
Capture an angel to be my wife

This is an extremely free game world where you can do anything you want. After entering the game, Alexander surprisingly captured an angel to be his wife (pet). With the help of the angel, his gaming career became even more exciting.

DaoistpjUWEL · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

A dragon egg!

Don't even mention that Alice didn't believe it.

Actually, Alexander didn't believe it either.

Because Alice was indeed too delicate.

Being a magic-based profession, how could she have any strength?

To carry him and fly up to the dragon's nest would be like carrying a person up to the 30th floor.

It's not an easy task at all!

Of course.

Believe in miracles.

Like right now.

Conjuring a miracle.

"What did you do to me, you bad guy!"

Alice, without resting for two seconds, angrily went to find Alexander.

However, at this moment, Alexander didn't pay any attention to Alice but made a gesture.


Alice was startled.

Looking up.


In an instant, Alice couldn't help but open her cherry lips and let out a soul-shivering cry.

Appearing before Alexander and Alice was a huge, glittering cave.

Inside the cave, various shiny jewels filled the place, making the whole cave glow with brilliance.

The dragon's greed for treasure was displayed to the fullest here.

"Did we just become rich?"

Alice flew over, and in her blue eyes, two sheep-like characters were clearly written.

"Do you still feel tired now?" Alexander asked.

"I think I can still fly 100 meters!" Alice shook her head like a breaker drum.

"Take whatever you like, don't be polite with me!"

Alexander said generously.

"Who's being polite with you? It's not even yours in the first place!"

Alice said discontentedly, but her voice was still sweet.

At this moment, the evil dragon happened to leave. If they took the items away now, no one could stop Alexander and Alice.

The pile of jewels in front of them was three meters high, like a small hill.

Alexander walked over, casually picked up a piece of jewelry, and took a close look.

[Name]: Silver Moon

[Level]: Silver

[Attack]: 10

[Magic Attack]: 10

[Hidden Attribute]: Charm + 2

Not bad, not bad!

Alexander tried to put it on his neck.

[Wearing Failed! You do not meet the requirements for wearing. Wearing Requirement: Female!]

At this moment, the system's voice was quite annoying.

What's wrong with being female? Do you look down on men or what!

Besides, can't I even try it?


Damn, rip-off!

Alexander had no choice but to give up, threw down the necklace, and picked up a pair of shoes to take a look.

[Name]: Windwalker Boots

[Level]: Gold

[Armor]: 24

[Magic Resistance]: 16

[Agility]: 5

[Hidden Attribute]: Constitution 12, Speed 12

[Skill]: Chasing Wind (Increase movement speed by 5% for 10 seconds, cooldown time: 1 hour)

Good stuff!

Without thinking, Alexander quickly put on the shoes.

The Swift Boots, worn for less than a day, And they were thrown by Alexander into the pile of jewels in front of him.

After putting on the shoes,

Alexander went to select other equipment.

Character equipment includes headgear, face accessories, clothes, pants, arms, belts, necklaces, rings, bracelets, and belts.

And the most important thing - weapons.

Alexander put on all the equipment he could wear.

He chose a dagger for his weapon.

[Name]: Soul Eater

[Level]: Dark Gold

[Attack]: 60-100

[Magic Attack]: 10

[Armor]: 10

[Magic Resistance]: 10

[Hidden Attribute]: Critical Hit 10, Accuracy 10, Critical Damage 10%

[Skill]: Soul Eater (When hitting the target, deals Soul Eater damage. Soul Eater damage is 100% of the poison, bleeding, burning, and other damage you have inflicted on the target.)

Alexander held the dagger in his hand, feeling something was wrong.

Until that annoying system voice sounded again.

[Wearing Failed! Equipment level not reached, minimum equipment level: Level 10, class restriction: Thief!]


He hadn't changed his class yet!

Alexander could only watch such a good item, but couldn't put it on.

And this dagger was the only Dark Gold equipment he found.

There were other equipment as well, but they were mostly Silver and Gold equipment.

More items were forging stones, such as mica stones, gold marrow stones, cinnabar stones, etc.

Even if he wanted to take these things away, he couldn't.

For example, Alice, who was sitting on the gold and silver jewels, worrying.

"What's wrong, not happy?" Alexander asked knowingly.

"Woo!" Tears rained down from Alice's eyes.

"I can't carry it!"

Alice, holding various gold and silver jewels in her arms, was about to cry.

Although she was a level 60 mage, mages' attributes were mostly focused on intelligence, with no strength.

No strength means no carrying capacity.

No carrying capacity means you can't carry things!

Equipment happens to be the most weight-consuming.

Wearing it on yourself won't take up carrying capacity.

Once placed in the system backpack, it will consume carrying capacity.

Alexander was only at level 1, with only 4 points of strength, and 1 point of strength equals 10 points of carrying capacity.

He could only carry up to 40 points of weight.

The weight of weapons is basically above 40, and the weight of jewelry is between 10-20.

For example, the Soul Eater dagger weighs 40.

Since he couldn't wear it, Alexander could only carry the dagger by putting it in his backpack.

But once he put it in,

He couldn't take away any other items.

"This is too torturous!"

Alexander looked at the treasures filling the cave and could only hold his aching heart, sighing.

Suddenly, Alice, who was sitting on the hill of gold and silver, let out an exclamation.

"Hey, you! Look, what is that?"

Alice flew to the top of the gold and silver jewels, pointing to a spot in the center and calling out.

Due to the angle, Alexander hadn't climbed up to see yet.

Upon hearing Alice's voice,

Alexander stepped on a pile of equipment and bent over to grope his way up.

In the center of the gold and silver jewel pile, there was a distinct recess!

And in the recess, a light green dragon egg lay!

"This is..."

Alexander stared in amazement!

A dragon egg!

It's a dragon egg!