
can the LoVe be Forced

"Love" -........ This is a word that builds the world and also destroys it. What will happen to me... As a time traveler from the 21st century will I be able to rule the world, will I be able to find the right person to love, or will I get betrayed once again? However, I once again lost to this single word "love" once again I fell for someone, is he worthy, wait the world could kill me... I have to grow stronger, more and more. Don't have much time... But I am confused, should I choose my love or should I destroy my enemy? Whereas, after a long war against my enemies. I finally had the time to become his, his only Princess. But why...... Why did he betray me after going through all of this together why..? Why it was he who stabbed my back?

Black_Unicorn_330 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
37 Chs

Who is the real attacker -3

Episode -9

Zao Rao: Mr. Prime Minister thanks for your worries about me and your daughter, but you needn't worry, my Palace is secure enough for your daughter to stay safe. I have already tightened up the security.

The Emperor was silent for the whole time, then he suddenly stomped his foot to the ground. Zao Rao and Prime Minister both bowed down to the Emperor and asked for his forgiveness.

Emperor: stop your meaningless arguing and tell me about what you got from those captives.

Third Prince: what's there to ask father did not you notice those killers wearing white pendants covered by red ink, and we all know whose family has this tradition of wearing this type of pendant in the capital, ....

Suddenly the entire hall went silent, from every minister to every guards everyone got completely quiet. Everyone looked toward the Prime Minister while he stood still with a dark face.

Prime Minister: what are you implying your Highness, if I am not wrong my family is the only one in this whole capital who has a tradition of wearing pendants as we believe that it brings good fortune to us. Are you trying to say it was me who sent these killers to attack the Crown Princess, someone who I didn't even know yesterday! And please enlighten me on what will I get for killing her.