
Invisible Man Following Her

Inside A Closet

"What do you want??!!" She shouted in agony. "Kindly leave me alone."

She was telling this to the unknown man or boy now sitting over her. She was in now her restroom closet to change her dress when an invisible man grabbed her from behind and closed the door of the closet. She tried to yell but could not as his hand was shutting her mouth while the another hand was pressing its thumb deep inside her pussy. She was trying to kick that invisible pervert but could not match with his agility. she opened her eyes big when she realized something big and massive than a thumb was inserting into her. She tried to lift her hands to scratch his eyes out but that pervert tore down her neck area and bit on her breasts with such a force that pool of blood came down from both of them.

"Let me go, you pervert." She screamed aloud but before that sharpest fangs entered into her soft skin of neck and she lost her senses. In this way she lost her virginity and her consciousness once again.


Inside A Coffin

When she woke up she was sleeping inside a coffin tugged by a pale strong arm around her shoulders. She lifted her head to look at the face. The man's complexion was fair yet pale as a ghost. His face looked totally bloodless. She tried to lift her body in vain. He had been hugging her too tightly. She then lowered her face but what she saw sent a chill in her vein. Her eyes popped out of her respective eye sockets. She was lying there stark naked!!! Not a single piece of cloth was on her body!!! She suddenly felt wet inside her sensitive part and hot erections coming out of her legs.

She touched her most sensitive part and then in the next second she gasped again in sheer shock. A massive manhood was still struck in her and from their hot erections were flowing down through her legs.

What the f**k??!!! She yelled aloud but none answered her.

Hot tears came down her cheeks and her eyes got instantly moisted. She then closed her tired eyes too tightly and drifted into a peaceless sleep.

At the night time, her sleep broke. She felt a hot urgent hungry touch on her both lips. She flutterd her eyes open to see that the same pale-faced man was kissing her in hunger. She tried to break free from his embrace but again failed this time. He licked her lips with his hot tongue and without giving any reason of his such outrageous behavior, just uttered this sentence in most seductive voice in between his hungry kisses -

"I missed you. And I want you to be mine. Not only now but forever."

Her brain did not comprehend the importance of such declaration. She did not know him at all. She had no memory of him, yet her body reciprocated so vulnerably to his touches. It meant only one thing. She must have known him before and they had already done this type of intimate love-making beforehand.


In Her Bed

When she closed her eyes too tightly to try hard not to focus the budding pain in her lower body, she was uncertain what was then going with her and why. She was a mere 16 years old girl who had no previous experience of such thing. She did not know how to cope up with the pain. She was so naive that she did not understand the urgency of realeasing her tension and forgot to reach to her climax.

She struggled and lifted her both hands to struggle with that pale-faced pervert. But to her astonishment, she was now lying in her own bed at the dormitary. She lifted her head and pinched on her left hand with her right one so forcefully that it got swollen instantly.

She was now sanguine that those were just nightmares. She lifted herself from the bed and saw she was lying there with her night clothes. She sighed hard and tried to get up from the bed to go to the restroom. But she fell down on the floor with a thud with a throbbing pain in her lower abdomen.

"Aahh" She tried to scream but closed her own mouth so that none could hear it. She did not know what was dream and what was reality. And she would dare to tell anyone about her night-time rondevu. She wiped her hot tears and made a promise to herself that she would surely avenge her insult from that invisible man at any cost. She had to avenge it. No, she was not scared a bit of him. His invisibility was his strength of course, but he had a fatal drawback. He had showed his weakness to her and that weakness was nothing else than her own body. He had to come to her. He had to touch her. He was drawn to her beauty. And she would it against him. She would soon be prepared to fight against him. Very soon. Just she needed some necessary ingredients and weapons.
