

"Jake," Nikki greeted, the former giving her cheek kisses.

"You rather look radiant," Jake commented, joining her at the dining table of the Roswells.

Ever since Jacob found out about her pregnancy, he took extra careful measures to take care of Nikki. He knew of her eating habits and wanted to do something about it. Now that she was no longer eating for herself alone, he needed her to feed herself properly.

"Thank you. You look dashing as always. But, not as dashing as my husband though."

Jacob laughed, joining the two by the table. Their parents were out. But Mrs. Roswell already saw to it that breakfast was ready for her sons and Nikki.

The smell of freshly fried egg and ham wafted through Nikki's nose. She watched Jacob fill her glass with the orange juice and place a toast on her plate.

He smiled warmly upon catching Nikki's stare.

"Thank you." Nikki mouthed to Jacob.