

Waking up from getting wasted last night, Kristofer groaned.

The sudden brightness made his sight behind his eyelids turn red. Taking his time to get his senses back, Kristofer slowly opened his eyes. The room felt like spinning and his head was pounding like crazy.

"Is this why you keep skipping work, Kristofer?" Hearing his mother's stern voice, Kristofer wanted to throw the blanket over him and pretend he didn't hear her.

He wanted to go back to sleep and deal with her later.

However, despite the pounding of his head, he knew that there was no way he could escape his mother. It was better for him to deal with her right now than wait for later. Her mood can change and it might not be good news for him.

"You are also to blame, Mother. I know you know what I mean." Kristofer claimed, pushing himself to sit.

His head was about to crack.

"I did what I know would be best."