
Starting The Journey

They started the journey immediately. They knew Alex would attack them at once after knowing about their magical disappearance. They started in a horse-carriage. The horses were quite speedy and sturdy for such kind of adventures. Roma was caressing her belly in her hands while Cassi and Mike were making out shamelessly. She turned her head to the left. Mike should not do that infront of her. She was condemning him in her mind while her pregnant belly was glowing like a star. After wearing the magical locket she could not hide her heavily pregnant belly anymore. She was already been f**ked by her three mates and gave birth to one of their child. Yet she was pregnant till now!!! How could it be ever possible??!!! Would she be remain ever pregnant like this forever??!!!

She held Nick's hand too tightly when she felt a strong kick in her stomach. Her babies were kicking her just now. Small footsteps were to be seen in her lower abdomen area. Even the most worried Nicholus could notice that and he felt fatherly tug in his heart by seeing this wonderful sight in his eyes.

"Easy tigers. Easy on Mommy." Nick told his babies and affectionately kissed Roma's head with tenderness. She felt loved and with a flustered face she let her head on his broad chest. She knew now by heart that even if her other two mates would deceive her and cheat on her with their current mates, this Alpha werewolf would never leave her side till his deathtime. She felt her heart fluttered by just the thought of it. She was now in desperately in love with Nicholus. Her Nicholus. Just her Nicholus.


Meeting With Tree Monsters

At the end of midnight their carriage stopped abruptly. The boys get curious to know the reason and they dropped out of it.

At that point Cassandra threatened Roma - "Stay away from my Mike. He is mine now."

Roma looked at her very dismissively and told her - "Don't worry. Mike is yours. He is just my friend and that's all."

Casandra hissed on her - "That's better for you. Unless I will torn you apart."

Roma looked at her sternly and answered too coldly - "You don't need to do anything to me. Neither Alex nor Mike are my mates anymore. Alex is now Alicia's mate and Mike is yours."

"Good for you" - Cassi snapped at her.

"Good for you too." Roma snapped back to her.

"Get out you both." Nicholus shouted at them.

"And stop fighting each other." Mike screamed too.

Cassi slipped out and Roma took sometimes to get up as her body was quite heavy to rise instantly. By holding two sides of her carriage she ultimately get up and came out with her heavily pregnant body. Nicholus stretched his hands to hold her hands that she gratefully took lightly.

Nick held her waist tightly and helped her to get out of the carriage. She blushed hard by this simple caring attitude of his.

"What happened?" Roma asked him.

Mike pointed out to the flocks of trees in the far end. They look more lively than other trees.

They did not have any leave on them just the bare branches.

"What is the speciality of this trees?" She asked them.

"They were not just trees, they were Romux, the famous tree monsters of this forbidden garden." Nicholus answered calmly.

"What they do?" She asked him.

"They drew bloods from any living creatures. Their stems are their claws and their longest branches are their nails." Mike explained this time.

"Hmm, then why you called us out? They can attack us at any moment. It's better if we stay inside the carriage." She told them.

"No it is not at all a good idea. Because of their super strength they could throw any carriage upside down." Nick informed her.

Ramona looked at the tree monsters in shock. Now what to do??!!!


Fighting With Tree Monsters

The tree truncks were huge and their bare branches were hissing around them. The tree monsters were so long that their heads to tows could not be visible at all. They had two separate holes in their truncks that looked like two red burning eyes of each monsters.

"We have to run towards their truncks, so that they could not grab us." Nick told that to all of them.

"But don't they get hold of all of us if we run towards them? Why don't we run exactly at the opposite side?" Roma asked him.

"We can't. They will get us in any minute." Mike answered to her while Nick nodded his head in agreement.

"Then you get up on my shoulder. I would try to protect you at any cost." Nick told him.

"But.." Roma tried to protest but Nick was not listening at all. He held her legs tightly so that she could ride over him. Mike helped her to ride safely. Casandra glared at her but she ignored it as she had no time to pay attention to her jealous attitude. At this pressing moment they needed to survive first of all.

Roma clutched Nick's shoulder tightly. Her belly was too heavy to ride on his muscular back. Even if Nicholus looked quite sturdy and strong but could he endure so much pressure on him??!!

As if reading her mind Nick assured her - "You are underestimating me, honey. You have no knoweldge of the agility of an werewolf."

She seemed assure and they made a move to run. Cassandra run first and then Mike also followed her. Nick backed up for twenty feets and then run quite straight to the tallest and strongest looking tree monsters.

Casandra volts on a weak tree and smashed his branch with her sword. Other branches hissed on her and tried to grab on her. She swinged her sword over her head fanatically for some times before releasing a fatal blow on the three branches rushing towards her with great force. One of them cut off with a swoosh sound and other two swipted off and flied to at least three meters over the thin air over their head. The trunk of the angry tree monsters screamed aloud and it stroke fast on her. She thrusted her sword in great force inside the two holes looking like eyeholes and bloods started to pour down instantly. She kicked its trunk with such force that it bursted open and burned down in the next moment.

"She was a great fighter." Nick appreciated her fighting capability which bewildered Mike and Roma too.