
candy and cigarette

How much easier everything would be if he had the courage to kill himself. But he only smiled and hid his sorrows behind his smiles. I love you, Asha! Asha laughed in the midst of crying and raised her gaze to see his face and stared into his eyes and said with a trembling voice: _ After you violated me many times, beat me and ignored and humiliated me... how can you tell such a terrible lie? Didn't you say I'm just a stupid whore? Asha is an orphan boy who goes to work in a big mansion, but due to a misunderstanding, the cruel boss of the mansion forces him into prostitution, but in the end... hi , I'm Dani I hope u enjoy reading my novel. I'll be very happy if you leave your comments I love you, I hope your life will be full of unexpected joys *-*

pinkDana · LGBT+
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2 Chs

smile Asha,it's a new sorrow

He opened the door and entered the large courtyard of the mansion. The guard room was inside the yard and near the door. An old man came out of it. He was wearing the uniform of the guards and came to the boy with a serious and frowning face:

- Are you the new guy?

Asha greeted with respect. Without wanting to answer his greeting, the old man looked at Asha from head to toe with his frown, and seeing his hair, which was a bit long and Asha had tied some of it simply behind her head, old man smiled and nodded his head! He said something under his breath and after a few moments he turned to Asha:

- You live with me! This is a guard room, but there is a small house behind the mansion near the stable, where we are going to live together! Give me your things too, I'll take your things into the house myself, Pietro... I mean Mr. de Morse, he's waiting for you!

Then, without waiting for an answer from Asha, he grabbed the bag and backpack from her hand and went to the room. Asha put a hand on her clothes as he was walking towards the mansion a few moments later, he untied his hair and tied it again. He used to do this when he got nervous , this was his habit!

He was looking at the door with his calm and gentle look, which was a bit nervous now!

He looked at the height of the building and whispered to himself:

_ This building is 4 times bigger than the building of the orphanage where 300 children live!

His eyes stared at the large number of windows and the classical and magnificent architecture of the mansion.

The sleeves of his dress were rolled up and the cold autumn breeze was ruffling her hair. He touched his hair:

_ I wish I could tie all my hair tightly, but I would be so ugly!

He went to the door and rang the bell. After a few moments, a servant in his uniform with short hair opened the door.

Asha had not opened her mouth yet when she faced the girl's frown:

- You can come in ! Mr. de Morse is waiting for you! This way !

Asha, embarrassed , followed her . When he entered the house, he was attracted by the good smell of the space and its pleasant warmth. His eyes were fascinated by decorations, large stone sculptures, beautiful paintings, antique vases and other luxurious home items!

A faint smile appeared on his lips. He followed the servant up the stairs. He whispered to himself:

_ Although it looks expensive, but the house is soulless!

The girl who was a few steps higher quickly turned to Asha:

- Did you say something?

Asha stood on the step and looked at her . The girl glared at him . Asha said with his own innocence and gentleness:

_ No, I didn't say anything!

The girl sighed and started to climb the stairs again . Asha sadly said in her heart, "It's like the outside of the orphanage is no different from the inside! They treat me like this everywhere !."

Upon reaching the back door of a room, Asha stood at a distance from the girl. The girl put a hand on her skirt and straightened it and then knocked on the door.

- Mr. de Morse, I'm Sophia!

A voice came from inside the room:

_ Come in !

Sofia opened the door and entered the room and stood by the door and looked at Asha waiting. Asha also walked towards the door and entered the room.

Sophia said to Mr. de Morse:

- Do you have anything to do with me, sir?

Asha looked around and finally stopped at the man behind the table. He was wearing a very formal suit and was sitting behind a large desk with a lot of papers and folders on it. The table was made of wood, and it was shouting that I am very expensive!

Mr. de Morse was probably around 37 or 38 years old. He raised his serious look and said to Sofia:

- You can go!

Then he looked at Asha. A small frown appeared on his face. Asha thought to himself, " is he looking at my clothes?" . It was true that they were old and out of fashion and even a few sizes larger than his body, but they were clean and these judgmental looks made him sad and embarrassing.

He looked at the floor and fisted his hands.

Mr. de Morse's serious voice was raised:

- Are you the orphan that the manager suggested?

Asha looked at him for a moment. Mr. de Morse's serious look was on him.

_ Yes; Sir!

_ what is your name?

_ Asha Lamani!

_ How old are you?

- I'm 19!

Mr. de Mores puts his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together, and as he stared at Asha with his cold gaze, he said:

- No laziness is accepted here! We do not have a nosy or informant! Don't interfere with other people's work and just keep your head in your work and do your job right to earn your money! And because the Lord is very sensitive about certain things, you should be careful with your behavior! For example, he doesn't like it at all when you secretly take something from the house or have an unacceptable relationship with other servants and that...

Asha sensed the weight of humiliation. His face had a slight frown on it. Although he was an orphan and had no money, he had never even contemplated stealing. Although he lived in an orphanage and had no family, he was not a deviant or anything like that!

He was used to being humiliated in the orphanage. He thought to himself, I just have to bear it for now, I can later show them with my good behavior that they were judging me wrongly !

There was a sad smile on his lips. As Mr. de Morse finished his words, Asha raised her head while trying to hide her discomfort and said to Mr. de Morse in a calm tone:

- I got it Mr. de Morse!

Mr. de Morse nodded and said as he gestured to the door with his hand:

- You can leave now! I'll call you to come read and sign it when I schedule the appointment.

Asha said yes under her breath and then hurried towards the door. He returned to the path he had prepared and went to the yard. Whenever he was nervous or excited, his hands and feet would freeze and become numb. He moved towards the guard room. When should he start his work? Who would show him the mansion ? He stood in the middle of the pavement for a moment and looked around. On both sides of the pavement were trimmed grasses, one side was a garden and another side was a very large and luxurious glass greenhouse, and a swimming pool that could be seen from afar and...

He lowered his head and walked towards the guard room again. 'Why is this place so big? ' When he reached the room, he slowly pushed it. Seeing the old man looking through his bag and belongings, he felt surprised and disbelief. Asha said with panic and a nervousness voice :

- Sir, can you tell me what you are doing?

The old man looked at him indifferently and then said:

- Every person who enters must be scrutinized. The lord is sensitive about this and it is forbidden to bring certain things to the mansion. Likewise, you'll double-check when you leave here!

Asha sadly took the bag from him. He exhaled and rested his hand on his eyes for a brief moment. The old man continued:

- Don't worry, I haven't found anything yet!

Asha looked at the backpack and picked it up, saying to the old man:

- Can you show me where I am going to stay and where I work? I think I'm going to be in charge of the horses ?!

The old man who was sitting in front of several monitors looked at him impatiently and said:

- I can't do it right now, I can't leave here now! You have to wait until sunset or until the master arrives! It's better not to go out at night Because they open the dogs' collars at night and they don't show mercy to any stranger!

Asha leaned against the wall in the corner of the room and sat down and hugged his legs and put the backpack in front of his .

He took out a small bottle from his bag; It was full of colorful candies! He put one of them in his mouth and took out his diary and arranged the messy hair that fell on his forehead. He took out his simple pen and started taking notes. He felt the weight of the old man's gaze. He looked from the notebook to him for a moment. He was looking at Asha's shoes with a clear smile.

Embarrassed, Asha folded her legs more and began to greedily chew the candy that he had been sucking and moving in her mouth for a while. He closed his notebook and put it back in his bag. He wanted to protest when the guard almost jumped when he saw a car on the monitor, which was related to the cameras in front of the courtyard.

hi :)

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