong's mind raced with fear and uncertainty, unsure of where the vortex was taking him or what awaited on the other side.

In an instant, he was completely enveloped by the vortex, the battlefield and the ruined landscape disappearing from view. The sensation of motion was dizzying, as if he were being propelled through a tunnel of swirling energy at unimaginable speeds. He felt his consciousness waver, the intensity of the experience threatening to overwhelm him.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the vortex released him. Zilong was flung out of the swirling maelstrom, tumbling through the air before crashing to the ground in an unfamiliar place. He lay there for a moment, dazed and disoriented, trying to make sense of what had just happened. The air was different here, the atmosphere charged with a strange energy that tingled against his skin.

As he struggled to his feet, Zilong looked around, trying to discern where the vortex had deposited him. The landscape was alien and surreal, filled with strange, otherworldly flora and structures that defied the natural laws he was accustomed to. The realization dawned on him that he was no longer in the same realm he had known.

The crack in the air had transported him to a new and unknown place, and Zilong felt a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

"Argh..what the hell happened..", Zilong said, he could not explain the phenomion that just happened to him, he was immediately teleported to an unknown location, with no information whatsoever.

[You have arrived at a nightmare dungeon complete the task to gain your reward]

His eyes widened in horror, "what..how..", Zilong was awestruck.

From the deity's memory he new that where were six levels of difficulty in a dungeon.






And the last one..


This was a nightmare dungeon.., dungeons are not actually formed naturally, a being has to let go of a particular technique, that technique being planted in reality as a seed that seed then grows to maturity and forms a dungeon.

Normally, beings venture into the immature seed to gain the technique before it fully matures earning them power and also improving their talents.

But Zilong had never seen, looking at the deity's memories of a dungeon that had the appearance of a vorex.

As Zilong looked at his surroundings, he was struck by the stark contrast to the battlefield he had just left. He found himself standing in a vast, expansive field, filled with an array of beautiful and vibrant flowers. The colors were otherworldly, hues that he had never seen before, creating a mesmerizing and almost surreal landscape.

Scattered across the field were numerous tall pillars, each one reaching high into the heavens. These pillars were made of a smooth, dark stone, their surfaces etched with intricate and glowing runes. The runes pulsed with a gentle, rhythmic light, casting an ethereal glow that added to the mystical ambiance of the place.

As far as Zilong could see, the pillars extended into the distance, forming a seemingly endless forest of towering structures. The sky above was unlike any he had ever seen. There was no Sun, yet the field was bathed in a soft, ambient light. Floating in the sky were countless little balls of white crystals, suspended in the air like celestial orbs. These crystals emitted a gentle luminescence, casting a serene and dreamlike light over the entire landscape.

The air was filled with a delicate, floral fragrance, and a gentle breeze stirred the petals of the flowers, creating a soft, rustling sound that was almost musical. The tranquility of the field was a stark contrast to the chaos and destruction of the battlefield, offering a moment of peace and reflection.

Zilong noticed that the runes on the pillars were not just random symbols, but complex and ancient scripts. They seemed to hold a latent power, a magic that resonated with the energies within him. The runes were of various shapes and sizes, each one intricately carved and glowing with a life of its own. They told stories of forgotten lore and ancient civilizations, their meanings just beyond his grasp but hinting at a deep and profound wisdom.

The little balls of white crystals floating in the sky moved slowly, drifting like celestial bodies in an unseen current. Their gentle light created a soft, shimmering effect, casting subtle shadows on the ground and adding to the surreal beauty of the scene.

As Zilong walked through the field, he felt a strange sense of calm mixed with awe. The beauty of the surroundings was almost overwhelming, a stark reminder of the mysteries and wonders of the universe. The flowers, the pillars, the runes, and the floating crystals all seemed to be part of a grand tapestry, a harmonious blend of nature and magic that transcended the ordinary.

The field stretched endlessly, inviting exploration and discovery.

But Zilong new all to well now to venture into unknown territory, especially beautiful ones..like the pagoda.

please support me and my work, it's getting hard to keep up.

immoral_saintcreators' thoughts