
Below the belt !!!

Scarlett's lips curled in a smile as she saw Akira's face fall.

She took a step ahead and came close to her and said.

"So go ahead, Miss Akira and flirt around the whole day with my man, because eventually in the night he has to come back to me. I am his nest Akira. I am his home. A home where we will start our family together. Do you think you can sway him away and turn him away from me and my child? Think hard Akira, because deep down even you know you can't. So be my guest whenever you please, but I will always be there to make sure that you don't overstay my welcome", Scarlett said and moved back to her car.

Akira stood there all dumbstruck.

Scarlett's words echoed in her mind like the words of eternal truth.

She felt like the ground beneath her was moving.

She felt her entire world was crumbling apart.