
Card Master Traveler

(First 16 chaps are kind of wobbly since I didn't have a proper direction i wanted to focus on) You know the gist; guy dies, reincarnates, and all that stuff Zach Madik, an average person in all aspects, after getting ran over by the legendary Truck-kun, finds himself in space. There, he was informed by an androgynous person that he won a raffle from a company, a reincarnation company to be exact. ------------------------------------- MC travels fictional worlds 1st world: MHA (WORLD IS FOCUS NOT ACADEMY) ------------------------------------- Some stuff I'd like to say: 1.) This is my first time writing and English is my 2nd language. 2.) I am doing this for fun so updates may be irregular. 3.) Mc is a mix of True and Chaotic Neutral, meaning he is someone who doesn't care about good or evil, and self-interest is the one that drives him. 4.) Pace is kinda slow. ------------------------------------- I'll try to update whenever I have free time. Cover(not mine) is Kuzuha(VTuber)

m00nflower · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

The World Is Far Larger Than You Think

"May I inquire the reason for your visit?" Said Juan as he sat on the couch. "Ah, please have a seat."

Gesturing at another couch opposite him, Juan thought of the reasons on why a hero, and a Japanese one at that, was doing at their house as he signaled Zach to bring some refreshments.

"Thanks." Kaina said as she sat down and looked around the place. "I was thinking of adopting a child, about 4 to 5 years old."

'She's lying.'

Head Priest Juan thought to himself as his heart rate started to slightly pick up its pace. 'Could she be... from the Commission...?'

As he thought of that, he instinctively thought of ways to escape. 'Do I take her out? …too risky. Escape through the window? …possible. What about..."


The sound of a metal tray being placed down woke him up from his thoughts as he looked up at Zach, who is currently talking with the Hero lady, though she seemed a little hesitant about it.

Looking at the scene, realization hit him.

'What am I doing?' He thought. 'I have a family now! Even if I escape, what would be the point?! Pull yourself together, Juan!!"

As he thought of that, Zach was trying to make a conversation with Lady Nagant, someone he saw in the manga.

'Hmm... She's still wearing her hero costume, so she hasn't switched sides yet.'

"Haha, no need to be so stiff, miss. Although still a child, because of his quirk, Zach is more mature than someone his age." Juan said, now calmer than before.

Kaina seemed to notice this as well, and it made her confused.

'The hell happened? Judging by his reaction earlier, he should've noticed something...'

"Zach, would you please step out? I have something to talk about with this lady here." Juan said.

Though skeptical, Zach nodded his head and stepped outside the room. He made sure to slightly open the door though, so that he can see and listen to their conversation.

"So? How's the HPSC doing? Still the same?" Juan asked with a smile on his face.

"!!!" Kaina was shocked. 'How did he notice?'

"Aha, so you really were from the HPSC." Juan said as he observed her reaction. "What did they send you here for...?"

Though still shocked, Kaina calmed herself down as she became alert and replied,

"Why should I tell you?"

"Haha, fair point." Juan chuckled as he—


Did a dogeza on the floor.

Seeing the man, Kaina jumped back, thinking that the man was about to use his quirk.


After a few seconds, just as Kaina was getting skeptical, Juan spoke.

"Please, I beg you." His voice was solemn. "Just me. Please kill just me and don't touch my family."

He said with tears in his eyes.

Shocked yet again, Kaina lowered her stance and had an incredulous look on her beautiful face.

"Family? You had a family even though you're a criminal?! Do you not feel guilty for all of those sins you've committed?!" She shouted. Normally she would have been more calm about the situation, but the fact that she currently has a lot on her mind, coupled with the fact that she was tired from travelling from Japan to here, resulted in her needing something to vent it out on.

Juan, upon hearing this nodded his head.

"Yes, it is as you say-" Juan paused as he processed Kaina's words. "...Criminal? Yes, I may have killed people, but those were villains and corrupt heroes that was ordered by the HSPC President…"



'What the hell? Why did HP Juan suddenly do a dogeza?' Zach thought.


"So you were a pro-hero? But why did I not hear of you back then?" Kaina asked, not knowing that her words hit a sore spot.

They were now back at their seats, and Juan had just finished explaining that he was a runaway from the HSPC.

"Never mind that, why did you mistake me for a criminal?" Juan asked, though he already had an idea about it.

"About that..." In a calm manner, Kaina explained the mission that was assigned to her by the President.

"As I thought..." Juan stroked his beardless chin. "Who is the current president anyway?"

"Atama Outta." Kaina said as she clenched her fists, angry at having been fooled. (A/N: idk the president's name so i just made it up)

"Him? The Vice-President?" Juan said as he took a cookie from the tray. "Want some cookies?"

"No thanks." Kaina curtly said before asking the question that has been bugging her mind since earlier. "How did you survive? Wasn't it hard?"

"Hm? Survive what?" Juan asked, confused.

"Seeing the other side." Kaina seriously said.

Hearing the question, Juan habitually put his hand in his pockets before chuckling lightly to himself. 'Ah right, I quit smoking...'

"What's your name again, miss?"

"Kaina Tsutsumi."

"Right, do you have someone special in your life, Tsutsumi-san?" Asked Juan. "It could be a lover, a family member, an idol... anyone you treat differently from the rest."

Kaina thought for a moment before shaking her head, slightly embarrassed about it.

"Then that's your problem." Juan took a bite of the cookie. "You see, Tsutsumi-san, in life, especially in our kind of work, if you don't have someone who supports you, someone you could talk your problems to, or at least someone you could vent on, you'll eventually change for the worst."

Juan paused for a moment, letting his words sink in.

"Because in the end, we humans are social creatures." Juan took another bite of the cookie. "No matter how grand your goals are, how determined you are to something, or how mentally strong you are, you can't live life alone."

As Kaina listened on, the more Juan's words made sense.

"But what if I don't find someone like that?... My hands are stained with blood... Will anyone even accept someone like me?" Kaina said with a sad smile on her face.

Juan looked straight into Kaina's eyes and said seriously,

"Tsutsumi-san, the world is far larger than you think." Juan paused as he reminisced. "If even someone like me was accepted, what's stopping you?"

Though she still had some concerns, Kaina nodded her head.

After that, they talked more regarding Kaina's current mission and Kaina found out that the rest from the "runaways" list were former staff who embezzled money and are most likely living the life somewhere here in the Philippines, according to Juan.

"Come to think of it, if they assigned you to assassinate us, why did you agree to come inside the house?" Juan said. "Shouldn't you have a long-range quirk? I mean, most assassins do."

"Yes, I do have a long-ranged quirk. It's just, when I peeked at a window, saw the children..." Kaina paused and looked at Zach, who was standing beside her. "...and how happy they were, I had to confirm."

Hearing that, Juan smiled and said,

"I see-"

"I'm not a child." Though Zach couldn't understand what they were saying as they were talking in Japanese, the moment Kaina said 'children', which was one of the few words he knew, and then looked at him, he understood a little.

Upon hearing Zach's statement, which was also in Japanese, Juan and Kaina were surprised. He didn't stutter, the wordings were perfect, and even the accent was the same!

Upon seeing their dumbfounded faces, Zach had a smug look on his face as he put both hands on his waist.

As he was too absorbed in their conversation earlier, Juan hadn't noticed Zach entering the room. Though Juan thought that he was getting rusty, the truth was that Zach often practiced sneaking out of the house, which, combined with his talent, resulted in this.

He was still noticed by Kaina though.

* "Didn't I tell you to step out? What are you doing here?" Juan 'gently' smiled as he questioned Zach. (A/N: * means it's in Tagalog.)

Zach, upon noticing that 'gentle' smile, got 'scared' and used this chance to snuggle Kaina as he pointed at Juan and said one of the first Japanese phrases that he learned.

"His penis is small!"


Shocked yet again, Juan was speechless as Kaina thought in her mind,

'Cute.' Looking at the boy hugging her, she thought that he was cute. With his unkempt white hair, charming red eyes, small fingers, and childish voice, she had an urge to pat the boy on the head.

But just as she was about to pat him, thoughts of all the people she killed flooded her mind, conjuring an illusion of blood flowing down her outstretched arm, resulting in her to jerk it back in reflex.

Zach, upon noticing this, took her right hand's palm, placed it on his head, and softly said,

"Don't worry. I accept you."


Upon hearing the boy's words and looking at his eyes, Kaina felt her eyes turn watery as she stroked the boy's head while wiping her eyes with her other palm.

Looking at the scene, Juan felt his heart jump in pride at having raised such a boy.

In Zach case, he doesn't really mind, in fact he even welcomed it.


After talking for a while, Zach was tasked by Head Priest Juan to send Kaina out, which he was currently doing. Earlier, Kaina said that she would visit the orphanage again after completing her mission.

"Good luck, Kaina nee-san." Zach said as they reached the gates.

Upon hearing what Zach said, Kaina stopped walking.

Looking up at her face, Zach saw a smile that melted his heart.

With the morning sun as her background, Kaina Tsutsumi smiled genuinely for the first time in a long while.


Nee-san, huh? Doesn't sound too bad.

After sending Kaina nee-san out, I thought of the things that I have to do.

Hmm, I have to talk to Head Priest Juan about that... Check the system for those notifs yesterday... check on Althea... and get the A-rank skill... Yep, that's pretty much all of it.

Opening the main door, I step inside and wander around the house to find Althea.

Upon noticing that Althea was playing with the others behind the orphanage building, I smiled slightly and went to my room.

Opening the wooden door and stepping inside, I was greeted by the sight of a large room, with four bunk beds, placed for each corner, with one of them half occupied by clothes. Various toys were littered around the place, and a fairly large rectangular low table was placed right in the middle. You could also see 5 cabinets that has been doodled with.

Plopping down on one of the beds, I reach out to the system to summon the A-rank skill card.


[(A) King of Hearts - King Charles, The Suicide King]

- Live as King Charles for a year.

- May learn the skill {(A) Sacrifice}.


'How long will I be gone this time?' I ask the system.

[4 hours.]

Hmm... but judging by the time I spent in my soul, it should be.... oh well.


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