
Card Master Traveler

(First 16 chaps are kind of wobbly since I didn't have a proper direction i wanted to focus on) You know the gist; guy dies, reincarnates, and all that stuff Zach Madik, an average person in all aspects, after getting ran over by the legendary Truck-kun, finds himself in space. There, he was informed by an androgynous person that he won a raffle from a company, a reincarnation company to be exact. ------------------------------------- MC travels fictional worlds 1st world: MHA (WORLD IS FOCUS NOT ACADEMY) ------------------------------------- Some stuff I'd like to say: 1.) This is my first time writing and English is my 2nd language. 2.) I am doing this for fun so updates may be irregular. 3.) Mc is a mix of True and Chaotic Neutral, meaning he is someone who doesn't care about good or evil, and self-interest is the one that drives him. 4.) Pace is kinda slow. ------------------------------------- I'll try to update whenever I have free time. Cover(not mine) is Kuzuha(VTuber)

m00nflower · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs



Some stuff I'd like to make clear of:

1.) The main focus of the MHA world in this fanfic is the world, not the academy. MC will still attend UA though.

2.) There will be some R-18 scenes here and there, but powering up is more important.

3.) I tried to make a timeline for the MHA universe. You can check it out in the auxiliary chaps. There may be some errors though.

4.) The MC will sporadically travel to other worlds. Original ones.

5.) All Might is best girl.

That's all~


"Oh? Why are you back so early? Or late, if you consider the time." Said Grandma Lola, one of the nuns of the orphanage.

As it is currently nighttime, the cold air blew upon us as we enter the gates of our slightly run-down orphanage.

"Sorry about not sticking to the plan Grandma Lola, some... things happened." I said, glancing at the little girl now currently asleep in my arms.

"I see. Get some rest first, then you can tell me about it as we eat." She said as we stepped inside the two-story building.

"Zach, can you bring your new sister to her room for me? I'm going to wash up." As I spoke, I handed the girl asleep in my arms to the little boy standing quietly beside me.

"Where?" He said as he carried the little girl, princess-carry style.

"The room beside Marita's."

"Okay." He said, climbing up the creaky stairs. "Don't be too sad, you still have us you know?"

As he said that, he continued on his way up.

This kid... he really is sharp for someone his age, not that I don't appreciate the sentiment. Even though I didn't say anything and tried to hide it, it looks like he still found out my relationship with Althea's father. Coming to think of it though, it isn't that weird considering his quirk.

When Zach was about 4 months old, he would often crawl around the house, picking up various things, mainly books. At first I thought that it was just the usual baby thing, but boy was I shocked when I heard him clumsily say the title of a book he was holding at the time.


Though we were horrified that some kind of demon may have possessed him at first, when he pointed at the television, everything clicked.

Though rare, some people are born with their quirks. An example of this is the first user, known as the progenitor of quirks.

Anyways, considering the fact that Zach was already crawling by 4 months when it should take about 9, and that he was already capable of reading despite his should be weak vocal cords, we judged that his quirk must be some kind of ability that lets him grow faster physically and mentally than normal people.

If not for the existence of quirks, we would have thought that he was some kind of reincarnated person that got bored or something...

Moving on, I am currently in the bathroom, thinking about my friend.(A/N: kinda sus)

Felipe Garcia. He was a great friend of mine. Back when I just escaped from that vile and corrupted place, he was the one who took care of me and introduced me to Religion.

He even taught me the language and provided me shelter for until I found a decent job.

He was a teacher, a friend, a brother...

My silent tears fell on the floor.


After I put the sleeping girl on the bed, I tuck her in with the blanket before opening the window and jumping on a branch of the tree right beside the building.

Closing the open window, I jump down.


Landing on the ground, I stretch my wobbly legs and make my way behind the orphanage.

Arriving at an open field, I took deep breaths as I began to activate my bloodline, One For All.


[The bloodline <One For All> is responding to |Card Master|...]

[Strengthening |Card Master|...]

[Congratulations! From now on, the missions the user completes earns them double the rewards!]

[System bonus: 50,000 coins]

[Title: 'Upgrader' acquired | Effects: None]

Feeling an unknown... something inside of me, I try to move it around as I ignore the sudden burst of notifications.

As I move it around, I notice that it was quite easy to control, unlike what I expected considering Izuku Midoriya had a hard time controlling it at first.

'Is this because I was born with the quirk?' I asked to confirm.


As I thought.

Focusing the energy in my right leg, I face the thick tree behind me and kicked.


A loud and dull sound came from the tree as it slightly shook and some of its leaves fell.

Its... weaker than expected?

'In the anime and manga, didn't Izuku one-shot that giant robot? What happened to the power?'

[As the user was born with One For All, its power depends on the user's body and on how much it is practiced.]


'I understand the practice part, but what do you mean that the power depends on my body? Didn't Izuku have so much power that his body can't handle it whenever he uses OFA more than once in a body part?'

[Normally, One For All cannot be passed down through offspring. A child can be born, but they will not inherit OFA.]

[A fertilized egg containing OFA is not possible. It is only through the user's mother that it became possible.]

[As a precaution in order to not implode on itself, children born with One For All do not immediately get all the power. Instead, their power grows alongside them. The stronger the body, the stronger One For All is.]

Hmm... so that means children born with OFA have an advantage because their control over OFA will be more precise.

If I imagine One For All as mana, then that means that I, as someone born with it, is born with little, but as my body grows, so will my mana pool. It also means that it will be easier to control because my control also adapts every time my mana pool increases.

As for the normal way, it will be as if a normal person suddenly received a large pool of mana, and their control over it depends on their innate capabilities. The problem with that is that the pool of mana gets larger every time it is passed down, meaning that there will be a day where the person it gets passed down to won't be able to take it, resulting in OFA to be lost forever.

Nodding to myself for my high intellect, I tidy myself as I go back inside the orphanage to take a sleep.


"Thank you, O Lord for this meal..." I led the prayer as the others followed. "...and may we always receive your blinding grace."

"Time to eat!" Alister said right as I finished.

"Oi oi why do you get two hotdogs?!" Nito complained to Alister, who took two hotdogs out of the center plate.

"It's because my 'hotdog' is bigger than yours, PUHAHAHA!" Said Alister before he was chopped in the head by Grandma Lola.

"Don't talk about those things while eating breakfast."

Seeing the display, I laughed heartily.

We are currently eating breakfast, all 9 of us in a large round table with our food on plates.

"What did you do at the city Head Priest Juan?! And did you buy any souvenirs for us?" Joaquin excitedly said on his seat.

As he said those words, everybody else stopped what they were doing, looking at me with various gazes.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I said,

"Unfortunately, we had an emergency and didn't have enough time to buy souvenirs for you guys..."

As I said that, they became visibly disappointed, looking like they lost their energy.

"EHH?!" Came the word that I was expecting to hear, albeit from a different source.

"...What do you mean by 'EHH', I wasn't gonna give you one anyway, Marita." I looked at her weirdly.

"Haha, it's okay Father Juan. Won't this mean that next year's souvenir will be twice as expensive?" Takeo said as he stuffed his mouth with a hotdog.

"OHH! You're so smart Takeo! I didn't think of that!" Alister complimented, causing Takeo to puff his chest out proudly.

"Pfft, probably because you never use your brain." Nito casually said while pointing at his head and rotating his finger.

"Heh, big words for someone who peed on his bed last night." Countered Alister, who was now curiously looking at the little girl sitting right beside Zach, who appeared to be thinking of something.

At those words, the atmosphere became lively yet again as we talked about various topics.

"Who is this kid Father Juan?" Alister said before he gasped. "Don't tell me... she's your child?!"

As he said those words, everyone else had shock on their faces while those who knew looked amused.

"B-But Head Priest Juan... you're a priest... y-you can't." Takeo worriedly said as the others also voiced out their concerns.

Feeling a headache kicking in, I rub my head with my palms before telling them the full story.

"I see, so you lost parents because of your awakening huh? Don't worry, you're not alone." Said Takeo to Althea.

"Yeah, all of us here have lost one thing or another, so I guess all of us here lost something?" Alister remarked.

"You just repeated your point you idiot."

At those words, Althea smiled slightly and continued on eating her food. Everyone else laughed as we continue on munching our breakfast.

About 5 minutes later, everyone else finished eating as they put their plates near the sink.

As they went to do their various chores, I felt a tap on my back and notice Zach looking up at me.

"Hmm? Is there something you need?" I asked curiously, wondering what Zach wants. He only ever calls me when he wants to come with to the supermarket or—

"I need some more books."

...Right. When he wants some books.

"Sure, what kind of book do you want?"

We have some spare money after all.

"I want the volume 2 of this." He said, showing me a small pocketbook with the title: 'English to Japanese and Japanese to English'.

"You already finished it?" I asked, quite surprised at how fast he read it. "You already understand all that's written in there?"

Learning Japanese is not easy at all, and even I, a native, still make mistakes sometimes. Some say I'm just an idiot but I ignore them.

Anyways, the first volume of this guidebook is all about the basic everyday things; greetings, suffixes, and the like.

"Yes, I've already memorized everything." He said, looking a little smug about it. He had that look that he accomplished something that he always wanted to try.

"Oh? Then what does 'Ohayo-"

*knock* *knock*

Before I got to finish my sentence, we heard a sudden knock on the main door as we looked at each other for a moment before making our way to it.

"Yes! Coming!"

Opening the main door, we see a beautiful woman, her two-toned pink and dark blue hair tied into a ponytail, and was wearing what seems to be a hero costume, judging by its design.

"Good morning, is this where Juan Rodriguez-san lives?" The woman said, her expression serious.

From her clumsy Tagalog and use of an honorific, I quickly surmised that she was Japanese, the same as me.

I was just about to say 'Yes, how may I help you?' in Japanese, but I remembered that someone else needs to prove that they know the language.

"Hey Zach, it seems that a Japanese foreigner has come to visit us, can you tell me what to say?"

He nodded his head and beckoned with his hand for me to lean down a bit. Placing his mouth near my ears, he whispered,

"Boku no chinchin wa chisaii"

This kid...

I think we all already know what that means

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

m00nflowercreators' thoughts