
Enter The Year 2110

It's the year 2110, the world is still not a better place.

But one thing has quite changed, 70% of the humans living in the earth are Females and the rest 30% of them are just Males. This was due to the Feminist extremists who struggled through there way to to gain permenent status of Females in the world. These female extremists did that so - but they never meant to let the things go fully into the support of the females. This lead the fall of an era and a start of an new, in which the the Females were Superior to any other being in the Earth.

Husband took the jobs of their wife's and the wife took the job of their husband's. The term "House Wife" changed to "House Husband" and if the males would have any job it was worthless. Males have no social respect in this era, they are the one's who are now raped, assaulted and etc.

Whenever a male child was born in a family, mostly they were killed by poisoning or by burying alive, but if a girl was born she was treated very nice as a precious thing.

But no one knows that its all gonna change with the birth of an child.


Mrs. Wilson, an popular actresses and a strong Feminist, was expecting a Baby.

"Wilson, I think we should get those Pills the docter prescribed me, she said that it would help our baby to choose the right gender!" Said Mrs. Wilson. "But didn't you heard that they are worthless, that was the reason why we didn't buy them in the first place." Said Mr. Wilson. "No they aren't, these are just rumors spread by those nasty males out there, who don't want us to give good off-spring and after all Julia had already tested them and they worked!" Said Mrs. Wilson. "It's just the matter of luck, Christine." Said Mr Wilson. "You know nothing Wilson, and after all you have just studied till the High School, if you'll not go with me, I'll go alone." Said Mrs. Wilson and leaves the room.

After a year, it was finally time for the delievery of baby. It was on the every news channel, after all Mrs. Wilson was a famous actress.

When Mrs. Wilson returned to consciousness, she asked the nurse "Where is my Baby girl, is she pretty like me?". The nurse replied "It's a Baby Boy.". After hearing this Mrs. Wilson was in a shock, she can't believe it, first she thought that her husband was right about the pills, but she changed her mind and blamed her husband for it.

Mr. Wilson entered the room, while holding the Baby Boy in his hands, to see his wife. He said "It's fine Christine, we should be thankful for what the God gifted us.". "Are you crazy? What are people gonna think, a strong Feminist just turned her back to it....we are gonna dump this monster to an foster home!" Shouted Mrs. Wilson. "But Chri...." said Mr. Wilson and got interrupted by his wife, "Wilson please, I don't want to talk on this matter any more.".

The very next day, the couple along with their child visited a lot of foster homes, but non of them were accepting male children. "What will we do now?" Asked Mr. Wilson. "I think we have no other choice to rather dump him in the trash." Said Mrs. Wilson. "But what would you tell to the new reporters and the social media?" Asked Mr. Wilson. "We will tell them that we have left him in a foster home, now go, put him in the trash." Said Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Wilson then gets out off the car and goes into an alley nearby and puts the little infant in the trash, "Sorry son, but I have to do this, I will be back for you tomorrow, I promise." Says Mr. Wilson and gets back in the car.

The little infant starts to cry, as hard as he can, calling his parent to give him a hug, for his mother's love and care, but in this cruel world he can't get that. Fortunately a Women had been crossing the alley, when she hears the little infant crying. She goes in the alley, to find the infant lying on the trash. "How cruel the world has become!" She says to her self and picks the baby up in her hands and says "Shh, it's okay I am here.". The baby starts to fell comfort in her hand and stops crying. The woman was a 24-year-old human rights activist who was the only one, who was working for both Male's and Female's rights, her name was Gwen. She decides to take the baby to her home and grow him up as her own child.