
Chapter twenty two

"Oh look! That's the girl with super aim who won half of our toys the other day"A man in said to his fellow co-worker while he pointed at none other than Kara DanversThey both were wearing same clothes, red shirt with white stripes, black pants and carnival hat. Lena remembered them, the other day when they were in london, there was a shooting gallery in park, Lena pointed at big golden retriever dog toy which was the main prize of the game, she looked at the toy in awe and murmured quietly "he looks lonely there" Kara whipped her head in the toys direction and then looked at Lena, she smirked and laughed "want I'll win it for ya?" But of course Kara being Kara didnt listen to Lenas protest and went straight to the gallery. There were two men in little booth, when Danvers came and gave him the money, one of them looked her from up to down and laughed a little, then realizing that former reporter wasn't joking he tilted his head, sighed and gave her gun. When the woman loses he thought She would ask for more plays out of rage and ill earn quite money plus keep all my toys. Long story short, The former CEO enjoyed watching the mans funny and confused reaction when Kara gave proud Lena ten toys including the golden retriever puppy toy.

"Super? Nothing about me is super! Haha that's ridiculous" Kara fidgeted with her hands"My aim is as good as any of you humans" Danvers shut her eyes "I-I meant as any of my people, cuz I'm a human, yes! Totally! I was born here" she chuckled nervously. Two men were watching her confused. Lena mentally slapped herself and murmured quietly well aware that only super would hear

"...oh my, how did you manage to hide your identity past years?" She clapped her hands "and how did I not notice that?" _____________________________________________"Don't you dare!" Kara screamed

"Oh try me" Lena snapped

"You won't"

"Oh but I will" Lena threw green substance in her direction. Danvers fell on the floor in agony screaming. She put her hands near her heart, looking at Lena in pure betrayed face. And spitted the ice-cream out

"It should be illegal to sell Kale ice-creams! I didn't even know they existed"Lena waved her hand down

"Hey dont be a drama queen! I just made u eat one Kale ice-cream you are not dead" she held out her hand in her direction. Kara shut her eyes and furrowed her brows, her iconic crinkle showing up

"It's worse than death" her eyes were still shut

"Oh cmon it doesn't taste that bad"

"My boot tastes better than this"

Lena chuckled and wiped remained white ice-cream from her face

"You started it and you were asking for it"

Soon Lena saw white ice-cream flying towards her face yet again. And it splashed all over her jacket. Kara laughed and rolled on the ground. Luthors eyes widened and she stood frozen for seconds, then she snapped back and took another Kale ice-cream looking at Kara threateningly. Kara stopped laughing and gulped

"You won't d-" but she got cut off by green ice-cream in her mouth. She wiped her face angrily and took her vanilla out

"Oh this means war Ms Luthor" _____________________________________________"Don't tell me you're still afraid to go up there" Kara laughed at pouty Lena sitting on her lap.

After they finished their "Ice-cream war" they went to bathroom to clean their faces full of food. Then they went in the cafe, which seemed cozy, and sat down on couch. Lena ordered Irish coffee with no sugar, and Kara ordered macchiato with extra foam. Luthor and Danvers laughed and talked about everything. It was like good old times. They talked about work, movies, dates, favorite otps, music. Literally everything they've been missing to tell each other past 6 months. Lena felt jiggly and nervous, she looked into supers blue eyes, sometimes not taking attention on their talk, she would just look into her eyes and get lost in them for what felt like centuries. Kara didn't notice of course, once oblivious, always oblivious. But she noticed changes in her, like she looked at Lena more, she adored that little laugh Luthor made after some stupid joke she would make, she loved her Irish accent which In past Lena tried hard to bury down and never used it, but with Kara around Lena got so lost into the baby blue eyes and their conversations and excitement that her accent kind of spilled itself. But Danvers loved it. They remembered the old times and finally everything started to click into places. Kara wished it didnt take that long but what happened happened, she couldnt change the past. The only thing she could do was clinge to Lena and never let her go ever again. After some time they left the cafe and walked through the city. It was chilly so when they sat Kara playfully picked up Lena and placed her in her lap. The Luthor thanked god that it was night so her blush wasn't as visible. If Anyone passed by they would think Kara had a tomato in her lap. Then as they sat there unmoving and enjoyed each other's company, Kara looked at the Londons eye further away. She looked at Lena and asked

"Hey wanna go on top? We never got to sit there today" Lena looked at the eye and then back at Kara. She shifted awkwardly

"Oh no don't tell me you're still afraid to go there" Kara laughed

Of course she was still afraid but didn't show it. Luthors don't show fear. Lena punched Kara on the arm lightly

"No I'm not!" She pouted

"Then prove it Luthor" in other situations Lena would cringe at the last name. But hearing Kara say that so sweetly and smoothly made her heart fluff and stomach jiggle. The former CEO pressed hands on her eyes totally not afraid

"Hey I got you" Kara smiled "I got you no matter what. But if you don't wanna go then I totally understand"

Lena didnt need to open her eyes to know that Kara was pouting. She sighed and looked at the eye

"Okay let's go" _____________________________________________

Kara didn't pay the worker to stop the eye on top. And made sure that their cabin was empty. She totally did not! She would never do that...okay maybe she did ...she wasn't regretting itKara gave her huge smile, and hugged Lena. They looked at the beautiful view in front of them. Lena looked at the city, while Kara looked at Luthor, she quickly sneaked glances at her and adored her. Adored her hair, her eyes, her to-die for jawline. Then she heard her mutter

"I know you paid the worker to stop us here" Kara stiffened and froze "I was planning on murdering you in your sleep" Her eyes widened "...but this is beautiful. You saved yourself this time" Kara put her hands in air and sighed from relief

"Well I'm glad to hear that" she chuckled