
Card Master Traveler

(First 16 chaps are kind of wobbly since I didn't have a proper direction i wanted to focus on) You know the gist; guy dies, reincarnates, and all that stuff Zach Madik, an average person in all aspects, after getting ran over by the legendary Truck-kun, finds himself in space. There, he was informed by an androgynous person that he won a raffle from a company, a reincarnation company to be exact. ------------------------------------- MC travels fictional worlds 1st world: MHA (WORLD IS FOCUS NOT ACADEMY) ------------------------------------- Some stuff I'd like to say: 1.) This is my first time writing and English is my 2nd language. 2.) I am doing this for fun so updates may be irregular. 3.) Mc is a mix of True and Chaotic Neutral, meaning he is someone who doesn't care about good or evil, and self-interest is the one that drives him. 4.) Pace is kinda slow. ------------------------------------- I'll try to update whenever I have free time. Cover(not mine) is Kuzuha(VTuber)

m00nflower · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Coming into terms

Hey guys, was the last chapter too much? Cause I felt that it was...

Sorry if you felt uncomfortable, but that was the reason I wrote that part in the first place.

I thought that I could have handled it better.

I wanted the mc to experience the epitome of human evil. And what better way to do that than to throw him into a medieval-like world? Granted, it wasn't explicitly shown that he was thrown into one, but you get the idea.

Anyways, I probably won't write that kind of stuff any longer.



Hello there.

The name's Lig. Lig Maballs.

Leader of The Rat Circle, a crime syndicate. The biggest and baddest gang in town. The peak of human cruelty, the harbinger of chaos, the—

"BOSS LIGMA BALLS!" Shouted a member of mine as he dashed inside the room I was staying at.

"You ASSWIPE! How many times do I have to goddamn tell you that It's LIG—MABALLS!" I shouted, outraged at this member's mistake. "And what if the others misunderstand what you're saying, HUHH?! Just call me boss, you INCEL!"

"S-Sorry about that, boss..." The member bowed his head in fear.

"Tsk. What are you here for anyway?" I asked as I light up a cigarette.

"A-Ah right! Boss, we're being attacked! W-We need to escape before we're all killed! We need to-"


I slap the member on his forehead to calm him down.

"Calm down, rookie." I said calmly as I puff out a smoke. "This isn't the first time we've been attacked. Report it orderly. What's the method of attack? How many were killed?"

The rookie's eyes shone as he looked at my calm visage.

"As expected of our boss, Ligma Balls!" He said.

I raise my right hand threateningly.

"Ah! I-I mean, as expected of our supreme and absolute leader, Lig—Maballs!" He hastily said as he bowed his head yet again.

Haah~ Kids these days have no spine at all...

"So? What about your report?"

"Ah right!" The kid said cheerily before his expression slowly darkened. "I-It's a sniper, boss. But not just any sniper, s-sometimes the bullets would curve, and even if we hide behind walls, the bullets would hit the same spot, eventually taking down the wall and the ones hiding behind it..."

Hearing the rookie's report, I closed my eyes for half a minute as I thought about various scenarios before asking,

"How many are left? And where?"

Tsk, I guess soundproofing the room has its drawbacks...

"A-Aside from you and me boss, there were only 3 of them before I-I ran here to report. A-And because we just ate breakfast, everyone waited at the front yard for your orders, boss." The member said, his head down.

Throwing down the cigarette and crushing it with my foot, I walk forward to the door as I said,

"Let's go, rookie."

"Y-Yes!" The rookie said before following closely behind me.

Striding towards the main entrance of this abandoned building, I think about all the people who, if given the chance, would attack our base.

The government? No... sometimes they even pay for us to kidnap people... An alliance of all the nearby gangs maybe? But judging from what the rookie said... Then, vigilantes? Nah, they're practically gone in this day and age... As for the heroes... hah! Those corrupt assholes won't go anywhere without the public anyways... then that leaves us with...

Avengers or Bounty Hunters. Tsk.

We have a ton of enemies after all, not just from rich families, but from ordinary citizens as well. Who knows how many we've offended? But at least avengers are easy to taunt and would rather die along the way compared to those damn bounty hunters.

Bounty hunters, as their name suggests, hunt for money. They're not from your usual government secret service or dark web though, they come from the other side.

Do you ever wonder where all of the people whose quirks are not in any way acceptable to society live?

The people whose quirks bring harm to themselves and to those around them? The people whose quirks made them turn into bloodthirsty criminals, sex-crazed maniacs, and/or obsessed freaks?

Yes, all around the world, there are institutions and facilities dedicated to helping those slighted by their quirks, but those are few and inefficient. They alone are not enough.

That's why the other side exists.

It may seem unrealistic, but are quirks supposed to be realistic in the first place?

If quirks were guns, then out of more than 8,000,000,000 people, do you think that All Might and All For One alone have bazookas? What about those with missiles? Nukes? Nuclear bombs?

…Well technically they're not guns, but you get my point.

How do I know all of this you ask? Why its because-


Hearing a gunshot, I quicken my pace as I look back and...

Where's the rookie?!

D-Don't tell me he run away...?!

"DAMMIT! The nerve of that brat..." I gnash my teeth as I quickened my pace even more, just in time to see a bullet piercing through one of my members' head, making him fall down. Worse, the holed wall he was hiding behind fell on top of him, smashing his corpse.

"Zark Muckerberg!"

"No...! You still owe me a 20, Zark! How would I buy my furry porn now?!"

The two remaining members of my syndicate cried out as Zark Muckerberg, an outstanding member of mine, died.

"You two get behind me, quick!" I shouted as I activated my quirk, |Indestructible Wall|.

In front of me, a 15 meters tall and 15 meters wide transparent wall appeared out of thin air, though I was the only one who could see it.

Well... instead of a wall, it's more of a sheet... but it's indestructible nonetheless. It also levitates slightly, so that when I walk forward, it levitates forward too. My only weakness is that it only activates in the direction where my whole body faces; meaning I'm weak on my flanks and rear.

That's why I had them get behind me. But judging from all these corpses that I see, it seems that all of it's been done by a single person.

"It's Boss Ligma!"

"We're saved... thanks, Boss Balls!"

Ignoring the two idiots, I scanned the area once again.

Holed walls, and corpses either shot in the head or in the heart... judging by that shot from earlier, even if he ran, the sniper should still be near his position... and with these kinds of bullets, he should be about a kilometer away...

I feel a chill upon my spine as I finish my inspection.

At least a kilometer away, with walls and curves in between, yet all of them only took one shot?... W-what the hell...? Not to mention the walls were cleanly penetrated...

That's gotta be some kind of homing quirk, you can't convince me otherwise.

Anyways, the reason I concluded that there's only one person is that the alarms haven't gone off yet. You see, we have a person whose quirk lets him know when someone he doesn't recognize steps inside something he considers as a base, so... wait...

The guy's already dead...




Before I got to finish my sentence, I heard two gunshots behind me as I felt two bodies thud on the ground.

"Put your hands in the air and don't move." Came a clear, businesswoman-like voice from behind me. "I know your quirk, don't do anything stupid."


There were two of them huh... I was too overconfident it seems.


Is it finally my time?

"Since when?" I asked as I raise both of my hands up.

"The moment you stepped out the room."

"I see."

Sorry for doubting you, rookie.



After shooting the leader, Kaina's serious expression remained the same as she took out a small phone out of a pocket of her hero costume. Typing the password in, she exited the app that she used to make her spare sniper rifle fire itself.

Earlier, she paused her sniping when she noticed that there were only about 6 people left. And using an app, she connected her spare sniper rifle to her phone, allowing it to be controlled from afar. After she set up the place, she went down the rooftop of the high-rise building she was sniping at and sprinted to the syndicate's hideout while using her phone to fire shots.

She arrived about 8 minutes later, just in time to see a person running inside the hideout itself. And so, she sneaked inside by entering a window, and you know the rest.

'Next on the mission are the runaways, huh?' She thought as she made her way back to the high-rise building.

'Speaking of runaways, that old man said some pretty good advice.' She thought as she cleaned herself with a towel. 'Find someone special, huh.'

The face of a white-haired boy briefly passed through her mind but she quickly shook her head.

'What am I thinking about? I can't involve a kid in my kind of work, it would ruin his future.'

Arriving at the rooftop, she disassembled the tripod and the sniper rifle and put it in a backpack along with the pistol that she used earlier.

Kaina lit a cigarette as she headed to her next mission.


Meanwhile, on Zach's side...

" *sigh* It's been three months..." I said, exasperated. "Then that means it's been an hour back home..."

Laying down on my kingly bed, I let out a sigh yet again as I thought about my duties as a king.

Well... I say duties but all I do is listen to nobles complain and sign some documents... it seems like the pope does everything else.

Speaking of that damn pope, because of his manipulations, Charles, this previous body's owner, declared a 'holy war' on the Spades Kingdom. Because of that, I'm hated by almost each and every citizen of this kingdom. On the other hand though, the nobles started sucking up to me even more, saying my decision was wise, and that the Spades Kingdom's existence disparage the Goddess or something like that.

Doesn't take a genius to find out what they're thinking.


I miss my world.

Found a nice manga, it's called Soumatoh Kabushikigaishac~

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

m00nflowercreators' thoughts