
Cannon Fodder System

A normal girl who loved reading and drawing. She was a nerd with average looks , but one day while crossing the road to go to school,her phone had an update from her favorite novel. While she was distracted on her phone she didn't see the lights change green causing a car accident leading to her death. “Bing System binding” 1%..48%…53%..69%…100% Complete.

Ihartme123 · Urbain
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4 Chs

Vampire Queen Arc 1

Accept YES or YES

Since there was not much choice I picked yes.

" Thank you host for your cooperation. Now host since this is your first Mission I made sure to make it a bit easier for you to complete. Please try not to rely on me too much for help and to do things to the best of your abilities if you need assistance in case of an emergency call for me in your mind if you fail there won't be a penalty but that won't be the case for other missions now excuse me and good luck."

Wow, how helpful and here I thought systems were suppose to help with me every step of the way.

I look around my surrounding and become even more depressed. An abandoned shed with dust everywhere. It was a mess clothes scattered around, broken furniture, closed off windows. The place was not only dirty but also smelled terrible. These are not livable conditions.

From Josephines memories she found this place after she turned into a vampire and hid to try and fight off her thirst for blood. That happened a year ago, The time Josephine herself gets killed by the protagonist is three years from now since Charlotte should still be training with her father Daniel. James should be living his life to the fullest so the two lead haven't met yet.

This gives me plenty of time to figure out how to complete my missions. The main missions avenging Josephines death would be a bit tricky to complete since it was the leads who killed her by thinking Josephine killed her own family by being under the influence of her bloodlust. However that was false since Josephine found her family already dead and was subsequently turned by the culprit.

In the plot it was later reveled that Josephine didn't kill her family and was framed after her death. This was later found out by a pureblood who had an unknown relationship with Josephine during her period of hiding. This fact was told to the female lead Charlotte by the pureblood servent with evidence to prove, Charlotte who later regretted killing Josephine started to question her bias on whether all vampires were truly evil blood thirsty monsters these turn of events open the opportunity for the male lead to comfort Charlotte deepening their bond which eventually led to them being an official couple.

So to speed up the process of the two leads getting together Josephine became a cannon fodder who brutally dies for the plot yikes. There were also many things left mysterious who was the pureblood that revealed the truth about Josephines family? Who were the true culprits of the killing? Did the culprit of the killings get killed? Did the other victims of the killings get closure on their loved ones death?

Those questions weren't answer in the original plot line since the story focused more on Romance than Vampire lore. That was very frustrating since it made my job more difficult when it comes to completing my missions.

The other mission which was to become the Vampire Queen is a different can of worms to open.